Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1025

Chapter 1025

Song Yan didn't have the idea of talking nonsense with these five barons of vampires at all. In a flash, he rushed to each other.


The vampire baron who was talking didn't pay any attention to song Yan when he saw him. He was very angry and greeted him with a fist.

"Bang!" josei

The next moment, the vampire Baron flies back, the other four vampire barons are shocked, and song Yan rushes directly to them.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A series of collisions were heard. Under the attack of five vampire barons, song Yan was defeated all the time. But this situation lasted only five minutes, and he turned the war around and beat the five vampire barons.

"This is really abnormal

Song Yan sighed to himself, because from the beginning to the end, he controlled his own strength at the level of level 9 soldiers, but under the bonus of Taishang's slaughter, he could actually subdue five vampire barons, which was really incredible.

And he also found that the stronger the opponent he faced, the more mysterious power he absorbed.

He has been fighting with these five barons for another quarter of an hour. After absorbing enough mysterious power, he can break out at will and fight for the highest strength.


Blood spattered, and song Yan punched through the chest of one of the Baron vampires. When he pulled it out, he had a heart core in his hand.

"Quickly, kill him with all your strength. This human is very strange. He seems to be getting stronger and stronger!"

One of the vampire barons, noticing some signs, called out to his companions.

It's too late!


Song Yan breaks another vampire Baron's chest and seizes his heart core.


The shrill sound came from one of the vampire barons, but it was ultrasonic. The other two rushed to song Yan.

Step out, song Yan appeared directly in front of the vampire baron who used the ultrasonic wave, brutally punctured his chest and took away his heart core.

Seeing this scene, the remaining two barons of vampires were shocked, and they spread their wings to escape from two different directions.

"Can you run?"

Song Yan sneers, raises his hand and blows two fists. Then he sees the bodies of two barons of vampires explode. Then, two heart cores fall into his hands automatically.

The vampire Viscount who peeps in the dark is unwilling to provoke this human again when they see this scene.

Unfortunately, they do not provoke, but song Yan will not let them go.

The whole luoxincheng city is trapped by his array. These vampires are just turtles in a jar. They can't escape at all.

After pinching a formula, suddenly, in the array, the space turns around. Then, tens of thousands of vampires have been moved to him directly for four weeks, including two earls, dozens of viscounts, hundreds of barons, and the rest are blood slaves.

"Suddenly, they were moved here, and the vampires were confused.

However, seeing song Yan in the center, several vampires who are closest to him stare at him with bloodthirsty eyes.


The sword flashed, several vampires were killed, at the same time, their heart core was picked out by the long sword.

"Kill him!"

Another group of vampires came.

"Poop poop!"

The sword light is like meteors across the night sky, short and beautiful.

In an instant, the group of vampires on the cloth before the vampire's afterlife, body death, heart core was taken.

At the same time, different from those vampires, song Yan rushed into the vampire group.

"Kill him!"

The vampires are angry, a human dare to so despise them.

But it's a pity that they are not only faced with human beings, but also with murderous gods.

The sword is flying and shining, and life is ending.

No vampire can resist the power of song Yan.

First the Baron, then the Viscount, then the count.

When one of the two earls was killed, the group of vampires collapsed. They began to flee around, but sadly found that the void was imprisoned, and they could not escape at all.

However, they can only choose to fight with that human.

One hour later, song Yan put away his long red sword, which was full of vampire bodies around him.

And the Qi accumulated in his body has reached the level of grand master.

It is song Yan's name for that special energy.

Kill only 10000 vampires, and you will accumulate the supreme killing gas comparable to the great master level. If you kill all the vampires in this city, can you accumulate to the level of Wushen?

This is full of temptation.

The world seems peaceful, but it is full of danger. Among the known hosts, Jiang Fantian is the most powerful, and has reached the stage of distraction, two more powerful states than song Yan.The realm of cultivating immortals is divided into postnatal, inborn, foundation building, golden elixir, primordial baby, out of the body, distraction, combination, crossing robbery and Mahayana.

In fact, after passing through the scourge of heaven, they have been separated from the category of mortals. Therefore, those who practice immortality during the Mahayana period can be called false immortals. As long as they accumulate enough strength, they can break the barriers between the mortal world and the celestial world and soar to the celestial world.

Talk less and get to the point.

It's urgent to improve his strength. Song Yan doesn't mind making more murders, so he directly moves 100000 vampires around him.


Without saying anything, he rushed into the group of vampires with a sword.

"Man seeks death!"

"Human beings do not know how to live or die!"

One by one vampires can't help laughing at this scene, but soon their voices stopped abruptly, because in this instant, hundreds of their companions had been killed and their hearts were taken away.

And then on.

The Baron is dead.

The Viscount is dead.

The count is dead, too.

Then, the army of 100000 vampires almost collapsed and began to flee. Unfortunately, time and space around them were imprisoned, so they could not escape.

During the killing, song Yan felt that the Qi of the Supreme Master was growing. After killing 100000 vampires a day later, he had reached the level of the early stage of wusheng.

The growth rate is terrible.

But song Yan did not stop, and moved 300000 vampires.

Keep killing.

In a blink of an eye, a day passed, and the number of vampires who died in Song Yan's hands has reached a million, while the supreme power of his body has reached the peak of wusheng. It should not be difficult to reach the level of Wushen to kill the remaining vampires.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Song Yan killed the vampire in Luoxin city for two days and nights.

When he walked out of luoxincheng, he found that poetry and Yueyue were waiting there with six vampire earls.

But when they touched the blood red eyes of song Yan, they couldn't help shivering. One by one, they fell to their knees and said with trembling, "see the master!"

[author's extraneous remarks]: second watch

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