Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 719

Chapter 719

Chapter 719

Chapter 719

In the face of such threats from wealthy pharmaceutical companies, ordinary developers can only sell their patents in one go.

After all, if the other party really developed a similar drug, the patent on hand would be worthless. Therefore, a one-time buyout becomes an acceptable result. After all, it's better than nothing.

For example, the previous Alstom antibiotics were also sold to Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals in this one- time buyout.

However, this is the case in most cases, and of course there are special cases.

That is to say, for certain promising drugs that are extremely difficult to develop, pharmaceutical companies will still agree to purchase them in a split mode. Of course, this kind of situation is rare and will only happen once in a few years.

Now, Norton has actually promised to use this split model to buy the patent for ephedra oral solution in Chen Fei's hands.

Jiang Lingyun couldn't help but feel shocked. After all, in his view, the ephedra oral solution is not important to this extent.

For a while, he was a little dull, and looked at Norton and Chen Fei inexplicably, speechless.

Chen Fei was also pondering for a while, although he didn't know much about these detailed

pharmaceutical industry insiders. But it is also known that compared with the previous direct acquisition of Jiang Lingyun for 50 million US dollars, Norton is now offering better conditions.

However, after not long silence, Chen Fei looked at Norton and shook his head: "I still say that, don't sell it."

Now, even Norton was a little surprised, a smile flashed a strange color on his cheek, watching Chen Feidao: "Mr. Chen, you may not understand the value of this condition."

Jiang Lingyun immediately added with some excitement: "Chen Fei, you can hear it clearly. This is Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical's share contract! Upfront there will be $ 100 million. Revenue, and there will be a 5% share in the follow-up. "

"You know the status of Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals in the pharmaceutical industry. Calculated based on one-third of Alstom's antibiotic sales, your future share of revenue can reach hundreds of millions of dollars."

"So good conditions You can think about it clearly. "Jiang Lingyun said excitedly, hoping that he would directly agree on behalf of Chen Fei.

However, after listening to Jiang Lingyun, Chen Fei became more determined not to sell, shook his head, and said: "I still say that, the patent of ephedra oral solution, I don't sell it."

"Why, why don't you sell it? But hundreds of millions of dollars in income! "Jiang Lingyun could not help asking.

Chen Fei looked cold and looked at Jiang Lingyun, saying: "Why? Are you embarrassed to ask why?"

"I can get hundreds of millions of dollars in income each year, which is very high. But Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals gets more money. "

" And the money, how did you come, you and I know. The matter of antibiotics in Longjiang City, just passed, you use patents to intimidate the Huaxia pharmaceutical market and force price increases, I have not forgotten. "

" I Chen Although Fei likes money, he has n’t thought about making this kind of black heart money, especially this kind of black heart money squeezed from his compatriots. ”Chen Fei yelled directly,“ You go! If you do n’t go, I ’m welcome "

Jiang Lingyun simply couldn't understand the reason Chen Fei said. In his view, the previous behaviors are all common business behaviors, and he has long been accustomed to this. As for those who fell ill or even died because of their actions, he didn't even care. After all, making money is his first priority.

Therefore, Jiang Lingyun also wanted to persuade Chen Fei.

But this time, before waiting for him to speak, Norton directly grabbed him, without saying much, turned around and left.

The two of them walked out of the autumn group. Jiang Lingyun was still full of anger and confusion at the moment, saying: "Then Chen Fei, is his brain broken? It is unreasonable to refuse such good conditions!"

Norton looked somber and gritted his teeth

. "Narrow nationalists are extremely ridiculous." "Mr. Norton, what should we do now?" Jiang Lingyun asked, "I want us to step up and use Alstom antibiotics to crush that Is the ephedra oral solution? "

Norton's usual friendly smile showed a somber smile at the moment, and said coldly:" No need to be so troublesome. "

" So what method-"Jiang Lingyun was a little puzzled.

Norton took out his mobile phone, pressed a string of complicated numbers, and then entered an encrypted channel, directly out of the channel: "I am Norton, help me contact the blood blade organization. I want to post a task"

heard this, Jiang Lingyun heart Startled, a chill came out.

Because of this "blood blade", but the famous killer organization in the international underground world, as long as enough money is given, their killers will take almost any task. It can be said that it was a group of desperate people who wanted money and died.

Now, Norton actually invited the blood-blade killer to deal with Chen Fei, which shocked Jiang Lingyun. At the same time, he felt that the importance of the ephedra oral solution seemed to be underestimated by himself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lingyun felt a strange feeling in his heart.

This feeling, reminded him of Hu Hai, could not help but pulled out his cell phone, opened the Hai Hu's phone, "Hu Hai, you are Longjiang city people. Can you give me information that Chen Fei."

Side of the phone Hu Hai froze for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Chen came to our Longjiang City a few months ago, and his rising speed is very fast. It seems that unconsciously, the name spread in our provincial city Moreover, several commercial families in the provincial capital have a good relationship with him. "

" How could it rise for no reason? "Jiang Lingyun frowned.

Hu Hai thought for a while and said: "I heard that I heard that Mr. Chen seems to be a master of martial arts and has a close relationship with martial arts people. Especially the Sun family of the first family in our provincial city has a close relationship with Mr. Chen.

Some people even said that Mr. Chen is the master of martial arts master Chen in our provincial capital. " Hearing this, Jiang Lingyun couldn't help but groaned in his heart, feeling faintly disturbed, and immediately said to Hu Haidao:" You go and investigate that Chen Fei's information, the more detailed the appointment. "

" Yes! "Hu Hai hung up.

Jiang Lingyun immediately looked at Norton with a serious look and said, "Mr. Norton, I just learned some information about Chen Fei."

"What news, said!"

"It's like that, Chen Fei seems to be." Immediately, Jiang Lingyun told Norton the information he had just heard from Hu Hai.

After listening to Norton, his face is not the color a little tense, but Jiangling Yun patted on the shoulder, said: "Jiang, do not tense."

"You the so-called Chinese martial arts master, in my opinion, is entirely acting tricks Only. Actual combat, I am afraid that even our ordinary soldiers in the US can not beat. "

Moreover, even if Chen Fei has a certain strength. The killer of the blood blade organization is definitely a master of murder, and he will not have any problems against him. "

After talking, Norton smiled confidently, and then said to the driver:" Drive, go back to the company. "


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