Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

Within half a breath, the green flying sword had been shot to song Yan's body, and the tip of the sword touched his body, as if to stab his body through.

At this moment


A flash of red light hit the body of the green flying sword.


With a cry, I saw that the green flying sword went out and fell a few meters away, with all its brilliance.

And it was only a red feather that flew the green sword.

Seeing that the magic light is no longer, the dim flying sword, xueya's chest heaved up and down for a while. Finally, the voice of "wow" spits out a mouthful of blood, and her face turns pale.

The red feather crane actually broke her life magic weapon for a factotum. Thinking of this, she succumbed to death. At the same time, she hated to break the son of the factotum. But she dared not. She was not the opponent of the red feather crane.


Suddenly, a pale green sword light rushed into the canteen and turned into the figure of elder Xuesheng.

She some doubt swept the red feather crane song inkstone and xueya, then, toward the red feather crane a bow, respectfully way: "have seen the red feather crane adult." Then she said to xueya, "elder martial sister, how did you come to the canteen?"

"Where do I need to report to you?" Xueya is holding a breath in her heart. Hearing Xuesheng's inquiry, she suddenly says in a tone that is not very kind.

Suddenly, Xuesheng noticed the dim flying sword in the corner, and cried out unexpectedly: "Hey, elder martial sister, isn't that your life magic weapon, green jade sword? It seems to be broken! "

"Shut up, what are you doing!"

Waving a move, the lusterless green jade sword fell into xueya's hands, and then she strode to the canteen.

Seeing xueya's attitude getting worse, at the same time, she also found the blood on the ground. Then she contacted xueya's pale cheek and the broken life magic weapon. It is likely that she fought with red feather crane, but the result of the fight was that she was beaten by red feather crane to be seriously injured and her life magic weapon was destroyed.

Thinking of this, she felt it necessary to prove it to others, so she smiled and said to song inkstone, "Er Dan, can you tell me what happened just now?"

"Good elder Xuesheng!" Song Yan nodded and simply told the story to the other side.

After listening to song Yan's story, Xue Sheng was stunned. She didn't expect that red feather crane could defend the eggs like this. Moreover, red feather crane's strength was too strong. She could defeat elder martial sister xueya in the middle of foundation building with only one feather.

There is no windy wall in the world. Soon, in order to protect the second egg, Lord Chiyu crane attacked elder xueya and soon spread the matter in the door.

Some people were surprised by this.

Something unexpected about it.

There are also doubts about it. josei

However, no matter how people guess and discuss, xueya doesn't come forward to admit whether it is true or not.

It's just that there is no wind without waves. Although elder xueya didn't admit it, everyone's opinion on Song Yan has changed from taboo to awe. Even though the other side is just a handyman, they can't provoke him if there is red feather crane adult supporting him.

Haven't you seen that even elder xueya has suffered losses in red feather crane?

After last night's experience, song Yan plans to raise his profile.

So, in this morning, in addition to the red feather crane coming to the canteen for breakfast as usual, the two third-class beasts, black flaming tiger and green eye green green toad, also came to the canteen.

The only three level-3 spirit beasts in the Jade Maiden gate came to the canteen to beg for food. It's against heaven.

Knowing the news, leader Xuelan and seven elders came to the canteen again.

Looking at the three three level three spirit beasts in the dining room, Xuelan's face can't help showing a happy color, while Xuesheng is quite satisfied, and xueya's face is quite complicated.

"What method does this little bitch use to attract three level three spirit beasts? No way, we can't let him stay at the jade girl gate in any case, otherwise, where should I put the face of the elder punishment! "

Since the news that she was seriously injured by the red feather crane came out, she was almost in a closed position, because when she went out and met other people, they would look at her with different eyes, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

After breakfast, song Yan is going to Yunhua town to buy food materials. Lingyan suddenly arrives.

"Come with me, Er Dan. My master wants to see you. Remember, don't disclose your psychic constitution first!"

"Oh, I see!"

Under the leadership of Lingyan, song Yan came to the palace on the top of the mountain where he had not stepped for 13 years.

In the leader's hall, Xuelan, as the leader, sits in the leader's seat. Her seven elders are separated on both sides.

"Headmaster, I have brought the eggs to you." Lingyan bows to Xuelan.

"Well, you go down first." Xuelan waves.

"Er Dan has seen the leader!"

Song Yan followed closely and bowed to salute."No need to be polite." Xuelan said with a smile, "Er Dan, I have a question for you. You should answer it truthfully."

"Don't worry, headmaster. Erdan will tell you what he knows!" Song Yan nodded his head in an honest way.

"Good!" Xuelan smiled with satisfaction: "I ask you, why do the three people, the red feather and the crane, the black flaming tiger and the green eyes and the Green Green Toad, all go to where do you eat?"

"Because my food is delicious!" Song Yan is stupefied.

"But as far as I know, the food you cooked before is not so delicious!" At this point, Xuelan's eyes radiated a fierce light. At the same time, a momentum broke out from her and went straight to song inkstone, covering him.

"Poo Tong!"

Being bullied by this momentum, song Yan fell to the ground and fainted!

Looking at Song Yan, Xuelan takes back her momentum and says with a smile, "it seems that he has no problem, junior sister Xuesheng."


Xuesheng steps forward in response to the sound. He massages and kneads song Yan for a while. After a while, song Yan wakes up and says, "what's wrong with me?"

"You're fine, fine." Xuesheng smiles and retreats.

"Er Dan, you tell me, why do you cook so much better than before?" Xuelan asked again.

"Because of this!"

Song Yan took out a yellow book from his arms.

"What is this?" Asked Xuelan.

Song Yan proudly said: "this is a cookbook. I found it on the way to town. I found that the food prepared according to the above steps is very delicious!"

"May I see it?" Xuelan asked curiously.

"Look, leader!"

Waving a move, the Yellow Book flew from Song Yan's hand and fell into Xuelan's hand. She turned over and found that it was indeed a book that taught others how to cook.

And it seems that this book has been in the past years.

Seeing Xuelan's expression, song Yan knew that he should pass the test. This book was accelerated by him through the time of the temple. Naturally, it seems that it has been several years.

[author's extraneous remarks]: second watch

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