Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062

Song Yan, who has gone through many worlds, has long understood that the creatures in these worlds are not programmed NPC, but living people with their own thoughts and wisdom.

Therefore, before making a plan, he had figured out how to deal with the doubts of the senior members of yunvmen.

After seeing the book recording the cooking methods, Xuelan beckoned song Yan to leave.

As soon as he left, Xuelan's voice rang again: "I just tested, junior sister and elder sister. Er Dan has no accomplishments. What's more, he grew up in the Jade Gate and can't be a spy at all. So now we should discuss whether to recruit Er Dan into our Jade Gate!"

When Xuelan's voice fell, xueya said in a cold voice, "I'm against that, master. Zuxun can't disobey it!"

As for xueya's objection, Xuelan did not show dissatisfaction. She said quietly, "do you all think so?"

Xuesheng's voice rang out: "I don't think so? In my opinion, everything can't be the same. In a big way, the world is changing. Why can't our yunvmen make a change?

To a lesser extent, for example, the skills and spells we practice.

most of our as like as two peas and spells were handed down by the first generation of masters. But after so many years of inheritance, who would dare say that those methods and spells are exactly the same as those handed down by the first generation of masters?

Since both the skill and the spell can make changes, why can't an ancestral discipline be changed? "

Listening to Xuesheng's saying, her five elders all showed some recognition.

But xueya said coldly, "even if you speak with a brilliant tongue, I don't agree to violate the ancestral precepts!"

Another elder said: "I think what elder martial sister Xuesheng said is quite reasonable. The two eggs grew up in our Yunv sect. Although they didn't get started, they were also half of our Yunv sect's disciples. Moreover, the food he cooked was very delicious. I couldn't help but relieve my greediness even though I had dug the valley. Moreover, this little guy seems to be quite clean with the spirit beast. In a while, I'll be able to do it again Day, the island of spirits will be opened. Then, send the two eggs. Maybe we can use his food to turn some spirit beasts back! "

Xue Sheng nodded approvingly: "yes, maybe Er Dan will give us a surprise!"

"Fantastic!" Xueya sneered.

Snow Sheng smiled, not in a hurry not slow way: "snow Ya elder martial sister, we are not whimsical, these days I believe you also saw, our three first three level spirit beast all ran to two eggs where to beg, it can be seen that the delicious food made of two eggs indeed has some magical attraction to spirit beast!"

"The blind cat hit the dead mouse!" Xueya said.

Xuesheng shakes his head and says nothing more.

At this time, another elder said, "I think sister xueya is right, and Zuxun is right, but after careful consideration, what sister Xuesheng said is also reasonable, so I don't know how to choose, so I abstain!"

The elder who said this is called Xuejiao. She is very smooth. She usually abstains from voting every time she makes a decision.

Then the remaining elders expressed their opinions.

As a result, four people felt that they could modify the ancestral training and recruit Er Dan into the jade girl sect. The rest of xueya and xueya felt that they should follow the ancestral training and not destroy it at will.

Four to two, even if the leader Xuelan has the right to vote for two, to vote for xueya is only a draw.

"I'll give up this time, too!"

Xuelan Road, but don't want to let xueya lose too ugly.

At the end of lunch, Lingyan came to the canteen again and saw song Yan, who was cleaning up, came up to him and held his hand and said, "follow me, master wants to see you."

"See you again?"

Song Yan is stunned.

Lingyan and apricot eyes stared, "why not?"

"No, no!" Song Yan waved his hands.


Lingyan couldn't help laughing: "don't be nervous. It's good for Shifu to find you."

"Is it...?" Song Yan suddenly showed surprise.

Lingyan said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be very smart. I guess that. Yes, after discussing with the elder Yigan, the master has agreed to let you join the jade girl sect. If you regret now, it's too late. If you worship your grandmaster, it's too late to repent!"

"Ah, that's very good!"

Song Yan shouted happily.

Seeing this, Lingyan shakes his head speechlessly. What a silly boy. josei

The process of joining the Yunv sect is not complicated. He became a member of the Yunv sect after worshiping the grandmaster and offering incense under the witness of the leader Xuelan and seven elders. However, considering that he is a man and her disciples are all women, he can only live in the hillside now.

At the same time, there is no way for a man to practice in the Yunv sect. Only after a period of time can he be taught the method of cultivation.

He didn't care about these song inkstones, because he was the cultivator in the middle of Yuanying period, and he was stronger than the disciples of the jade girl sect.Now that he is a formal disciple, he naturally doesn't have to do chores. So, from now on, song Yan doesn't have to go to the canteen to cook. However, Xuelan tells him that if the three level-3 spirit beasts want to eat the delicacies he makes, he hopes he can meet them.

Song Yan agreed to this.

Seeing that he was so witty, Xuelan suddenly felt that he seemed to owe this silly boy some money. So she gave him a storage bag with two cubes and a low-level flying sword.

The storage bag can be used only after the master is identified by dropping blood, but the flying sword can only be controlled after the true yuan is refined.


When song Yan walked out of the headmaster's hall, the system prompt sounded in his ear: "congratulations to the host for completing the first task, and the reward is worth one billion."

"Ding, task 2 of the system, in ten years, he will be in the top ten of the rookie list of xianbang. If he completes the task, he will be rewarded 5 billion yuan, and if he fails, he will be deducted 10 billion yuan!"

"What is xianbang?"

Song Yan frowns a little. He decides to find out what the list is?

Ten days later.

Yunvmen hired three middle-aged women from Yunhua town to cook in the canteen.

Although the cooking skills of these three aunts are good, the disciples of the jade girl sect who were raised by song Yan found it hard to swallow. For a while, they all doubted song Yan's cooking.

As a result, the canteen returned to its former state, with only a few dozen people coming to eat every day.

In the evening, Caixia is all over the sky, but song Yan is busy living in his cabin.

About half an hour later, Lingyan's figure appeared in the cabin. Suddenly, her nose smoked and her eyes fell on the white jade bottle on the table.

The wine bottle flew into her hand as soon as he grasped it, opened the cork and took a drink. Her eyes suddenly narrowed into crescent. This wine is really good to drink.

[author's digression]: three watchings and four watchings tonight.

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