Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026

He killed millions of vampires for nearly three days and three nights in a row. Although he had accumulated Taishang's killing gas to the level of Wushen, he also accumulated a lot of negative emotions in his heart, which made him feel grumpy, irritable, bloodthirsty, etc.

If it wasn't for his spiritual power far stronger than his own, he would have been possessed by excessive killing and become a killing machine without thinking.

And poem Yue Yue and other eight vampires feel frightened and scared when they touch his eyes, because he can't completely suppress his negative emotions.

"Get up!" Song inkstone says.

This speech, he found that his voice became extremely hoarse, with a faint metal friction sound.


Eight vampires fight hehe's up, bow and stand there, respectfully to the extreme, for fear of provoking the tyrant in front of them.

"Is there any fish that missed?" Song Yan asked again.

"Back to the master, all the vampires who escaped from luoxincheng have been killed by us. There is absolutely no omission!" Poetry trembles.

"That's good. Let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, song Yan and eight vampires moved directly to his villa.

"Six of you are keeping watch outside. No one is allowed to disturb you. Poems please follow me!"

"Yes!" A group of vampires replied in unison.

Under the leadership of song Yan, poetry and Yue Yue came to the training room upstairs.

"Master, what can I do for you?"

Asked the poem carefully.

"Take it!"

Song Yan hands the heart core from Hu Meng to the poem. josei

"God, this is the prince's heart core, isn't it..." Take over the purple heart core, and the expression of the poem becomes extremely excited. I wish I could swallow the heart core right away.

"Can you reach the realm of Prince by swallowing it?" Song Yan asked.

"I think so!"

The uncertain way of poetry.

"Then try it!" Song Yan nodded.

Yueyue on one side was envious. Although she and poetry were good sisters, she felt extremely lost when she thought that the good sisters would throw herself out of the street immediately.

"These are yours!"

Song Yan takes out ten count heart cores and throws them to Yue Yue.

"Thank you, master!" Yue Yue said gratefully.

Next, the two women swallowed their hearts and began to practice. Song Yan sat down, too. But as soon as he closed his eyes, he felt a bit upset, and his mood became inexplicably grumpy.

He disappeared in the practice room, but appeared in the temple.

"Laoling, I have accumulated too many negative emotions, which leads to restlessness and irritability. Is there any way to resolve it?"

"It's easy to let out those negative emotions!" The spirit of the temple replied.

"How to vent?" Song Yan asked again.

"It's up to you to understand!" Old Lingdao.

"Damn, I hate people who talk only half!" Song Yan roared, but the spirit of the temple didn't answer, so song Yansheng wanted to drag him out and flatten him.

But immediately he realized that his negative emotions were really serious, and he could have such an idea.

"Damn it, how to vent it?"

Song Yan, who can't calm down, can't think of any way.

However, he had to leave the temple and return to the training room.

Poetry and Yue Yue are the vampires of the Earl's later period. One swallows the prince's heart core, the other swallows the Earl's heart core.

The prince's heart core is not so easy to refine. Instead, it is Yueyue who swallowed the count's heart core. Soon after swallowing the heart core, the breath changed obviously and began to impact the Duke.

Vampire is a very rebellious creature. As long as they have enough energy, they can keep upgrading. There is no such thing as the spirit and shackles of the immortals and martial artists. It's very enviable.

Under the gaze of song Yan, Yueyue's breath climbed faster and faster, and was about to reach the peak, but her breath suddenly stopped. At this time, Yueyue swallowed another count's heart.

With the support of the count's heart core, her breath broke through the peak in an instant.

"Poop poop!"

There were five pairs of blood red wings suddenly growing behind her, but the wings were faintly purple.

At the same time, she just broke through to the grand duke, which made her strength climb several times. Under the control of her, she directly twisted her clothes into pieces.

Seeing the naked * * somehow, song Yan's heart gave birth to an unprecedented strong * * and wanted to put Yue Yue down.

"Damn it, it's the negative emotions again!"

Song inkstone's secret way, at this time, Yue Yue suddenly opened her eyes, and saw song inkstone's eyes full of lust. For this, she was not afraid, but rather pleased. In a flash, she came to song inkstone's face, and then she came close to him, and wrapped his neck with her white arms."Master, maidservant is willing to do anything for you!" Yueyue breathed in his ear like a orchid.

In the negative mood, song Yan, who was unable to extricate himself, was teased by Yueyue. Subconsciously, he put out his hands to hug Yueyue's delicate body, and then bowed his head and kissed her.

Although Yueyue actively seduced song Yan, she was a real child in this respect. Soon, under the attack of song Yan, a veteran of flower cluster, she fell completely.

When song Yan was about to enter her body, Yue Yue suddenly regained a sense of consciousness: "master, don't be here!"

"That's easy!" Song Yan's evil smile, holding her a flash, appeared in his bedroom.

But after they left, the poem that had fallen into cultivation suddenly opened its eyes, blushed and said, "bah, Yue Yue Yue, that little girl is shameless. She even got in touch with the master ahead of me!"

On the other side, song Yan has turned into a beast, pounding wildly on her delicate but full body.

Fortunately, Yueyue is a vampire with a strong constitution. Otherwise, the general girl would have fainted when she met song Yan for the first time.

Two hours later.

Song Yan, who ended the battle, suddenly found that the negative emotions in his body seemed to be less, and he said to himself unexpectedly: "is this the way that Lao Ling said to vent?" Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a bad smile: "no wonder Lao Ling is embarrassed to tell me directly, I'm afraid he can't say it!"

But Yue Yue, who had been damaged by song Yan for two hours, lay on Song Yan's body and said: "master, you are really dead. People have no strength now!"

"Then you have a good rest. I'll see how the poetry is!"

Dressed, song Yan came to the training room and found that the other side had not yet broken through the Duke. His brow slightly wrinkled: "what's the matter? Why hasn't it broken through yet? "

But just then, the flavor of poetry began to change.

[author's extraneous remarks]: sanguine

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