Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1623

Chapter 1623

Soon, the flying Zerg was close to a large array.

When song Yan's formula is played out, the array changes into a state that can be entered by the physical object and can't flow into the gas, mainly because the demon cultivator can't bear all kinds of toxins in the Zerg territory.

If he had not used the array to expel the toxins in this space, he would not have dared to repair and release these demons.

"Hum! Hum! "

With the deafening sound of wings, a large number of flying Zerg entered the array through the array wall.

After receiving tens of millions of Zerg, song Yan played the formula again, and suddenly the array wall changed again, so that all the flying Zerg that came later hit it.


Before Song yanphen ordered, more than two million demon cultivators went to kill one flying Zerg. Suddenly, there was a pungent stench and bloody smell in this space.


However, these demon cultivators didn't dislike it.

they inhaled the blood gas that exploded into their bodies one after another, and showed a very comfortable expression.

But ten breaths, put in ten million Zerg were killed.

"Come again!"

Song Yan once again opened the array wall and let in 20 million Zerg.

The demon monks swarmed in succession, enjoying the pleasure of killing while sucking the blood gas from the explosion into their bodies.

Song Yan received the demonic cultivation in the temple. The worst ones have gold Dan cultivation, which can be compared with the danwu of Yuan Dynasty. However, these Zerg have very weak strength. Most of them are the ones who practice the gas layer, and only a few of them can be compared with the congenital ones, and the ones who can build the foundation are even rarer.

Therefore, after two rounds of killing, more than two million demon cultivators, except for a few minor injuries, did not die.

"Go on!"

Song Yan once again pinches the formula, introduces 30 million Zerg, and continues to let the demon cultivators kill.

Finally, after the introduction of 50 million Zerg for the sixth time, casualties began to appear. At the same time, some demon cultivators absorbed enough blood gas and began to enter the breakthrough.

Under the command of song Yan, those demon cultivators who can break through came to the center of the array, and then they were collectively collected into the temple and put into a planet. In addition, he adjusted the time to a thousand times, so that they could break through at the fastest speed.

The seventh time, song Yan only introduced 30 million Zerg.

So back and forth, more and more demon cultivators have reached the edge of breakthrough. At the same time, in a thousand times time, those demon cultivators who first entered the temple have made a breakthrough. Song Yan once again released them and rejoined the battle.

Time goes by.

One day later, most of the two million demon repair army made breakthroughs, and the worst had the cultivation of the later period of Jindan.

Although thousands of demon cultivators have been sacrificed, the overall strength of demon cultivators has increased a lot.

On the other side of the Zerg, the number of dead is even greater. The flying Zerg died at least 30 billion, and the land Zerg died more than 20 billion when they joined the battle later.

But for the whole Zerg, it's only one in ten.


In the array space, the killing sound is loud.

This time, song Yan directly put 80 million flying Zerg, 50 million land Zerg. josei

This puts pressure on more than two million demon practitioners.

Seeing this, song Yan pinches the rhyme with both hands. Suddenly, there is a twist in the array space. At this moment, at least 20 million Zerg explode out of the sky, and then turn into blood and be absorbed by the demons!

Then, song Yan made the array attack several times, and wiped out 130 million Zerg, making the whole array space become a sea of blood, while the demon cultivators who are in it seem to have come to heaven, absorbing the blood crazily and greedily.

All of a sudden, there were many demons in the later period of Jindan who reached the edge of breakthrough.

Song Yan quickly put them into the temple.

One day later, when the last group of demons to break through more than 2000 repair revenue temple, stay in the array space demons repair all reached the first baby period.

And the battle power of the demon repair army has been increased at least ten times.


Song Yan directly put 300 million Zerg into the array space this time, and the demon cultivators who had been waiting for them were crazy and enjoying the wonderful Feast.

Unconsciously, ten days passed.

More than 2.7 million demon cultivators, the worst of which have reached the level of the late Yuan baby, have gained unprecedented strength.

At the same time, there are tens of thousands of devils breaking through to the combination.

As for the casualties of demon monks, there are less than 2000 people, almost negligible.

And Zerg.

The total amount of 500 billion has dropped sharply to 100 billion, that is to say, in ten days, 500 billion Zerg have been killed 400 billion.

Therefore, even the top level of the Zerg who did not take the Zerg army seriously felt frightened, and finally ordered the withdrawal of the army, and withdrew the only one hundred billion Zerg army to the nest.

"Whoosh!"The human figure flashed, and hundreds of demigod level vermin appeared outside the array.

"Renzu, if you withdraw now, we can leave you alone!" The leading semi God insect said, in a rather astringent tone.

Song Yan didn't speak. He looked at more than 100 semi gods and worms outside the array, but his eyes flashed.


At the next moment, song Yan moved out of the room and looked at them contemptuously. He said in a very arrogant way, "you dirty insects are also qualified to talk with me? Now, I will give you a chance. If you can defeat me, I will leave. Otherwise, I will kill all your dirty insects! "

"Damn it!"

"Abominable people!"

These half god insect people all sent out the angry roar, unfortunately, song Yan could not understand at all.

"People, do you speak seriously?"

Before the speech, the leader of the half god insect man opened his mouth again, and his tone was smooth.

"Of course!" Song Yan smiled contemptuously and swept them slowly: "now, you can send a man to fight with my son!"

Before the leader of the worming man opened his mouth, a half god worming man rushed out and called out in an astringent voice, "man, I Tuoke will come to fight you!"

This half god insect man is only one meter high, and is covered in black insect armor, but it has 16 arms, each of which has a black luster and a blade.

"Come on, little bug. I hope you can catch my ten moves!"

Song Yan walked in the air, and the green dragon sword in his hand flew out. Suddenly, a horrible sword gas of hundreds of feet came out of the green dragon sword, and it was hurled at the insect man named Tuoke.


Tuoke lenghum, waving 16 blade arms to welcome the sword Qi.


At last, Tuoke successfully smashed the sword Qi of song Yan, and then the two were entangled in the air.

After five hundred moves, song Yan cut off the head of the insect man with a weak advantage.

And the sword points to the remaining worm man: "next, who are you going to die?"

"Damned human, I will avenge Tuoke!"

Another Zerg fought with song Yan. After a thousand moves, song Yan killed the second half god Zerg man at the cost of his arm injury.

Seeing this, without waiting for song Yan to speak, another half god insect rushed out: "human beings, I want to revenge for two companions!"

During the shouting, the other party directly launched an attack, obviously thinking that song Yan was at the end of the line, but song Yan was happy to turn over and secretly scolded a group of brainless fools.

[author's extraneous remarks]: the third update is completed

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