Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 674

Chapter 674

Chapter 674

Chapter 674

After sending away Qin Tianqiang, Chen Fei immediately called Uncle Long and talked about things here.

After listening to Wei Jinlong, he understood the methods of Linglong and Chen Fei, but he was also full of confidence. After all, his Wei Jinlong had been in Longan for so many years, but he was not in vain.

Only a few months after Xu Gang entered Longan, he wanted to challenge his position directly, but it was not that easy.

Chen Fei did not intervene more in the matter of the Longteng Group. In these few days, he stayed with Lin Qiuhan in the villa.

Usually, quietly cultivate some. Sometimes, accompanied his wife to go out to meet Lin Qiuhan's former acquaintance, and his wife to pursue the memories.

After a few days of leisurely and relaxed life, Lin Qiuhan's emotions gradually came out of the trough, the whole person regained his spirit, his face turned red, and a faint smile also appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing his wife's mood improving, Chen Fei also relaxed.

However, Uncle Long these days is not so easy.

After reorganizing the team, he waged a decisive battle with Xu Gang.

Originally, Wei Jinlong had the confidence to win and was ready to completely defeat Xu Gang's people within three days. But after the war, Wei Jinlong discovered that Xu Gang's strength was much stronger than he thought.

It's not how big Xu Gang's territory is, how many people are there. After all, this is Long'an City, which is Uncle Long's nest.

Under the attack of Wei Jinlong, the sites occupied by Xu Gang and the people who bought them with money were retreated, and they were quickly recovered by Uncle Long.

But the most critical Xu Gang's base camp, Uncle Long has been unable to capture. After several unsuccessful attacks, Xu Gang's people even counterattacked a wave, causing a lot of damage.

As a result, the war that was originally planned to end in three days, now became a tug of war.

Wei Jinlong continued to make fierce offensive against Xu Gang by virtue of local advantages. But every time when he finally captured the opponent's base camp, he received a strong counterattack and was directly repelled, causing a lot of damage.

The reason is that Xu Gang has many masters. Similar to the last few yellow-level martial artists who helped Fang Yong against Wei Jinlong, this time they added seven or eight more.

Although the Longteng Group has the uncle Long, the master of the yellow peak, the strength of the rest of the people is worse. The four strongest kings have only the mid-level strength of the yellow


Therefore, every time when attacking the base camp, in the face of Xu Gang's seven or eight yellow- level late thugs, Uncle Long often suffered heavy losses and could not be captured at all.

After several final attacks, Uncle Long's own team lost a lot.

In this case, Uncle Long did not expect it before. He met Chen Fei and told Chen Fei about the situation.

After Chen Fei heard this, he felt a little worried for Uncle Long. However, in the end, no help was given.

After all, I promised Qin Tianqiang that I would not easily intervene in this struggle. Moreover, the other party did not attract any warriors above the yellow level, so it was considered to be acting within the rules.

Although there was no direct shot, Chen Fei also gave Uncle Long some ideas.

Since the strong attack is not possible now, then give up the strong attack and directly grind slowly with the other party. After all, Uncle Long, the site and the horses are the upper hand, and Xu Shao is not a local. After a long time, it is inevitable that there will be irritability and flaws.

On the other hand, Chen Fei also helped to prepare some prescriptions for the four kings of Uncle Long. They helped them recover their injuries, and second, helped them improve their strength.

Although Uncle Long encountered some difficulties, Chen Fei was not very worried. After all, Uncle

Long's situation is now dominant. Moreover, in the face of this difficult situation, it is also a kind of grind to the people under Uncle Long.

The struggle continued, and Chen Fei's life continued.

On this day, Chen Fei had to go out with Lin Qiuhan, but when he went out, Chen Fei received a special call.

The special phone call is because the person calling is Sun Yi and Sun Lao.

Sun Lao is the dean of the Provincial Conservatory of Music and one of the judges for the last National Day Art Performance. At the time at the show, Sun Laoli stood out from the crowd, firmly supported Zhang Qiuyue, and finally invited Zhang Qiuyue to join the Provincial Conservatory of Music.

This time, Sun Lao personally came to Long'an City and said that he had something to ask Chen Fei for help.

Facing the request of Sun Lao, Chen Fei will not refuse, and after speaking with his wife, he immediately went out.

I saw Sun Yi and Sun Lao in a cafe near Long'an University. Opposite Sun Lao, Zhang Qiuyue also sat there, which surprised Chen Fei.

After sitting down and chatting for a while, Chen Fei realized that Sun Lao came to Longan this time for Zhang Qiuyue to join the Provincial Conservatory.

After mentioning related matters in the provincial capital last time, Zhang Qiuyue returned to Long'an

University and never made up his mind. This made Xi Cai, an old man in great anxiety, simply rushed to Long'an City, found Zhang Qiuyue, and persuaded her to join the Provincial Conservatory of Music and become her own student.

When I called Chen Fei this time, I naturally asked Chen Fei to persuade Zhang Qiuyue.

After learning about this, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel moved by Sun Lao's sincerity and pity. Immediately asked Zhang Qiuyue's ideas, let her carefully consider.

Zhang Qiuyue promised to make up his mind as soon as possible, and things finally got some eyebrows.

Later, Sun Lao asked Chen Fei again that his student Lin Bai was coming to Long'an for a concert, but he was not very familiar with the situation here, so he wanted to ask Chen Fei to contact the relevant personnel.

Lin Bai is a student of Sun Lao. After graduating from the Provincial Conservatory of Music, he participated in a TV show and won the third place. Then he gradually became popular. Known as the little prince of love songs, he has developed well in the music scene and is now considered a second- tier singer.

Lin Bai's coming to Long'an for a concert still has a good attraction. In addition, he is a student of Sun Lao. This busy, Chen Fei must help.

So, Chen Fei immediately contacted Fatty Huang's dad and talked about it.

Huang Fatzi's family is engaged in the entertainment and media industry. This kind of thing for star

concerts is considered familiar. He soon contacted Lin Bai and began to organize and arrange related matters.

Afterwards, Chen Fei said goodbye to Sun Lao and Zhang Qiuyue, preparing to get up and go home.

But when Chen Fei just walked out of the cafe, a phone call came, and Chen Fei looked at the telegram, it was his wife Lin Qiuhan, and immediately smiled and connected the phone, "Hey, wife. I just came out for a while, you think I'm relieved. Rest assured, I'll be back soon. "


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