Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1805

Chapter 1805

According to Lu Xinghe's description, in Qianshan Town, no, there are many time-space cracks in Qianhuang City, and those monsters and beasts run out of these cracks.

However, these spatiotemporal cracks are mobile, but paradoxically, these spatiotemporal cracks will not run out of the scope of qianhuangcheng.

Take Qianshan Town. In general, every three years, there will be one devil running out of the time-space crack. It seems to be very regular. And every nine years, there will be two devil running out of the time-space crack at the same time.

Other cities and towns are almost the same, almost all of them look like three years, and there will be a disaster of monsters.

In Qianshan Town, song Yan did not find the so-called space-time cracks. For a while, he was disappointed.

So, according to the fairy map in my mind, I came to Wanyu Town, which is adjacent to Qianshan Town.

After inquiry, two days ago, a demon ran out of the space-time crack. In order to eliminate the demon, Wanyu town lost a lot, killing more than 200 immortals.

Similarly, there is no shadow of time-space cracks in Wanyu town.

So song Yan rushed to another town. Coincidentally, half a day ago, a demon attacked the town, killing and injuring more than 300 people. Finally, the demon was destroyed.

This is to let song Yan see a glimmer of hope, quickly rushed to the next town.

This town is called Wuyun town. It hasn't experienced the disaster of demons yet, but the immortals in the town seem to have expected that the disaster of demons will come soon, so they have been on alert.

So, song Yan found a inn to stay and waited for the evil things to come.

The day passed.

Two days passed.

On the third day that song Yan was under the control of Wu Yun, the immortal consciousness that spread all over the whole town and around the town sensed the abnormality of the virtual air somewhere.

When he concentrated his immortal knowledge in the void, a crack of more than ten meters long and two meters wide appeared in the void.

A little hesitation.

Song Yan explored the immortal knowledge into it. In the space-time fracture is a huge dark void deep well. There is a roar from that deep well.

The roar is not a creature, but comes from many inexplicable creatures.

A little discrimination, song Yan at least heard more than three hundred kinds of biological different roar.

"Are these roars monsters?"

With doubts in his mind, a flash came to the space-time cracks nearby.

After a while, the space-time gap has doubled and is still expanding.

The dark void and deep well are not deep enough, and they have a pulling force on his immortal knowledge. Therefore, he dare not venture to explore it.


A low roar sounded. It was not like a wild animal, but it gave people a sense of infiltration.

At the next moment, song Yan sensed that there was something rising up in the empty deep well.

Soon, a huge monster with a height of more than 200 meters flew out of the void deep well, and then squeezed the body out of the space-time crack.

The devil is black all over. He has many eyes. He is extremely ugly.

After it drilled the space-time crack, it found the location of song inkstone and rushed to him without hesitation.

Reach for it.

There is an invisible force gathered around the monster, and then it is firmly confined in place.

This one is stronger than that one in Qianshan Town. It has reached the level of the middle of the earth immortal.

It's strange that song Yan didn't feel the existence of chaotic aura from the devil. So he released his immortal knowledge and explored the inside and outside of the devil, but didn't feel the chaotic aura.

"It's just a coincidence!"

Song inkstone mutters to himself, then the power of imprisoning the demon shrinks rapidly, and Sheng Sheng presses it to explode.


The black blood splashed, and a black crystal nucleus in the magic object exploded.

Song Yan, who was about to leave, suddenly turned back with a smile on his face. The original chaotic aura was in the devil's core.

The spirit of chaos contained in the running in of this demon is much stronger than that of Qianshan Town.

Seeing that the space-time cracks are about to close, song Yan quickly made two forces to fix them, making them unable to close temporarily. Then he set up a big array around them, blocking the space-time cracks.

At this time, pay close attention to the empty deep well song Yan found that the empty deep well actually began to shift.

"It seems that this empty deep well caused the emergence of time-space cracks!"

"Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Song Yan is hesitant. After all, the void deep well is too mysterious. He is not sure what is in the void deep well.

Seeing that the void deep well is about to be completely transferred, song Yan, once clenched his teeth, directly went through the space-time cracks and threw himself into the void deep well.

Sink! Constant decline. After Song Yan put into the void deep well, he felt a huge suction pull to sink, but he did not resist, but let his body continue to sink.He didn't worry that he would be trapped inside and could not come out. With the function of the temple to shuttle through the void, he could completely shuttle back to the realm of Lang Xie.

I don't know how long it sank. Just when song Yan felt a little impatient, there was a little light under him.

At the same time, the suction disappeared.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! "

At the same time, song Yan saw thousands of demons under him, all of them stared at him with greedy eyes.


Song Yan drinks lightly and claps his hands.

Huge handprints appeared in an instant, covering tens of thousands of demons below.

"Poop poop poop!"

The body of tens of thousands of demons exploded almost at the same time, turning into a mass of black blood. At the same time, song Yan, with a move, tens of thousands of demonic nuclei flew to him and fell into his hands.

Sink the immortal knowledge into the devil's core, and really feel the place of a wisp of chaotic spirit.

And his immortal knowledge was also covered. He found that there were a large number of demons around him, no less than a million. However, these demons were not strong, and the most powerful one was not at the level of golden immortal.

In this case, I'm not polite.

Like streamer across the gray sky, and then come out, but just a few breaths, a million demons were all blasted by him, and millions of demons were all in his hands.

He focused on checking the magic cores of several golden immortal level demons. He was very satisfied. The chaotic aura in the core of golden immortal level demons was hundreds of times stronger than that of the earth immortal level demons.

"This is there!"

In a flash, song Yan came to this area.

The gray sky made him feel a little depressed. All he saw was desolate. No living plant or animal could see it. It was like death.

My heart is moving.

He was flying in one direction.

After flying for more than two hours, what he saw was still a scene of death. During that time, he also met the gathering place of demons several times. There was nothing to say. He rushed to kill and seize the core. josei

"What is that?"

In another three hours, song Yan suddenly saw a towering monument in the distance.

[author's aside]: second, thank you very much for your great reward of [wood fish] and [annual surplus]

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