Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 710

Chapter 710

Chapter 710

Chapter 710

"Why can't you do it?" Jiang Chuan looked at Hu Hai who was standing in front of him, and his face was full of displeasure. "Hu Hai, you must remember that you are a person of

Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical." Hu Hai explained with a worried face . : "Mr. Jiang, no. Mr. Chen, he is a master of martial arts. You will not be good for Mr. Chen."

"Master of martial arts?" Jiang Chuan was a little surprised. He glanced at Chen Fei but sneered. Road, "What about martial art masters? Sounds terrible, in fact, it's just a thug."

Jiang Chuan waved his hand and started calling his bodyguard. "Come in and teach me a lesson."

Hu Hai Although he did not understand Chen Fei's specific strength, he was after all from the city of Longjiang. He knew Chen Fei's power and was very anxious at the moment, trying to persuade Jiang Chuan.

"Hu Hai, shut up for me immediately. Our Jiang family asked you to come here to do things for us, not to speak for others, if you don't want to do it, you can get away!" But Jiang Chuan shouted directly, blocking his Discourse.

Hu Hai didn't dare to speak, he could only take a few steps back and hid in the corner.

At this time, the bodyguard called by Jiang Chuan had already come to Chen Fei.

Those were four burly brawny men, two of whom were blond foreigners. They were exceptionally tall,

almost two meters away.

When the bodyguard came, Jiang Chuan's expression became proud, and he sat back on the sofa, looked at Chen Fei, and said proudly: "This is the boxing master I brought in from the black boxing ground of Mi Guo."

"You know, underground black boxing games, not those performances nature of the fight, but the real deal glass slide game. boxing games out of the black people there, all the absolute power to send, began to fight, full of goods to life. "

proud to show off After finishing, Jiang Chuan pointed at Chen Fei and shouted at his four bodyguards: "Teach me a meal."

The four burly bodyguards immediately clenched their fists and surrounded Chen Fei from both sides. As they walked, their muscles tightened slightly, maintaining a state of being able to exert force at any time.

Obviously, the actual combat capabilities of these bodyguards are indeed impressive.

However, at the moment of Chen Fei, looking indifferent, did not see the four bodyguards, but look to sit on the couch Jiangchuan, the channel: "! I gave you the opportunity to let you roll the"

"dare arrogant . Hit me, hit hard! "Jiang Chuan screamed sharply in a rage in his eyes.

Suddenly, the four bodyguards moved, and their huge fists slammed towards Chen Fei.

Especially the two strong foreign bodyguards, their fists are full of strength, with the sound of the wind, the speed is very fast, almost blinking kung fu, just before the door.

Seeing that Chen Fei was about to be hit, Jiang Chuan's mouth was raised obliquely, revealing a wicked smile, and his right hand was placed on the armrest, tapping gently, and he looked like a good show.

But at this critical moment, Chen Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately burst into a rage, "Go away!" At the

moment, the sound wave seemed to roll thunder and burst out. As if an invisible strong wind spread around Chen Fei, the ferocious impact came out and hit the bodyguard.

The four bodyguards suddenly felt their chests smashed by a heavy hammer, and their sturdy body flew directly four or five meters away, and then hit the ground with a click.

Jiang Chuan, who was originally proud of the good drama, was completely taken aback by this roar, and almost did not jump directly from the seat.

When he saw that his bodyguard had been screamed by Chen Fei, he was shocked.

However, before he recovered, Chen Fei's figure flashed directly in front of him. Big hands reached out, strangled Jiang Chuan's neck, and lifted him up.

Jiang Chuan suddenly felt a sense of suffocation, his face swelled rapidly, and he struggled with his hands and feet.

However, in the hands of Chen Fei, his struggle has no effect at all.

Feeling that the air in my body has been reduced a little, breathing has been a little difficult. Jiang Chuan couldn't help but be surprised, and wanted to ask Hu Hai and the bodyguard for help, "Save, save me--"

But the four bodyguards lay on the ground, only with humming strength, they couldn't stand up at all. Hu Hai was frightened, how dare to move.

Jiangchuan at this moment, truly felt the approach of death. At this moment, he was really scared.

Just when Jiang Chuan felt that he was about to suffocate and die, Chen Fei slammed his right arm and threw Jiang Chuan out, hitting the ground with a click, almost not shaking his internal organs from his mouth.

"Go!" Then, Chen Fei roared loudly, kicking the four bodyguards with a few feet.

Jiang Chuan and his party dared to stay at this moment, and they walked away.

In the conference room, the three homeowners looked at Chen Fei with a gloomy face, and he was a little nervous, and said carefully: "Mr. Chen, what should we do

now- " Chen Fei was silent for a while, and said: "Contact relevant people in and outside the province A doctor gathered together to develop alternative medicine. " novelbin

" Yes! "The three heads of family immediately began to act.

Chen Fei sat back on the sofa, looking serious.

Although he did not have much hope for this negotiation at the beginning, he did not expect that Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical had such a bad attitude, and he did not take the health of the people of Longjiang City seriously.

After the breakdown of this negotiation, there is only one way left to develop alternative medicine. Chen Fei must gather all strengths to develop alternative medicines as soon as possible.

Of course, if after a lot of effort, it is still not possible to successfully develop alternative drugs in a short period of time, and the situation in Longjiang City is getting worse. At that time, Chen Fei did not rule out the use of violent means and directly obtained the Alstom antibiotic from Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical Company.

Of course, until the last moment, Chen Fei does not want to use this method. After all, once this is done, it is highly likely that the relationship will deteriorate completely.

Once the relationship broke down, although Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical was in Xiangjiang, after all, it was regarded as a domestic company in China and could still be resolved. But the Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals behind Jianghuhai Pharmaceuticals, that is the giant of the international pharmaceutical industry, is a company in the United States, and the relevant departments of China can not manage it.

If it really gets to that point, the situation may be worse than expected. It is even possible for a blockade or even war between countries to erupt.

In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating to that extent, the most critical thing now is to make

every effort to develop a drug that replaces Alstom antibiotics and lift the patent blockade of Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals.

So, in the next period of time, Chen Fei gathered almost all the top experts in the relevant professions of the province, and dedicated himself to the research and development of alternative drugs.


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