Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 709

Chapter 709

Chapter 709

Chapter 709

When the three owners saw Jiangchuan coming, they couldn't help but look a little unsightly.

The head of the Dai family said a little displeasedly: "Mr. Jiang, you are finally here."

Jiang Chuan heard the words, looked at the head of the Dai family with an unwilling attitude, and casually said: "I slept, so I was a little late ""

Wen Yan said, the three owners looked even more gloomy.

Fortunately, they are the three giants of the business community in Longjiang City. So seriously they met him with a junior in Jiangchuan, and they emphasized the extraordinary status of Chen Fei.

But the other party still didn't seem to take this matter seriously. Such an important meeting could overslept.

President An sullenly pointed at Chen Fei in the main seat and said, "Mr. Jiang, this is Mr. Chen of the Autumn Group, Mr. Chen of Longjiang City."

Jiang Chuan glanced at Chen Fei, There was no greeting at all, just "Oh" responded, and then walked into the house with a big swing, handed the cane to the attendant next to him, and then sat on the sofa with a buttocks, then lifted Erlang's legs.

Seeing this, the faces of several homeowners were almost somber as to drip water.

President Qian endured his anger and said, "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Chen has been waiting for you for a long time."

Jiang Chuan heard the words, waved at Chen Fei, and said casually, "Waiting for a long time."

Such an attitude, Can not help but make the three heads of families angry and worried. They clearly knew that Chen Fei was not a good-tempered master, and if he really angered him, it would not be impossible to kill this guy directly at the scene.

Suddenly, the three looked at Chen Fei. At the moment, Chen Fei looked like a river, looking at the river without a word.

Such a situation can't help but make the three people even more giggled.

At this time, on the side of Jiang Chuan, a middle-aged man in his 40s or 50s stood up, with a smile on his face, apologizing: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Dai, Mr. An, Mr. Qian, sorry, we Mr. Jiang Yesterday I felt cold, so I slept today, it is

really— " Wen Yan, the three heads of the family looked slightly better.

Because the person who spoke was Hu Hai, the second best player of Jianghuhai Branch. He was originally from the city of Longjiang, so he knew a lot about the identity of Chen Fei and the three heads of the family. At this moment, a polite apology can be regarded as a round.

However, waiting for him to finish saying, tilted his legs in Jiangchuan directly turned over, facing the Hai Hu Li He said: "? I asked you who you speak to your right, let me apologize to you on behalf of the"

Hu Hai looking for a stiff, An ugly explanation: "President Jiang, Mr. Chen and Mr. Dai, they are big names in our Longjiang city, I--"

Jiang Chuan waved his hand again, interrupting Hu Hai, and said dismissively: "What big person, I didn't I heard it. "As a result

, Hu Hai didn't dare to speak, and could only retreat behind him, saying nothing.

The faces of the three heads of the family were completely gloomy. Jiang Chuan's attitude didn't take them seriously. Suddenly, the anger of the three people is about to break out.

However, at this time Chen Fei waved his hand and stopped the three, then looked at Jiang Chuan and said, "Since Jiang is here, I won't say much more, I will talk about things directly."

"Also, you say it, I listen "Look!" President Jiang tilted Erlang's legs, and even touched his cell phone, playing with it, it didn't mean to listen at all.

Chen Fei looked slightly condensed and did n’t say much, saying: “As for the content of the talks, I think President Jiang should also be clear. We have a shortage of Alstom antibiotics in various medical units in Longjiang City. The only import channel, I hope Jiang always lowers the price of Alstom antibiotics. "

Jiang Chuan lowered his mobile phone and said: "Price reduction! Why should we lower the price?"

Chen Fei Shen said: "Because that antibiotic is related to the health of millions of Longjiang citizens, I hope that President Jiang will consider the overall situation , Lower prices and save everyone's lives. "

Dai President they also added at the moment.

"As long as Jianghuhai Branch is willing to lower prices, several of our companies, in all aspects of cooperation, will also open the door to Jianghuhai Company."

Chen Fei said in person, plus the three owners personally promised benefits, this is definitely Longjiang ’s business community has the highest standard attitude.

But Jiangchuan heard this, they sneer, put down the phone, said: "Longjiang City citizen's life and health, and I have to do?"

"Be as you say, the more the drug shortage, we do business, the more The price increase should be right, this is the businessmen's approach. "

" As for the cooperation of the three of you, I'm sorry. Our Jianghuhai company has always cooperated with the top 500 companies in overseas. Your three companies, I also I have never heard it. "

Such an arrogant attitude and disdainful words suddenly caused the cheeks of the three heads of the family to swell with anger, and even Chen Fei's expression at the moment was obviously darkened.

Chen Fei stood up, looked at Jiangchuan, and said coldly: "I asked one last time, Jianghuhai Company, really don't want to lower the price?"

Jiangchuan heard that, and at the moment also snorted, stood up from the seat, looked towards Chen Fei said: "I don't like your tone, are you threatening me?"

"And the man who threatens me Jiangchuan, I will never let him eat good fruit."

"I decided that from tomorrow, Als The price of Tongbi antibiotics in Longjiang City will not only not be reduced but also doubled. "

" Jiangchuan, how dare you do-- "

"This behavior you know how many people want to kill you?"

"Jiangchuan, you really do not consider the development of inland rivers and lakes of your company in the sea?"

Three master of the house snapped and drank.

But Jiangchuan did not mean to compromise at all, but on the contrary, he was proud and had a very proud expression.

The three heads of the family still wanted to say something. At this time, Chen Fei said coldly, "Since President Jiang is unwilling to lower the price, then we have nothing to talk about, please go back."

Chen Fei made a hurried remark.

Jiang Chuan heard the words, but instead sat down, not going to leave, "Several invite me over, just entertain me like this, without giving me a sip of water?"

"I let you go, didn't you hear?" Chen Fei stared at Jiangchuan and shouted.

Jiang Chuan's face changed and said, "Dare you scold me, I--"

However, Chen Fei's right palm shot directly into the sky before he could finish speaking.

Immediately, next to Jiang Chuan, the exquisite walking stick placed next to the table and chairs clicked directly and burst from the middle.

"You hand me, come here, give me—" Jiang Chuan was startled by the bursting sound, and then he looked cold and his face was full of anger, and he would call someone to wave.

Seeing this, Hu Hai behind him couldn't help but change his face. He rushed over and persuaded and said: "Jiang Jiang, you can't do it, don't do it!"


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