Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1024

Chapter 1024

Ang ang ang!!!

In the Dragon chanting array, the golden fist shadow engulfs Hu Meng's body and smashes it!


Hu Meng is unwilling to shout and tries to break through. Unfortunately, it's useless. The emperor is invincible in the martial spirit from the strength of Longquan and air movement. What's more, his strength is far from the peak.

After a while, the golden light disappeared, leaving only one ring and purple heart core.

At the same time, the blood red bead that imprisons the body of song inkstone also loses its power.

The light disappears, and song Yan grabs it.

"My Lord, isn't it a little bit of a loss?" Huang Yan said with a wry smile.

"Maybe!" Song inkstone.

When he left the mysterious world and the remaining strength of Qi in his body was about to dissipate, he had an idea to forcibly imprison those Qi in the body of Huang inkstone.

The power of qi movement confined in his body can barely exert the Tianzi's Dragon Fist once, so it has been kept by song Yan and used as an assassin's mace.

This time, because of his miscalculation, he fell into a dangerous situation and had to use this mace.

"Are you all right, master?"

At this time, poetry and Yue Yue led the eight vampire earls.

"You eight go after the vampires who escaped luoxincheng!"

Song Yan ordered, just now he and Hu Meng fight, there are many energy aftershocks, let the vampires of luoxincheng suffer the disaster of pond fish, so, those vampires fled luoxincheng one after another.

There are thousands of these vampires. If they are allowed to escape, it will be a disaster for the planet. Therefore, song Yan will not allow them to spread.

After sending poems to Yueyue, song Yan and Huang Yan joined hands to form a large array around luoxincheng and trapped the vampires in the city.

An hour later, a big formation formed and wrapped the whole luoxincheng city. Millions of vampires in it never want to escape. Song Yan didn't kill these vampires but trapped them for two reasons. First, he wanted to use these vampires to practice the supreme slaughter.

Second, these vampire's heart cores can be used to cultivate the eleven vampires he accepts. Millions of heart cores should be able to make them all reach the Duke!

The Duke can be compared with the first child of the cultivator and the martial saint of the warrior.

After Huang Yan was put into the body, song Yan took out the ring.

There are two ways to plunder the system of other hosts: defeat the other party, forcibly plunder the other party. Second, kill the other party, get the ring of the bearing system, and recognize the LORD with blood.

Put a drop of fresh blood on this ring, song Yan immediately felt the system belonging to Hu Meng.

To his surprise, this guy's system has also risen to three stars. No wonder he can't use the star measurement arithmetic to measure him.

It was a surprise.

Without hesitation, song Yan directly ordered his system to swallow Hu Meng's system.

Swallow Hu Meng's system. His system is likely to be promoted to four stars.

As for the purple heart core, if it is swallowed up by poetry or joy, it is possible to become a prince and cultivate a prince level subordinate. That is a very advantageous thing, especially there are many unknown hosts, who knows how strong they are.

This is also the reason why song Yan planned to cultivate a group of strong subordinates.

Put away the purple heart core, and song Yan took out the blood red bead. After the identification of the gods, it's a blood vessel, which can only be activated by vampires. Its function is to freeze the void. The stronger the user's blood, the greater the power of freezing the void.

There is no blood in the body, so song inkstone can't be used. Therefore, this blood vessel can only be left for poems or Yueyue.

Then, the body shape of song inkstone swayed, and entered luoxincheng.

There are millions of vampires in this city. After Song Yan deliberately restrained the strong, he was stared at by countless greedy eyes.

The next moment.

The figure flashed, and a vampire came to his chest.


Song Yan punches, explodes the vampire's body directly, and then takes away his heart core.

"Damned man!"

This scene infuriated other vampires. It is not allowed to fight each other to capture the heart core. Because the heart core is the most important thing for a vampire, they will be so angry when a human takes away the heart core of his companion.


The shadow flashed and six vampires rushed to song Yan from all around.

"Come on!"

With a light drink, song Yan opens his fists and urges the Supreme Master to kill the six vampires.

Taishang's killing is a group killing magic, which is most suitable for group warfare.

"Poop poop poop!"

One vampire was beaten by song Yan's fist, but after ten breaths, six vampires were killed by him, and their heart core was taken away.At the same time, with the urging of the mental method, song Yan felt that there was a special energy flowing into his body in the air, which made him feel particularly excited, and even strengthened his strength.

"This is the supreme slaughter!"

Feeling the power surging inside, song inkstone secretly said.

"Damn human, dare to run to Luoxin city to rob our heart core and kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"I will drink his blood and eat his flesh!" A female vampire dressed up to be extremely avant-garde cried out crazily.

But unconsciously, hundreds of vampires have gathered around.

However, the strength of these vampires is not strong. They only stay at the level of blood slaves, not a baron. But song Yan knows that there are barons and Viscount level vampires watching secretly nearby. josei

"Kill this man!"


Roaring between, hundreds of vampires to song Yanchong kill.

Song Yan, who only controlled his strength at level 9, fought with these vampires.

"BAM BAM bam!"

At first, song Yan was oppressed by these vampires, but gradually, he fought with them to a draw. A few minutes later, he got the complete upper hand and killed each vampire.






In less than half an hour, more than half of the vampires were killed. On the contrary, song Yan, who was covered with blood, had bright eyes and strong fighting spirit. At the same time, the strength of his fists increased by at least 50%.

Twenty minutes later, the battle is over.

All the vampires were killed by song Yan and their heart cores were taken away.

While song inkstone felt that the energy in her body increased a lot.

Looking at the corpses of those vampires, song Yan went on, only walked out more than ten meters, there were five Baron level vampires ahead.

"Human, you are brave enough to break into this place!" One of the barons said that although song Yan and Hu Meng fought in the sky, their speed was too fast, and their energy surplus was very strong, blocking their sight. Therefore, the vampires in the city didn't know that song Yan was the one who fought with Hu Meng.

[author's extraneous remarks]: first, there are four watchers today

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