Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1600

Chapter 1600

Yueyue has integrated the blood lineage of the ancestors of the blood clan, and its strength has reached the level of pure blood clan of nine generations. The strength of poetry is much worse. Song Yan always feels that he owes something to her, so he decides to absorb these two dragons, whose blood essence has changed. At least her strength can reach the level of the later stage of the disaster.

Because of thousands of times of time, song Yan didn't spend much time in this cultivation.

Out of the temple, Huang inkstone was put into the sea. He hugged Wang Ying and went to sleep.

The next morning.

Song Yan and his wife got up to wash under the maid's service and stayed in the city for such a long time. Song Yan decided to take Wang Ying to hunt outside the city today.

Just go out, was stopped by the arrival of Wang Tianlong.

"If you have a summons, come with me."

Song Yan smiled at Wang Ying and said, "why don't you go by yourself?"

"It's OK, my husband. I'm sure there must be something called by the head of the family. Go ahead and leave us alone." Wang Ying is very considerate. Now she is very familiar with the role of wife.

"Well, I'll go first."

Song Yan nodded and then followed Wang Tianlong.

"I have the ability to capture Xiaoying's heart in such a short time."

On the way, Wang Tianlong smiled and joked. Wang Ying's eyes were full of love. He saw it clearly. He thought the two people would not have a good relationship after marriage.

Song inkstone mouth PICK: "there is no uncertain woman, it depends on the men willing to pay attention."

Wang Tianlong was slightly shocked, but his eyes flashed a lonely color, but he immediately returned to normal. He smiled and said, "you are brilliant!"

"This guy is also a man with a story!"

Song Yan murmured in his heart, and then changed the subject: "Uncle long, do you know what my master told me to do?"

Smell speech, Wang Tianlong slightly hesitates to say: "Princess Vientiane will come to Tianyang domain recently, this is an opportunity."

"Who is Princess Vientiane?"

Song Yan doubts.

"I can only tell you that Princess Vientiane is from the central region." Wang Tianlong said a meaningful sentence, and was no longer willing to speak.

But the information he revealed was enough for song Yan to guess a lot.

It's from the central region that the king's family attaches great importance to. Isn't this princess Vientiane the daughter of the emperor of the central Empire?

Soon, song Yan came to a main hall. There were already many people in the hall. They should all be the senior members of the Wang family.

Wang Yao and Wang Teng have come first. However, they are all at the end of the hall. Although they are all outstanding young people, it will take some time for them to become senior leaders.

Song Yan comes directly to Wang Yao.

"Brother Chu is here."

"Hello, brother Wang."

After greeting each other, they stood there and closed their eyes.

But Wang Teng's eyes towards song inkstone are not good.

"The owner is here!"

After about half a quarter of an hour, a light drink sounded, and suddenly the whole hall was quiet. The people were even more upright. The next moment, I saw the king's family leader leading six half god elders to come in.

The king's family leader was kind enough to sit in the most honorable position in the hall, while the six half god elders stood in the first place on the left and right respectively.

"See the owner!"

All the people shouted in unison.

"Please get up!"

The head of the Wang family raised his hand with great momentum.

"Thank you very much."

Again, they all said in unison.

Next, the senior members of the Wang family came out one by one and began to report various problems, much like the emperor's meeting.

This process lasted for two hours. During this period, there were various arguments and quarrels. Song Yan was also the emperor. He was not fresh about this scene. Anyway, he couldn't put in words. Therefore, he was always acting as a transparent person.

Of course, Wang Teng and Wang Yao are the same.

This time, in addition to their three younger generation representatives, there were more than ten handsome young men. However, their accomplishments were not high, only at the level of Yang Shen.

"Well, let's put the others first. Princess Vientiane is about to come to Tianyang!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a great uproar in the hall, but more of it was all kinds of exclamations.

Song Yan didn't know much about the world. He didn't know much about the weight of Princess Vientiane, but those present knew it.

"My Lord, will Princess Vientiane come to our real dragon city?"

Asked a senior executive, holding back his excitement.

"It needs to be fought for!" The Wang family leader spoke in a deep voice.

For a time, the hall became extremely busy.


A half god elder couldn't look down and gave out a light drink. Suddenly, the hall became quiet again. josei

The king said again: "Princess Vientiane's coming to Tianyang is the top priority of my family. If Princess Vientiane can come to the real dragon city." Speaking of this, he paused a little: "you can discuss how to attract Princess Vientiane!""Brother Wang, do you know the princess of Vientiane? Does it sound like it's good? " Song Yan whispers to Wang Yao.

"Don't you know?"

Wang Yao looks at Song inkstone by accident.

"I don't know." Song Yan nodded.

Slightly silent, Wang Yao tells song Yan about Princess Vientiane in the way of voice transmission.

The center of the human race is the central region. The most powerful force in the central region is the central empire. The emperor of the central empire is over 1000 years old. Although he has not become a God, his strength is no weaker than that of the gods.

After nearly a thousand years as an emperor, he naturally married a large number of concubines.

All, his children are very many. It is said that the emperor's children have reached more than 5000.

Because there are so many children, it's impossible for each of them to be named Prince and princess. Therefore, those who can be named princess by the emperor of the Empire are outstanding among his children.

The princess of Vientiane is in her fifties. Her strength has reached the level of level 9 general.

Most importantly, Princess Vientiane was very popular with the central emperor. She was not only given the title of princess, but also an army of ten thousand people, which was called Vientiane army.

Even a small soldier in the Vientiane army has the strength of Yang Shen level.

Therefore, the strength of this Vientiane army is extremely terrible. Five years ago, the Juxiang people invaded the central region.

Princess Vientiane asked for help to lead the Vientiane army.

At the beginning, everyone didn't think highly of Princess Vientiane, but as a result, Princess Vientiane not only won the victory, but also wiped out all the 100000 invading troops of the great Xiang nationality, with less than a thousand losses.

Although Juxiang is not one of the top ten races, it is also a powerful race.

Especially their individual strength is very strong.

As soon as the Juxiang people grow up, they have the strength of comparable yuan danwu people. In addition, the 100000 Juxiang troops that they have committed are all elite. Even if the small soldiers have comparable Jufu levels, the left wing king of Juxiang who can command the big army is more comparable to the nine level generals.

In addition, the left wing king also has ten deities, each of which is a super master among semi deities, comparable to the eighth level God of war.

At that time, the Vientiane army led by Princess Vientiane was not as powerful as it is now.

However, she still annihilated 100, 000 Vientiane troops at a very small cost, which is enough to prove her talent, and because of this war, she became famous at one stroke and was known as the human race goddess of war.

[author's aside]: after the update of the third watch, thank you for the rewards of [glorious years], [LAN Xiaofeng], [night Return], [Ji Luzhu], [Deng waiting for a chess track], [hhhn], [secret war], [intelligent life], [eagle in the sky]

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