Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1601

Chapter 1601

In addition to her great strength and military ability, the princess of Vientiane also has a strong personality charm. Although some of the experts gathered under her are for her position, most of them were recruited by her.

In addition, the princess of Vientiane especially likes handsome men. She is in her fifties and has not been married yet, but it is said that she has invited handsome men to her house for the night many times.

The longest beautiful man lived in her house for a month in a row.

Speaking of this, Wang Yao also specially looked at those young and handsome Wang family children.

Feeling his meaningful eyes, song Yan woke up. Most of the Wang family wanted to give a beautiful man to Princess Vientiane.

However, after hearing the story of Princess Vientiane, he still admired her. In this world, it is still a patriarchal society, with three wives and four concubines for men and one for women.

It takes courage for her to play with Hua Meinan as a princess. She must bear more pressure than ordinary people.

The discussion in the main hall is continuing, and the atmosphere is particularly warm.

Song Yan summed up the suggestions put forward by these people. There are three main points. First, the Wang family sent people to ask Princess Vientiane to invite her to visit the real dragon city. Second, they gave her what they wanted to give to the beautiful man. Third, they offered the heavy treasure.

After another quarter of an hour, the Wang family leader saw that the discussion was almost over, so he raised his hand, and immediately the hall was quiet again.

"Princess Vientiane's first stop will go to the front battlefield, and the specific time of arrival will be ten days later," the Wang family leader said

"My Lord, I suggest that you send someone to the battlefield immediately!"

There is a high-rise road.

Then, there was a lot of noise in the hall, but it was a group of high-level people who recommended to go to the hall one after another. Many people had the cheek to recommend themselves. After all, the identity of Princess Vientiane is too high. If you can make up for it, your position in the royal family will be greatly improved. No one is willing to let this opportunity go.

"All right!" The head of the Wang family once again said, "this time, the mountain elder and the Ming elder will lead the team together. As for the candidates to go together, besides Wang Teng, Wang Yao and Chu fan, you can choose another 20 people to join in. OK, so far, everyone is gone!"

The meeting ended.

Song Yan is about to leave, but he is surrounded by the top leaders of the Wang family. He is very enthusiastic. Many of them are flattering. Wang Teng and Wang Yao are treated the same, and more people surround them.

Although Wang Teng was defeated by song Yan before, now Wang Teng has become a warrior in the later stage of Shenghai. In addition, he can change into a beast huoqilin with comparable strength. Therefore, most people think that if we fight again, only song Yan in the later stage of FA Xiang is not necessarily Wang Teng's opponent.

"Chu fan, please come!"

Just as song inkstone was pondering how to leave, a young man came and shouted.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm calling for you. I'll go first!" Leave a word, song Yan directly out of the crowd.

Soon, song Yan saw the Wang family leader again.

"Chu fan, I'm going to pass on your Sutra today!"

Song Yan quickly showed great joy and excitement: "thank you very much, master!"

Just at this time, the young man who came to pass the word came with a wooden box and gave song inkstone at the sign of the Wang family leader.

"This is the emperor's Sutra. Go to the quiet room next door to understand it. Remember, you only have three hours. How much you can understand depends on your own creation."

Led by the young man, song Yan came to the quiet room next door.

Open the wooden box. Inside lies a white slate the size of a palm.

The slate looks very ordinary and has no special features.

"Is this the emperor's Scripture?"

Song Yan was puzzled and picked up the slate. At this time, he was directly pulled into an illusion. Then, a figure shook in front of him.

The action of the figure is very fast, there is a kind of dazzling feeling.

He quickly concentrated and watched carefully, which immediately showed the way of the door. The figure was performing a skill, and each of his movements contained a unique charm, which perfectly matched the heaven and the earth.

For a while, song Yan was totally immersed in the action of the figure.

But soon, his brow began to wrinkle, because the action of the figure changed, very similar to the action just now, specious.

Song Yan carefully observed the movements after the change, but found that these movements still fit the world very well.

Before long, the action of the figure changed again.

In the following time, the figure is constantly changing. At the end of the day, the action is totally different from the beginning, but song Yan has a strange feeling, which is the same action.

In this moment, his brain light flash, it seems to understand: "do not pay attention to shape but meaning!"

Therefore, he no longer pays attention to the movement change, but realizes the artistic conception which the human figure displays these movements.

The reason why the emperor's Scripture is precious is that it can't be recorded in words, because the words can't explain the mystery of the emperor's scripture at all.Moreover, the same Sutra, but everyone's understanding and cultivation of the Sutra is completely different.

Time flies by.

Song Yan has completely ignored the action of the figure, completely immersed in the special artistic conception. At the same time, his body moves with it, fast and slow, strong and weak.

Finally, three hours passed.

Song Yan was directly out of the illusion, the young man reappeared and took away the emperor's Sutra.

"The master said, you can understand here!"

Leaving a word, the young man drifted away.

Song Yan didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he sat down in the same place and thought about what he saw in those three hours.

The palace next door.

Wang family leader is playing chess with Wang Tianlong.

"Master, how much do you think Chu fan can understand?" Asked Wang Tianlong.

The head of the Wang family smiled: "in three hours, he can understand how much, can understand some fur is good, but, this also completed our Wang family's commitment to him!"

Wang Tianlong nodded in deep thought: "also, it's necessary to know that Wang Teng has observed the Sutra for more than 100 times, and it took more than ten years to create his own Sutra of practice!"

"Now, concentrate on playing chess!" The head of the Wang family said in a deep voice. At once, Wang Tianlong looked awe inspiring and dared not say any more words.

Quiet room.

An hour passed. josei

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

Five hours later, song Yan finally walked out of the quiet room, with a satisfied smile on his lips. Yes, he used five hours to initially create his own prototype of the emperor's Sutra according to that artistic conception, and named it "the Sutra of manslaughter".

That night.

Song Yan once again entered the shrine, using thousands of times of time, to improve the book of manslaughter.

Constant deduction, constant attempt.

Song Yan didn't realize the passage of time at all. He was totally immersed in the happiness of perfecting the book of murders.

When he woke up again, it was three years since he found the temple.

However, his book of killing has been completely perfected and can be practiced.

[author's aside]: first, thank you, Guangzhou, wisdom life, eagles in the sky, cool Sheng rhyme and dye the dream, for your great reward

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