Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 675

Chapter 675

Chapter 675

Chapter 675

However, after Chen Fei finished speaking, there was a voice of a middle-aged man over the phone, "Are you Mr. Chen Fei Chen?"

Hearing this strange male voice, Chen Fei tightened suddenly, the smile on his face converged Get up, "I'm Chen Fei, who are you? Why is my wife's cell phone in your hands? Where is she? What happened?"

Chen Fei was like a cannon, and there were multiple questions at once.

The male voice over the phone said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry. We are from the Hexi Street police station. My name is Hu Kang and I am responsible for the security management of Hexi Street."

"Police?" Chen Fei surprised, "How could my wife be At the police station, what happened? "

Hu Kang said across the road:" Mr. Chen, this is the case. Miss Lin Qiuhan was just here on our Hexi Street shopping mall and was attacked by a scoundrel. We brought it back. "

" What, my wife was attacked? How is she now? Who was attacked? I— "Chen Fei became nervous.

Hu Kang hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry. Miss Lin has not been hurt. We have already arrested the suspect in the attack. We are now in our office." He was

okay when he heard that his wife was okay. Sighing, but still full of doubts, he asked: "What the hell is going on?"

"The specific situation is still pending. Can you come over, Mr. Chen, our address is" Hu Kangdao.

Chen Fei took note of the address and said, "Okay, I'll come over right away."

Hang up the phone, Chen Fei drove, and then drove away as usual.

Entering the police station, Chen Fei instantly saw Lin Qiuhan sitting on the sofa, holding a cup of hot tea.

Lin Qiuhan at the moment, his face was pale, his hair was a little messy, and the whole person's expression was a bit dull, apparently frightened.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei hurried over, "Qiu Han, wife, are you okay!"

Next, a policeman in his thirties also came over and looked at Chen Fei, saying: "You are Chen Fei Chen Sir, this is Hu Kang. "

" I'm Chen Fei. "Chen Fei nodded and immediately grabbed Lin Qiuhan's wrist to start the pulse for Lin Qiuhan.

After taking the pulse, Chen Fei was relieved. Lin Qiuhan's body is not a big problem, just a little too surprised and a little empty.

Immediately, Chen Fei immediately grabbed Lin Qiuhan's jade hand, secretly operated the true breath, and entered his wife's body.

After a while, Lin Qiuhan's complexion improved obviously, his face became a bit ruddy, and his eyes became

refreshed , looking at Chen Feidao : "You, you are here." Chen Fei held Lin Qiuhan's hand tightly He put Lin Qiuhan in his arms and comforted him: "Wife, I'm here, it's okay, everything is okay."

Lin Qiuhan was appeased. After a few minutes, Lin Qiuhan looked much better. Immediately, Hu Kang and Chen Fei asked Lin Qiuhan about the situation at that time.

Just a few hours ago, Lin Qiuhan drove to Hexi Street to meet her former classmates. She parked the car on the roadside and went to the roadside mall to meet her classmates.

The two chatted for more than an hour, Lin Qiuhan said goodbye to his classmates, and then came down to drive home.

After she came down, she found that her Mercedes-Benz car was smashed by someone. All the window glass was smashed.

The doors and bonnets were all dents, and the entire car was almost completely scrapped.

Lin Qiuhan was shocked and angry at the time, and was ready to call the police. As a result, just when she took out her mobile phone, the four gangsters suddenly rushed out carrying the steel pipe, and they had to start with Lin Qiuhan.

Fortunately, Lin Qiuhan was alert, ran directly into the mall, and called out the security guard at the same time.

In the end, the four gangsters were stopped by the security guards and passers-by in the mall. Then the police came and brought all the four bastards and Lin Qiuhan back to the police station.

According to passers-by, the four gangsters were fierce and smashed Lin Qiuhan with steel pipes. Recently, only more than ten centimeters was about to hit Lin Qiuhan's head.

It was really such a dangerous situation that scared Lin Qiuhan, and the whole person was too dumb to speak. So this is the scene where Hu Kang used Lin Qiuhan's cell phone to call Chen Fei just now.

After listening to Lin Qiuhan ’s story, Chen Fei's eyes were scarlet, and with angry fire in his eyes, he said sharply to Hu Kang: "Where are those four lumps?"

"Inside!" Hu Kang Ran casually, but immediately saw Chen Fei's scarlet eyes, and immediately reminded, "Don't mess up, this is the police station, we will deal with it in accordance with the law, so that they can be punished."

Lin Qiuhan was also holding angry Chen Fei, Chen Fei sat down with anger and asked Hu Kang: "Did they confess? Why should I start with my wife?"

Hu Kang shook his head helplessly and said, "The four are old fritters, This time it is already in the third palace. In the face of our interrogation, we said nothing. "

" What! "Chen Fei's eyes almost burst into flames, and a strong momentum spread from his body.

Feeling Chen Fei's anger and momentum, Hu Kang quickly said: "Don't be impulsive, don't do stupid things. We will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter."

Chen Fei looked at Hu for a while . Kang, said: "Sergeant Hu, can you review the four people again? I want to listen to them."

" This-- " Hu Kang hesitated, then nodded, and said, "You can listen, but thousand. Do n’t be impulsive! "

Chen Fei nodded and said, "Relax, I control myself."

Then, Hu Kang took Chen Fei into the interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, four long-haired, twenty-five-six-year-olds were all tortured and sat on a chair at the moment, but they were all crooked and looked very loose.

"Sit all!" Hu Kang snorted with cold eyes.

However, these four people didn't care about their faces. Diao Erlang looked at Hu Kang, but instead laughed.

"Sergeant Hu, didn't you just try it? Why did you come again?"

"We all said that this matter is a misunderstanding. We accidentally smashed the car."

"Yes, we are willing to lose money ." You do n’t want to embarrass us, Officer Hu. "The

four people's sleek tongue suddenly made Chen Fei's eyes cold.

Hu Kang immediately shouted, "Shut up, I will warn you again, this is the police station, all things are recruited truthfully."

"I ask you again, why the four of you, Ms. Lin Qiuhan Lin's Why do you want to chase Ms. Lin? "The

four of them look like old fritters." Police Officer Hu, you are not annoying. We are all annoyed. Didn't I say everything is a misunderstanding? "


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