Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469

Unfortunately, he made a wrong judgment. Song inkstone was not quenched eight times, but nine times.

Therefore, his confident attack failed, and ushered in the stormy counterattack of song Yan.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Song Yan's inner air urges the fierce wind fist technique. A pair of fists hit Chu Cheng like raindrops.

The opponent just blocked two punches.

The third and fourth punches hit his chest and abdomen respectively.

The fifth punch hit him on the chin.

With a scream, Chu Cheng fell out and fell several meters away.

Before he turns over and climbs up, song Yan has already arrived! josei

"Click! Click! "

Crunchy will Chu Cheng's two calves to trample!


Chu Cheng uttered a shrill scream, and then shouted, "Chu fan, if you dare to break my legs, the master will not let you go!"


Song yanleng hum stepped on it again. It was two clear sounds of broken bones, but he trampled on the two thigh bones of Chu Cheng.

And the other side can't stand the intense pain and fainted!

Even so, he did not let him go. He lifted him up and slapped him a few times.

Chu Cheng suddenly woke up.

"Say, what's the purpose of your coming this time?" Song Yan stared at him and asked in a deep voice.

"I won't tell you!" Chu Cheng stares at Song Yan with maligned eyes.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Without saying a word, song Yan's left and right bows again. Suddenly, one of Chu Cheng's cheeks is swollen and bloody, just like a pig's head. At the same time, the corners of his mouth are also broken, and the saliva mixed with blood is flowing continuously

"Not yet?" Song Yan asked again.

Chu Cheng laughs: "Jie Jie! Little bastard, if you have seed, you will kill me, because you will come down to accompany me sooner or later! "

"If you want to die, I will help you!" Song Yan's eyes are bright and cold. He leans out his left hand and pinches Chu Cheng's neck cleanly. He will not be soft at all to kill a traitor.

Wang ape and Zhou Shan are totally stupid. He killed the housekeeper Cheng. Isn't he afraid that the Housekeeper will kill him?

"You two, come here!"

Song Yan beckoned to them.

Suddenly they were scared to death, and turned around and fled to the foot of the mountain.

"Can you run!"

Song Yan shot out and caught up with Wang ape, who was running slowly. He bombarded his vest with a fist. The sound of banging made him fly out and fall to the ground without any sound.

At the same time, I don't know when, he buckled a stone on his hand and flew out.


Shizi flies out, right heel of Zhoushan mountain in the middle. With a scream, the other side falls to the ground and rolls to the bottom of the mountain, while song Yan flies away, surpasses the other side, and kicks out.

Bang, the weight of more than 100 Jin Zhou Shan was kicked by him to the top of the mountain.

"Forgive me, young master! Young master, forgive me. I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me for my service for many years! "

Seeing song Yan coming slowly, Zhou Shan, who was scared to break his heart, directly turned over and knelt down and kowtowed to song Yan for mercy.

Song Yan looked at him coldly and said softly, "straighten up!"


At this time, song Yan's right foot kicked out as fast as lightning. In the middle of Zhou Shan's belly, Zhou Shan fell on the ground and rolled painfully, but his foot directly broke his Dantian.

"Brother, are you ok?"

Early snow walked up carefully, but her face was full of worries. Although she was happy for song Yan's great power, he killed Chu Cheng, and Chu Tianlong would not give up!

"I'm fine!"

Song Yan smiled at him, and then said to Zhou Shan, "it's not my weakness to keep you alive, but I need you to take a message to Chu Tianlong and Chu Tianshi. Go back and tell them that I'll get back everything of Chu family sooner or later! Get up and take the bodies of both of them and get out of here! "

"Thank you for your life, young master! Thank you very much! "

Zhou Shan still kowtowed two heads to song Yan before he stood up. He mentioned the bodies of Chu Cheng and Wang ape and went down the mountain.

"Brother, what shall we do next?"

Snow asked again.

Song Yan's eyes narrowed slightly: "what to do, of course, first charge some interest, then leave here, close your eyes, I will take you to a place!"


When snow closed her eyes, song Yan caught his arm, and then communicated with the temple and disappeared.

The system can seal his accomplishments and Yuan Shen, but it can't isolate him from the temple.

Put the first snow on a planet in the temple, song Yan went back to the temple's practice room and began to practice.

In this world, Lingshi, danyao and lingyao are precious cultivation resources.A town overlord like the Chu family, although rich, is not qualified to practice with Lingshi.

Each of his left and right hands holds a supreme spirit crystal. With his guidance, the pure spirit continuously flows into his body, washing his body.

Chu fan's body is too weak.

In short, the foundation is shallow, so what he has to do now is to strengthen his own foundation.

It's very difficult for other martial artists to strengthen their foundation, but it's nothing here!

Using the spirit to wash the body day and night for ten days, song Yan felt that each cell of the body had a strong vitality, and the strength of the whole body had been increased by at least two times. Even the nine peak warrior was not as good as him.

At the same time, his Dantian meridians, as well as the five Zang Fu organs, also greatly improved under the nourishment of spirit.

"Well, now this body can't absorb more Aura, so..."

At the next moment, song Yan has another cold Lingdan in his hand.

A pill fell into his stomach. When the power of the pill dispersed, he felt that his body and soul were being transformed rapidly. At the same time, a large number of pale yellow impurities and liquid were squeezed out of his body.

Because his strength is too weak now, it took him more than a month to fully absorb the power of this cold Lingdan.

After the transformation of medicinal power, every inch of his body exudes a layer of light jade.

The time in the training room is a thousand times of the flow rate.

So although it took him 40 days to practice, there was not much time in the past.

At this moment, Zhou Shan returns to Chu's home with the bodies of Chu Cheng and Wang ape.

"Say, what's the matter?"

When Chu Feng heard the news, he hurried to see the bodies of Chu Cheng and Wang ape. His face became extremely cold.

Zhou Shan trembled and said: "back They are all killed by Chu fan! "

"What?" Chu Feng was stunned, then exclaimed, "no way, that guy has been abandoned by his father. How could he kill Chu Cheng and Wang ape?"

"Young master, villains dare not lie. They were killed by Chu fan!"

At this time, Chu Tianlong strides in. When he sees the bodies of Chu Cheng and Wang ape, his face suddenly becomes cold: "who killed them?"

"Father, Zhou Shan said that Chu fan killed it!" Chu Feng clenched his teeth.


Chu Tianlong's face was full of confusion: "I broke his Dantian by heavy means, there is no possibility of recovery at all. What's more, even if he recovers, he can't be quenched seven times. How can he kill Chu Cheng who is quenched nine times?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "I don't believe it, but Zhou Shan, a slave, dare not lie in front of our father!"

There is a strong fierce light and killing opportunity in the dragon eye of Chu heaven: "Zhou Shan, you tell me the whole thing in detail, dare to hide half a word, and you will live like death!"

[author's extraneous remarks]: second, thanks for the reward of [td104575781]

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