Magic Love Ring

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Yandu Li's house is still that antique study.

The housekeeper came in a hurry, with some annoyance on his face.

"What's the matter, housekeeper?" Li Mu asked in a deep voice.

"Homecoming Lord, the man sent news that the assassination failed." The housekeeper said angrily. josei

Smell speech, Li Mu eyebrow head sinks: "how to fail in the end?"

"The Butler said:" the specific reason he refused to say, just told me that the assassination failed. The family leader and his subordinates thought that the man didn't take your order to heart at all. It must be perfunctory

Li Mu's eyebrows are wrinkled deeper. Xiangshan's cultivation has reached the top of the eight innate skills. Its combat effectiveness is no less than the nine innate skills. According to the truth, there is no possibility of failure. Or where did the Zhao family recruit a nine innate skills to protect the thief in the dark? But is it so easy to recruit?

"Master, what should we do next? Do you want to continue to send people to kill him? " Asked the housekeeper.

Li Mu waved his hand: "since Xiangshan has failed, it is useless to send someone to it!"

"Is that how you let him go?" The housekeeper is unwilling to say.

Li Mu thought for a moment, handed a jade bottle to the housekeeper, and said, "of course not. Go to Xingnan city and find a way to poison the thief. This bottle of medicine is extremely poisonous in the world. Even if the nine heavy martial artists are born with this poison, they will surely die. But you must keep it secret and not be discovered by the Zhao family!"


On the third day, song Yan returned to Xingnan from the primeval forest.

It took three days to come and go back. Although I couldn't find the treasure, I still got a lot from this trip.

After saying goodbye to Jing Yan and others, song Yan took a ride to Fu's house.

He has been away from Xiangcheng for four days. He plans to go to Fu's house to say goodbye and go back to Xiangcheng. After all, there are still several days left for the college entrance examination.

"A Yan, what's the harvest of this trip?" Fu Qingfeng was warmly welcomed up.

Song Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "it's a white trip! By the way, I'm here to say goodbye to you. I'm going back to Xiangcheng! "

"Why don't you stay for two more days." Fu Qingfeng asked to stay.

Song Yandao: "no, after all, I'm still a student in school, and the college entrance examination is near, and I won't go to school again, but I can't say it!"

"Little brother, it's OK to leave, but I have to finish my meal before I leave. I've ordered people to prepare the banquet!" Fu Dianyuan strided in and said with a smile.

But song Yan had to agree: "in this case, it's better to be obedient than respectful!"

On the wine table, Fu Dianyuan raised his glass and said to song Yan, "I'm here to thank you for your help, little brother."

"Uncle Fu is serious!" Song Yan quickly raised his glass.

"I'll do it first!" Fu Dianyuan said with a smile.

In seclusion, song Yan thought that Fu Dianyuan was a little too enthusiastic. However, did he want to talk about my solicitation again?

"Come on, little brother, I'll pour you wine!" Fu Dianyuan picked up a silver wine pot, refilled the inkstone for song, poured himself another glass, and then continued: "after this experience, I also looked down on it. I intend to give the Fu family to a Feng to take care of it."

"Congratulations to ah Feng!" Song Yan smiled at Fu Qingfeng.

"Dad, isn't that right?" Fu Qingfeng was stunned and looked at Fu Dianyuan with some trepidation.

"What's wrong with that." Fu Dianyuan waved his hand and continued: "rights are harmful to people. I have been fighting for the Fu family all my life. In the end, my two brothers betrayed me because of the position of the head of the family." Speaking of this, Fu Dianyuan's tone was a little sad: "I don't want to do this again, so I'd better retire and enjoy a few days of happiness!"

Speaking of this, Fu Dianyuan once again looked at Song Yan: "little brother, I'm thick with this old face to invite you to join my Fu family again. With your cooperation with a Feng, I'm sure the Fu family can go a step further!"

He really wanted to recruit me again. Song Yan could not help but show some difficulty.

As soon as Fu Qingfeng saw his expression, he knew his mind, so he said: "Dad, each of us has his own ambition. You should not force a Yan. Besides, a Yan and I are good friends. If I have difficulties, he can still let go."

Hearing this, Fu Dianyuan kept silent for a while, raised his glass again and said, "it's me. Ah Feng is right. I hope you don't get angry. Come on, I'll give you another toast!"

Hearing Fu Dianyuan's words, song Yan was relieved.

"Thank you uncle Fu for understanding." With that, song Yan drank up the wine in the cup.

"Come on, order. My cook is good at cooking." Fu Dianyuan gives song Yan a piece of ribs.

"Thank you, uncle."

Song Yan smiled at Fu Dianyuan, then picked up the chopsticks and planned to clip the ribs in the bowl. But at this time, there was a sharp pain like a knife twist in his stomach. Then, a layer of visible black air quickly rose on his face.


His chopsticks fell to the ground.

"I'm poisoned!"

Song Yan secretly said that he didn't use the light of life to drive away the poison. Instead, he used Zhenyuan to suppress the poison in his body for a short time. His eyes angrily swept Fu Qingfeng and Fu Dianyuan% 3a. "Do you poison me?"Seeing the black face of song inkstone, Fu Qingfeng was shocked. He quickly helped song inkstone to be planted on the ground and shouted at Fu Dianyuan, "Dad, did you poison a inkstone?"

Fu Dianyuan nodded calmly: "yes, it's me!"

"Why do you do that?" Fu Qingfeng said indignantly.


At this time, song Yan opened his mouth and spit out a stinking black blood.

Seeing this scene, Fu Dianyuan's face was a little more cold and disdainful: "this kid, somehow or not, even turned down my solicitation. In this case, I had to kill him!"

Hearing this, Fu Qingfeng stared at Fu Dianyuan incredulously, and his eyes were full of disappointment: "is it because of this, you will poison him! Dad, you disappoint me so much. He's our lifesaver! "

Being scolded by his son, Fu Dianyuan was very dissatisfied and said coldly, "you know what, this kid offended the Li family. It was the Li family who wanted him to die, and the Li family promised me benefits that I could not refuse, so he had to die!"

"Wow!" Song Yan spits out black blood again.

"Ah Yan, hold on, I'll let my father give me the antidote!" Seeing this, Fu Qingfeng was flustered and shouted at Fu Dianyuan, "Dad, please give me the antidote!"

"There is no cure for this medicine!" Fu Dianyuan shook his head and said, "even if there is an antidote, I will not give it!"

Just then, a sound of footsteps came, and then, I saw a thin old man in a red Tang suit walking into the hall.

On seeing the old man, Fu Dianyuan quickly stood up to salute the other side: "I have seen old Li!"

"Don't be polite!"

The lean old man waved his hand, and his eyes fell on Song Yan: "you little thief, you have amazing talent, and finally died in my Li family's hands!"

"I don't think so!"

Song Yan, who was dying at first, stood up, and the black air on his face quickly faded away.

[author's extras]: Si Geng

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