Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1806

Chapter 1806

Song inkstone can't help but speed up and fly towards the strong object.

After a while.

Song Yan arrived 200 meters away from the strong object, which is about a thousand feet high, like a tombstone.

Just when he knew the immortal, he found that the tombstone actually sent out a mysterious force to isolate his immortal exploration.

He frowned slightly and looked at the tombstone carefully. Many mysterious inscriptions were engraved on the tombstone, but song Yan could not understand them.


All of a sudden, song Yan's face is a little more alert, but there are two more figures under the tombstone.

At a glance, song Yan found that the clothes on the two men were very ragged, just like beggars. However, judging from the breath, both of them had the peak strength of the late earth immortals.

At the same time, while he was looking at the two men, the other side was also looking at him, and saw that song Yan's dry clothes showed a trace of joy on their faces.

Then I got to know each other, exchanged my eyes quickly, and quickly came to song Yan.


Seeing the two people getting closer and closer, song Yan could not help frowning, because they were very dirty and smelly. For a while, he was a little strange. They both had the later cultivation of the immortals. Why they made themselves so dirty and smelly? You should know how to make yourself clean by pinching a few tricks.

"Is Xianyou just involved in the world of the tomb?"

Suddenly, one of them opened his mouth and showed two rows of dark teeth. During the conversation, there was a smell coming from his face.

"This place is called Shenmu world?"

Song Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Not bad!"

The man nodded and reminded him, "you may as well come in and talk, so as not to be attacked by those evil spirits!"

"The devil?"

Song Yan suddenly thought of the demons killed by him.

At this time, suddenly five demons appeared hundreds of meters away, and rushed to song Yan three people.

When the two immortals saw that their faces were slightly changed, they quickly backed away. The man called out again, "fairy friend, hurry to enter the 100 meter range of the tombstone, so that those evil spirits can't hurt you!"

Moving in his heart, song Yan quickly stepped into the 100 meter range of the tombstone.

Sure enough, the five monsters saw that all three of them had entered the range of 100 meters from the tombstone, and they all stopped one after another, and then they were unwilling to circle around for half a quarter of an hour and then they had no choice but to leave.

Song Yan looks at erhen: "two fairy friends, I'm new here. I don't know much about the world. I don't know if I can introduce them to you."

"No problem, of course!" One of them nodded: "I don't know what to call a fairy friend? From which fairyland? "

"My name is song Yan. I'm from Langxie fairy kingdom!"

Song inkstone.

"It's song Xianyou. My name is Zhou Tianlong. This is emperor Yang."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhou Tianlong began to say: "this world is called Shenmu world. The origin of the name of Shenmu world is that there are many gods buried here. Each tombstone represents a god!

The world is very big, but it's not clear how big it is. Those monsters are monsters which are made of the body gas of the gods in the tombs and some substances in the world. Those monsters are basically not intelligent, but they like to devour the immortals very much. They are also the natural enemies of all immortals in the tombs. Moreover, they are extremely large in number, even if they can't be replaced Tens of billions. Fortunately, as long as they stay within 100 meters of the tombstone, they can't get close. Otherwise, the immortals in the world will be eaten up by them! "

"How did the immortals come from the world of Tombs?"

Song Yan asked.

"I don't know about song Xianyou. The world is connected with three thousand fairylands. People who come to the world are basically involved in the cracks of time and space. Of course, there are some fairyland forbidden areas that can directly lead to the world!"

"I see! Can we leave the world? " Song Yan asked again.

Yangdi said: "it's easy to come in and hard to go out! It's said that to reach Zuxian's ten fold goal can break the barriers of the world, but it's impossible at all. Because the spirit of the world is so thin, it's impossible to practice, even to maintain its own consumption. So the longer you stay in the world, the weaker your strength will be! "

Speaking of this, Emperor Yang stopped and looked at Song Yan and asked, "Song Xianyou know what we are doing in this world?"

"What accomplishments?"

Yangdi sneered: "when we were involved in this world, both of us had the cultivation of later Jin Xian. After three thousand years in this world, we all degenerated to the later stage of the earth immortal!"

Suddenly, song Yan thought, "since there are so many tombs in the world, there should be many good things in them. Isn't there anyone going to steal them?"

"Tomb robbing? Ha ha! "

Emperor Yang sneered: "Song Xianyou is so naive. Are the tombs of gods so easy to steal? Their tombs are full of all kinds of terrorist prohibitions. Even if the ancestral immortals break in, they will die or die. Otherwise, the things in the tombs will be stolen!""How many immortals are there in the world?" Song Yan asked again.

Zhou Tianlong said again: "not too clear, but tens of millions of people should have, after all, the world is too big!"

All of a sudden, song Yan's expression changed slightly, but he found that the immortal yuan power in his body had become extremely slow. Subconsciously, he looked to Zhou Tianlong and Yang emperor.


Zhou Tianlong suddenly uttered a exclamation, and then a sinister smile appeared on his face: "we forgot to remind song Xianyou that there is an invisible spirit and corpse around the tomb. Never let the spirit and corpse enter the body, otherwise, your Xianyuan power will solidify!"

"Is it?"

Song inkstone light way, the other side is not to forget to remind him, but simply did not intend to remind him.

"What are you going to do with me?"

"Haha, it depends on Song Xianyou's wit! Give me your storage ring first! "

Yang Di's Yin measured the Tao, and his eyes on Song Yan became greedy.

"Then what are you going to do?" Song Yan asked again.

"As long as you hand over your storage ring, we won't do anything to you. If you don't, don't blame us for being rude!"

Speaking of this, the fierce light on Zhou Tianlong's face appears, which is extremely ferocious.

"I'd like to see how rude you are!"

Song inkstone's face does not change. josei


Zhou Tianlong drinks with a light voice, and a fairy sword appears in his hand. He cuts towards song Yanfei fiercely.


Song Yan raised his hand, and he took Zhou Tianlong's sword with him.

"You? How can you be all right? "

Yangdi looked at Song Yan in panic and asked.

Song Yan smiled: "it's not that I'm ok, but that I can kill Xuanxian just by my body. There's no big problem to deal with you two little fish!"

[author's aside]: after the update of the third watch, thank you [yasvhshad] and [River Fisherman] for your great reward

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