Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1622

Chapter 1622


A golden flame appeared out of the sky, involving the disgusting empress. After a while, the empress was burned into slag

"son, do we still have to move forward?"

Hua Nu asked with some worry. In her opinion, her son's strength is really strong, but he can't compete with the whole Zerg.

"Of course, I have to go ahead. Didn't I tell you that I came here to exterminate the Zerg?" Song Yan is very positive.

"Are you kidding, young man?"

Hua Nu looks at Song Yan in shock. Although she is not the first time to hear song Yan say that she wants to exterminate the Zerg, she has never been true. After all, even the gods can't do it.

"If I didn't come here to exterminate the Zerg, I would still have to struggle in this ghost place!" Song Yan was speechless, and urged: "lead the way quickly, solve the Zerg as soon as possible, and leave this ghost place as soon as possible!"

"But!" josei

Hua Nu also wanted to say,

but was forcibly interrupted by song Yan: "you don't have to worry about other things, just lead the way!"


Hua Nu reluctantly responded to the voice, and led song Yan forward with his scalp.

This time, the two men flew hundreds of miles, and there was a dense army of Zerg in front of them. The number was no less than 10 billion.

The perspective of God opened, swept quickly, song Yan captured the location of the eleven mother emperors in the space of the second dimension.


The green dragon sword appeared in Song Yan's hand, and then came out with a swing.

The eleven ways of panic and sword Qi split out, like lightning into the surrounding void, and the body of the eleven mother emperors hidden in the space of dimension directly exploded.

After the death of the eleven empresses, the orderly army of the Zerg suddenly became disordered, and song Yan was too lazy to kill these Zerg. After all, most of their lives are only a few months. As long as the empress is killed, these Zerg will die sooner or later.

Move on.

This time, only a hundred miles ahead, there was a group of Zerg army, the number was even greater, reaching more than 20 billion, under the control of 20 empresses. At the same time, there were five comparable dharmas, and more than 100 comparable Yang God's Zerg people were hidden in the army.


There's nothing to be polite about. Song Yan directly wields the green Jiao sword and directly strangles 20 empresses and more than 100 vermin.

In the next two hours, song Yan and his wife met with more than ten Zerg armies.

But these Zerg armies could not stop him. Instead, they made him kill happily. Before and after him, the number of the queen who died in his hands has reached thousands, and the number of the worming people who died under his sword has reached more than 5000.

Among them, there are more than ten insect people of holy sea level.

The Zerg race has never won by quality. Their magic weapon to win is quantity, so there are not many masters.

"Young man, over there!"

Hua Nu points in a certain direction.

Today's sky has become extremely dark, even in the daytime, it seems to be in the night, at the same time, the air is filled with a variety of toxins to the extreme, even if the holy sea warrior comes here, I'm afraid he can't stay for too long.

Soon, the day passed.

During this period, song Yan and his wife did not encounter any more Zerg troops. They should know that they can't stop song Yan's steps by sending them. It's better to shrink their strength.

At the same time, in the process of moving forward, song Yan also found a lot of insect nests, but those insect nests have no existence of Zerg.

"Rest first!"

Song Yan throws out an array disk, and cuts off a small space with a radius of 200 meters, and then pushes out all the poisonous gases inside.

"Take it!"

Song Yan throws huanu another cold Lingdan.

"Thank you, young man!"

Hua Nu had a little more joy in his eyes. He took the cold elixir suit and began to breathe in situ.

Half a quarter of an hour later, huanu finished her breathing and looked much better, because she dispelled a lot of toxins in the spirit, and at the same time, her spirit improved.

If she can take a few more cold elixirs, she is sure to dispel all the toxins in the spirit.

After a short rest, song Yan put away the array, and they went on their way.

Unconsciously, three days passed. They saw more and more insect nests, but they were all empty. It seems that the Zerg are brewing big moves and waiting for his arrival.

Song Yan was not afraid of this, but was very happy. If the Zerg were scattered, he would not be able to solve it. If all the Zerg were gathered together, it would give him a pot of possibilities.


After another two days, with the sweeping of the divine sense, there are endless insect nests in front of us, each of which has a large number of various kinds of Zerg, at least 500 billion.

In addition, there are countless empresses hidden in the surrounding void. Because of the limitations of insight, song Yan couldn't find out how many empresses there were. At the same time, in the Zerg army, there were also half god level insect figures."Buzz!"

The dull voice sounded, but countless flying Zerg came from all directions, dense and overwhelming, which seemed very terrible. According to preliminary estimates, the number of these flying Zerg was no less than 100 billion.

At the same time, song Yan also found.

The spiritual power of those empresses united to block the surrounding void, mostly to prevent him from escaping.

"It's going to kill me in numbers!"

Song Yan said to himself. When he was talking, he looked at the blindfold slave and found that the other side's face was pale.

In this case, don't say one and a half gods, even if dozens of half gods have to hate drinking.

"What should we do, young master?" Hua Nu asked in a trembling voice, even though she was not afraid to die, but surrounded by so many Zerg, she still had a fear.

"Don't worry, you can't hurt me with these dregs!" Song Yan disdains to smile. When he talks, he throws out more than 100 array plates. When the array plates fall into the void, they disappear. Then, a huge array covering a hundred miles appears.


Song Yan's wrist shakes, and a five bar array flag falls into the surrounding void, but it is a five element array flag.


When the flag of the array falls, the power of the array suddenly increases dozens of times.


Then, song Yan threw dozens of magic iron from the mysterious world. For a while, the power of the array was stronger. Then, the air under the cover of a hundred Li array was quickly purified. However, with only a few tens of breaths, the toxins in this space disappeared almost.

"Come out!"

Song Yan once waved, there was a huge door of time and space, and then, groups of demon families flew out of it.

The demons like to devour blood. The more blood they devour, the faster they will be promoted. So many Zerg are a chance. So song Yan released more than two million demons in the temple.

"This is?"

Seeing a large number of demon cultivators coming out of the gate of time and space, Hua Nu can't help but open his mouth, because he found that there are many breath in the group of demon cultivators that are no less than her.

[author's extras]: second watch

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