Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 718

Chapter 718

Chapter 718

Chapter 718

As soon as the glance passed, Norton regained that kind appearance, with a smile on his lips and a cheerful look.

Jiang Lingyun recovered, and immediately said: "Mr. Norton, I will arrange for an appointment with Chen Fei immediately."

After he finished, he paused and said, "It's just that we just talked to Chen Fei and met again.

Maybe-- " Norton shook his head and waved his hand to interrupt Jiang Lingyun's words, and said:" Don't be so troublesome. "

" Then Mr. Norton you-- "Jiang Lingyun was a little puzzled.

Norton smiled and said: "I personally went to visit Chen Fei."

"Visit in person!" Jiang Lingyun was surprised, "Mr. Norton, you--"

Norton stood up directly and said: "Go for a car Let ’s leave now! "

Chen Fei, who came back after the talks, said goodbye to Tao Ling and Du Lao, just returned to the office and sat down. The secretary from outside heard the message," Mr. Chen, do you want to see you outside? "

"Who?" Chen Fei asked.

The secretary said: "Jiang Lingyun Jiang Jiangyun of Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical."

" Jiang Lingyun, why is he here?" Chen Fei frowned, wondering.

After all, their talks didn't end long ago.

At this time, the secretary added: "There is also a foreigner who says he is Norton."

"Foreigner, Norton!" Chen Fei thought for a while and found that he did not know the foreigner named Norton. But he still waved his hand, "I don't want to see them, let them leave." The

secretary took your head and turned to go out to convey the news.

But without waiting for the secretary to go out, Jiang Lingyun and Norton walked over to this side.

"Sir, you can't--" The secretary quickly stopped the two.

Jiang Lingyun shouted coldly: "I want to see you President Chen!" Then he reached out and pushed the secretary away.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei could not help but sneered and said: "Mr. Chen, this is not your Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical. Your behavior is best to converge." During the

speech, Chen Fei directly waved his arm, an invisible energy Send it out, and directly knock Jiang Lingyun back.

Jiang Lingyun stumbled a few steps, almost did not fall.

Suddenly, his face was gloomy, with anger on his face, and he stared at Chen Fei, "Chen Fei, you dare to deal with me!"

Chen Fei coldly said: "This is my office, you broke in, This is already the lightest punishment. Otherwise, there is even more ruthlessness. Does Jiang always want to try it? "

" You— "Jiang Lingyun was furious and could not help but explode.

But at this time, Norton came out smiling and directly said to Chen Fei in Chinese: "Mr. Chen, sorry, we are reckless."

"Now, I officially visit Mr. Chen, don't you know Mr. Chen is convenient to see us? "In the speech, Norton handed a business card to the secretary.

The secretary brought the business card to Chen Fei, and Chen Fei glanced at the content on the business card.

When his eyes fell to the title of "General Manager of Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals Asia Region", his eyes could not help moving, his eyes turned to Norton.

Norton smiled and looked at Chen Fei, who looked very confident.

Chen Fei was silent for a while, and looked at Norton said: "If you have anything, just say it."

Hearing the words, Jiang Lingyun couldn't help but be angry, and shouted to Chen Fei: "Chen Fei, what is your attitude?"

"Mr. Norton is a senior executive of Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical, you are so negligent-"

Chen Fei coldly said: "I Whether he is a bald eagle or a black-headed eagle. This is my company. If you want to talk about things, just say nothing, and get out. "

" You-- "Jiang Lingyun pointed at Chen Fei, very angry.

It was Norton, the corner of his mouth was still smiling, he stopped Jiang Lingyun, and then looked at Chen Fei, said: "Since Mr. Chen said so, then I will speak straight."

"We Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical want to cooperate with Mr. Chen. Cooperation The content is the ephedra oral solution that Mr. Chen has just developed. We

thought— “When I heard this, Chen Fei frowned and waved his hand to interrupt Norton ’s words. Well, I wo n’t agree. ”

Norton said with a smile:“ Mr. Chen do n’t rush to refuse. May we listen to our conditions? ”

“ No matter what the conditions are, I wo n’t agree. ”Chen Fei waved his hand.

Seeing this, Jiang Lingyun said angrily: "Chen Fei, this is Mr. Norton, it is Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical, this is your chance,

you-- " Norton stopped Jiang Lingyun, and said to Chen Fei: "I know Chen is always smart And I

definitely understand the potential of ephedra oral solution. So, I do n’t talk about the false ones. I will just say that our Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical wants the patent of ephedra oral solution— "

" This is not possible-"Chen Fei waved.

Not waiting for Chen Fei to finish, Norton said: "We are not going to buy out the patent of ephedra oral solution, but we will use the split model to cooperate with Mr. Chen."

"As long as you agree with Mr. Chen, we will pay Chen immediately Mr. 100 million US dollars of funds. Follow-up, Mr. Chen can also get 5% of the profit of drug profits. "

Hearing this condition, Chen Fei did not respond, and Jiang Lingyun was shocked.

He is a person in the pharmaceutical industry and naturally understands the value of Norton ’s conditions.

You should know that in the pharmaceutical industry, there are many patented medicines developed by major laboratories and various scientists around the world every year, but because of the lack of production conditions and promotion conditions. These scientists and laboratories often sell patented research results to major pharmaceutical companies.

Among them, there are two ways to sell.

One is a one-time buyout, which directly transfers the patent right of the drug to the pharmaceutical company, and the pharmaceutical company pays off the bill in one lump sum. Subsequent, the patent right of the drug will be completely owned by the pharmaceutical company, and there is no relationship with the developer.

The other is a share model. Pharmaceutical companies first pay a portion of their property to developers, and the subsequent benefit distribution is based on a certain percentage of the profits of the drug. That is, the more medicines are sold, the more profits will be shared.

In contrast to these two methods, there is no doubt that the second split model has more potential. After all, once the drug is sold, the developers can get a certain profit for every benefit. The ultimate benefit will be more long-term and richer. Much stronger than a one-time buyout.

Therefore, as long as the developers who are slightly confident in the prospects of their own drugs, want to use the share model to sell patents and obtain more profits.

However, developers are aware of this, and pharmaceutical companies are naturally very clear.

Therefore, for most pharmaceutical patents, almost all the pharmaceutical companies adopt the first type of buyout.

If the other party does not agree, they would rather not buy it, or invest their own manpower, material and financial resources to directly develop similar drugs.


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