Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1468

Chapter 1468

Graveyard, cabin.

After a delicious lunch, snow can not help but show a very satisfied smile, but think of the future days, her face again showed a sad look.

"Come, Xueer, brother will show you something!"

Song Yan stood up and took the first snow to the rice VAT.

"You uncover it!" Song Yan smiled mysteriously.


When the first snow uncovered the board covering the rice VAT, his eyes were stunned. Because the rice VAT was full of rice, which was enough for the two of them to eat for a month.

"Ah, young master, these millet are Where is it from? " Because she was too excited, she even spoke incoherently. At the same time, she forgot song Yan's explanation and changed her original name.

Song Yan smiled and touched Chu Xue's head: "silly girl, I didn't tell you that you don't have to worry about food and drink anymore. As for where these millet came from, you don't have to ask more. Just know that you won't be hungry if you have a brother."

"What's more, you don't have to do that job in town. You can practice martial arts with me in the future!"

"Well, Xueer knows." The first snow nodded gently.

After cleaning up the dishes and taking a rest, song Yan motioned for Chu Xue to follow him to the open space outside the wooden house.

"Xueer, I'll pass on your Chu family's basic palm technique first. Now, I'll practice it first. How much can you remember!"

When he spoke, song Yan began to practice the basic palm techniques of the Chu family. There were seven moves in this set of palm techniques. Although the attack power was not strong, it was more than enough to refine the body and nourish the body.

Even though song Yan slowed down deliberately, it took only two minutes to complete the practice.

"How much do you remember?"

Song Yan looks at the first snow and asks.

"Brother, I remember it all." The first snow is a little shy.

"Remember all that?" Song Yan was a little surprised, but then he felt happy, and then motioned for her to type again.

Under the gaze of song Yan, Chu Xue played the basic palm technique of the Chu family. Although most of her movements did not reach the strength and range due to the lack of two martial arts, it can also be shown that she really remembered the palm technique.

In the expectant eyes of the first snow, song Yan nodded: "it's very good, next I'll point out your shortcomings!"

What surprised song Yan even more was that it only used half an hour.

Early snow has mastered the essentials of this set of palm techniques.

However, due to the lack of nutrition for a long time, after practicing for most of the time, her physical strength was not enough, but her face was particularly excited. Although her face was stained with sweat, it was full of happiness.

Song yanpai clapped his hands: "well, that's all for today. After that, you can practice this set of palm techniques ten times a day. After a while, I'm passing on your fist and sword techniques!"

"Good brother!" The first snow nodded.

At this time, song Yan's eyes suddenly turned to the mountain road. Sure enough, within ten breaths, a line of three people appeared in Song Yan's sight range.

The first man was in his early forties, dressed in a black robe, with a square face, but a pair of triangular eyes greatly affected his appearance, giving a sense of treachery. At the moment, there was a trace of arrogance on his lips. josei

"Chu Cheng, it's him!"

Song Yan, who has received Chu fan's memory, immediately recognizes who this person is. Chu Cheng, the former second housekeeper of the Chu family and now the chief housekeeper, is also the loyal dog leg of his eldest uncle Chu Tianlong.

The two men behind him were all about 30-year-old men, all dressed in the Chu family's gray family clothes and family hats.

One is Wang ape, the other is Chen Shan. They are all the best of the Chu family. They are good at drilling. Wang ape has the strength of the peak of quenching body seven times, and Chen Shan has the strength of the early stage of quenching body eight times.

It turns out that they are all the followers and bodyguards of Chu fan. In the event of the Chu family, the two men betrayed Chu fan, who usually treated them well, and put them under the command of Chu Tianlong.

Soon the three men came near.

Chu Cheng looked at Song Yan in surprise and said with a smile: "it seems that master fan has recovered his consciousness. It's really gratifying!"

He got Chu Tianlong's order to check Chu fan's condition, and then forced out Chu Tianxing's cultivation skills from his mouth. Therefore, when he saw that song Yan had recovered, he was happy. In this way, he could finish Chu Tianlong's explanation.

"What are you doing here?"

Song Yan asked with a gloomy face.

Before Chu Cheng could speak, Wang ape hurriedly shouted, "bold Chu fan, what qualification do you have for a lowly tomb keeper to question the housekeeper?"

"Yes, yes!" Zhou Shan also nodded and sneered, "do you think you are the eldest son of the Chu family? Now, you are just a lowly grave keeper!"

Song Yan didn't get angry when he heard the scolding and ridicule. Instead, he glanced lightly at them and said, "feed the dog and wag his tail to the master. You two servants, I'm not thin to you at ordinary times, not only don't know how to be grateful, but now I'm even inferior to the dog when I come to show my power!""What!"

"How dare you scold us!"

Hearing song Yan's words, Wang ape and Zhou Shan's faces became iron and green. Then, Wang ape's eyes were cold and full of murderous opportunities. He rushed out with a dart, raised his hand and slapped it on Song Yan's cheek. He shouted ferociously, "you lowly waste will die for me!"

Looking at the palm of the Pu fan, song Yan's eyes are cold, and he avoids the palm by mistake, and then works hard at the fist and bombards!


Wang ape responded and flew, falling seven or eight meters away.

Chu Cheng, who had a smile on his face, was stunned to see this scene. Didn't Chu fan lose his cultivation by the head of the family? How could he fight with flying King ape?

"Is his Dantian restored?"

There are only two ways to repair the damage of Dantian. One is to have a warrior who transcends the sea of gods to rebuild Dantian for him, and the other is to take some magic elixir.

The former is impossible. If there is such a strong person behind Chu fan, how can he be expelled from the Chu family.

So, what about the special elixir on the other side?

Thinking of this, Chu Cheng has a strong color of greed in his eyes. The elixir that can repair the Dantian is hard to find. If Chu fan still has the elixir, he will send it today!

Thinking of this, he said to Wang ape, who was awkwardly climbing up, and Zhou Shan, who was equally surprised by his expression: "you two should do it together and take him down!"



Wang ape was deeply humiliated when he was hit by a boxing. He crossed a distance of seven or eight meters between steps and rushed to song Yan again.

Zhou Shan, on the other hand, attacked song Yan's waist with a fist.

"Bang! Bang! "

In the face of their attack, song Yan slipped at his feet and easily avoided them. Then, his fists were like two dragons going out of the hole, pounding heavily on their chests.

This time, he used the power of the eight peak quenching body.

Therefore, as soon as Wang ape landed on the ground, he began to spit blood. Zhou Shan was in a better condition, but he was able to stabilize his body only after seven or eight steps. His face became a little white. Although he was not seriously injured by that fist, he suffered a lot of injuries.

Chu Cheng on the other side saw a lot of splendor. This Chu fan not only repaired the wound in Dantian, but also reached the peak of eight times of body hardening in just a few months. He must have a secret. Otherwise, how could such a huge change happen.

We must catch him and ask him questions. Thinking of this, his body moved. In a moment, he came to song Yan and slapped his chest with one hand, turned his paw into sharp claw and grabbed his shoulder.

He is very confident. He has been in quenching for many years, and his strength has been extremely refined. Is it easy to deal with a dandy who has just stepped into the peak of quenching for a short time?

[author extraneous]: first, thanks to the four great rewards of [small total 200], [td108656856], [HYZX], [small amount of bamboos]

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