Magic Love Ring

Chapter 194

Chapter 194

This man is full of energy and looks like an ordinary person, but obviously, he will not be an ordinary person, so song Yan directly uses perspective to see through his Dantian.

This perspective, song Yan is a surprise.

Each other's Dantian is at least ten times larger than his, and his true Qi is vigorous and surging, thick as mercury.

Therefore, he judged that this was a peerless warrior whose accomplishments reached the seventh or eighth level.

"I have no enmity with you, why kill me?" Song Yan stared at each other and asked in a deep voice.

"I owe a person, kill you, I and he are clear!" Said the man, not in a hurry.

"Who is that man?" Song Yan continued to ask.

The other side is silent: "sorry, I can't say."

"Young master song, go quickly. I'll help you stop him!" Jingyan's figure suddenly fell between the two. Although the other side didn't show any breath, he felt that the man was very horrible out of instinct.

"You can't stop me!"

The man shook his head and took a step.

It seems like an ordinary step, but it seems to shrink to an inch. It comes to Jingyan in an instant, and then blows out a fist.

The speed of this fist is not fast, even very slow, but Jingyan feels that no matter how she dodges, she cannot avoid this fist.

However, she didn't want to dodge. She raised her palms and took a series of photos to form a real Qi palms with overlapping.


With a light sound, the fist easily passes through the palms and falls on the chest of silent speech.

But Jingyan felt that at the moment when her fist hit her, there would be an incomparable rush into her body, which would crush the real Qi in her body and finally act on her viscera.

Then, her body just like a straw floating, people in the air even spit a few blood, and then fainted in the past.

Song Yan's body shape is in a flash. He comes behind Jingyan, catches her, and hands her over to Zhuge YUELIAN, who has a dull and frightened face. In a deep voice, he says, "take her with you, and give me here!"

This man's strength is beyond his imagination. After Jing Yan revised the book of Peiyuan, the real yuan in his body can be six times heavier than the ordinary congenital yuan, but he is still defeated by one punch. This man is definitely an expert of eight times heavier.

Zhuge YUELIAN's eyes flickered a little hesitation, and finally nodded, greeting queer and the other three to leave at full speed.

During this period, the man did not stop, just looked at all this indifferently.

Song Yan turns around and looks at the man curiously. Although he is strong, he is not worried that he can kill him, because he has many cards.

"If you change your mind to kill me now, it's too late!"

Man a Leng, some unexpected looking at Song inkstone.

"Don't think I'm bluffing. I'm sure I can kill you, but I don't want to waste that chance, do you understand?" Song Yan continued.

"I don't want to waste this opportunity either!" The man shook his head.

"In that case, do it!" Song Yan's face suddenly turned cold. Since the other side cherished the opportunity, don't blame him for his ruthlessness.

But at this time, the man showed a thoughtful look, kept silent for a long time, and continued: "if you can catch my three punches, I will give up the assassination!"

Song Yan was shocked and nodded: "OK, I promise you."

"Take the call!"

The man gave a light drink, stepped out, raised his hand and blew it out.

There was no sound of breaking the air, no sound of exploding. It was so simple, but the ordinary fist made song Yan feel extremely dangerous.

Gravity field!!!


Centered on his body, the gravitational field rapidly becomes 20 times.

Affected by the gravity and magnetic field, the man's body shook for a while, and his eyes flashed a flash of surprise. But soon, he adjusted, and his fist just looked slow.


Song Yan's body shape swayed and retreated to tens of meters away.

As he retreated, the gravitational and magnetic fields disappeared, and the man's figure swayed again.

"What's your Kung Fu?"

The man did not continue to work, looking at Song Yan asked.

"Unique Kung Fu!"

"Two more punches!"

Man Leng Leng, once again step out, once again across the distance of tens of meters, came to song Yan body, the same blow out a fist.

The field of gravity opens up again.

But in this moment, the real Qi in the man's body suddenly burst out, and a tremendous breath burst out, just like a beast of the world.

Strong Qi counteracted most of the influence of gravity and magnetic field. At that moment, the man's fist was printed on Song Yan's chest.


The overwhelming power poured into his body, destroying his body crazily.

The light of life!

Song Yan quickly opened the magic, and his body was like a broken kite flying tens of meters.Push push push!

After a few steps back, song Yan steadied his figure, looked at the man and said with a smile, "there is still a fist!" josei

"Come again!"

The man stepped out two steps in a row, the figure turned into a streamer.


It's no longer a mediocre one. The third one is a shocking one. The air force is rolling and exploding. The gravity field can't affect him any more.


Song Yan's body was suddenly angry with a light green mask, blocking the man's fist, and song Yan also flew out.

On the ground, song Yan is safe.

That layer of light green light shield is the defense light shield issued by the green fish jade pendant, which is enough to resist any attack below the foundation.

However, the consumption of real elements is also huge.

It's enough to consume one tenth of the real yuan of song inkstone.

"Three punches have passed! You lost! " Song Yan looks at the man with a smile.

"Farewell!" The man was surprised to see song inkstone and wanted to leave.


Song Yan shouted at his back.

The man looked back at him without speaking.

"I don't think you are like a vicious man. Why do you want to be a killer of others?" Song Yan looks at each other and asks, he thinks, this is a man with a story.

"I owe you one!"

"Can you talk about it?" Song inkstone.

The man hesitated and said, "my wife has a strange disease, she has been dizzy, she has been helping me to find a world famous doctor for treatment. Although she has not been cured, I owe him a favor!"

Suddenly, song Yan moved in his heart and said, "if I can cure your wife, but I want you to be loyal to me, will you?"

"Really?" There was a gleam of light in the man's eyes.

"There is no disease in the world that I can't cure!" Song inkstone is light, but it exudes a strong self-confidence.

"If you can cure my wife, why not be loyal to you!" The man says seriously.

Song Yan's heart is happy. This man is born with eight "well, if you believe me, bring your wife to Xiangcheng to find me!"


The man hugged song Yan with a fist. His figure flickered and several flashes disappeared in his sight.

[author's aside]: Thank you [ring - Ye Xingchen] and [Yang Shaojin] for your great rewards. Third, I offer you

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