Magic Love Ring

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

"Is Songyan safe here?" More than ten miles ahead, Zhao saw and asked song Yan.

Song Yan nodded.

"I'm here to protect the Dharma for you. Please hurry up to flirt and try to reply more Qi!" Zhao Jian said to everyone.

It's not a polite time at the moment, so people are sitting in the same place and starting to use their skills to restore their true Qi. In fact, the real yuan in Song Yan's body hasn't been used up to 10%, which is quite enough. However, he accepted Zhao Jian's good intention.

After a short breath adjustment, we all recovered a certain amount of genuine Qi, took out biscuits and ate them, and continued on our way.

Four hours later, the team is only 30 kilometers away from the destination. It seems that if we work harder, we can reach the destination.

What's more gratifying is that the front is not a dense primeval forest, but a green grassland.

After nearly ten hours of running in the jungle, everyone became ragged and embarrassed, and only two or three percent of the real Qi was left in the body.

So, seeing the road ahead is grassland, almost everyone wants to look up and cheer.

But song Yan saw this grassland, but he was worried.

"Keep on going and try to reach the destination with all your strength!" Zhao Jian waved.


When they answered, they spread out their body methods and ran on.

Following behind us, song Yan opened the perspective of the gods to see the ground.

At this sight, her face suddenly changed and she shouted at Zhao Ying, "sister Ying, flash to the right!"

Zhao Ying's body shape was forced to twist and moved three feet to the right.


At this time, a green triangular head, like lightning, came out from under the grass. The open mouth and two rows of toothed tusks closed together in the air.


The throbbing of teeth.


A bright knife light came out and hit the green triangular head.


Like iron and gold, the dagger that hit the head was shot straight away.

At the same time, the green head quickly retracted to the ground and disappeared.

"What is that?" Zhao Ying's heart was still palpitating. If song Yan didn't remind her, she would probably be bitten off by the triangular head that came out of the ground.

Song Yan picked up the dagger on the ground and said slowly, "I don't know, at least I haven't heard of such a monster!"

Then, he poked open a secret hole in the grass. The hole was only the size of the bowl mouth. It was hard to be noticed under the cover of the thick grass.

"What the hell is this?" Zhao Lei was also scared.

"Well, don't study this any more. Keep coming, but be careful!" Zhao Jianshen said.


Song Yan shouted.

"If you believe me, I will lead the way. I can tell you that there are many monsters like that in this grassland!"

Hearing this, everyone's faces changed.

"Ah Yan, I believe you. Come and lead the way!" Zhao Ying first made a statement. Along the way, song Yan showed a good side, which made her realize that this young man was not so simple.

"I believe you, too!" Zhao Jian's second statement.

Zhao Lei's third statement and Zhao Di's fourth.

It doesn't matter whether Zhao Yun agrees or not.

"OK, everyone, please follow me!"

Song Yan didn't grind. He spread out his body and swept away. As they moved on, they found many other people.

Different from them, the speed of those teams is relatively slow, as if they are preparing for something. josei

Seeing their group of fast looters, they were shocked at first, then sneered: "those who don't know how to live or die, if they run so fast, they will be killed by monsters under the grass sooner or later!"

Hearing each other's ridicule, everyone was silent, but some of them were glad to see song Yan leading the way.

If there were not song Yan, they would move forward cautiously like other teams.

There are no obstacles on the grassland. Even after a long journey around, song Yan's team still got 80 minutes ahead of schedule when they reached their destination.

However, it's a pity that some people have come first, but there are not many people, only more than 20.

The destination is a military camp. There is a flag stand on the broad square, on which there is a national flag.

The destination on the map ends with this flag.

Song Yan noticed that two of the more than 20 people who had arrived before them had clean clothes. After seeing through their accomplishments through the perspective of divinity, he found that they were all born with seven great masters.

However, in order to keep the clothes clean and tidy, this man, one woman and two people are consuming a lot, and they are quite tacit to stand in the same place and adjust their breath.In addition, the rest of the 20 people, who looked like song Yan, were in rags and looked very embarrassed.

"I'm so tired! I have to rest! "

Zhao Di sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Get up, Zhao di. Don't lose face with our Zhao family. Don't you see that no one else is sitting on the ground?" Zhao saw the warning in a low voice.

Zhao Di glanced at him and found that no one sat on the ground without any image like him. He was embarrassed and stood up quickly.

After about five minutes, the ragged Li Kuang Ren appeared with eight inborn martial artists. His eyes glanced at Song Yan's face and he couldn't move any more.

He walked up quickly, stared at Song Yan fiercely, gnashed his teeth and said, "I didn't expect you to come!"

"Why dare not come?" Song inkstone is light.

The fierce light in Li's eyes soared: "OK! Good! This time you don't want to get out of this assessment alive! "

"Is it?" Song Yan's inevitable smile did not argue with him.

All of a sudden, madman Li's eyes quickly swept over Zhao to meet five people. He threatened: "you are Zhao's family. I advise you to stay away from this kid, or you will lose your life. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"Are you too arrogant, Li Kuang Ren?" Zhao saw frowning.

"Why not be convinced?" Li Kuang Ren disdains to say that all the eight inborn martial artists behind him burst out a strong breath, and his cold eyes slowly sweep over Zhao to see a group of people.

Five congenital six fold, three congenital five fold, plus Li Kuang Ren, who can be compared with six congenital five fold, that is six congenital six fold.

For a while, Zhao saw that people's faces were a little white.

If Li fanren is determined to deal with them, they are likely to be wiped out in the assessment.

"I have given you advice. It's your business not to listen to it. Don't regret it when you are dying, but it's too late!"

Arrogant left a word, Li Frenchman took eight people to one side, began to adjust, in order to catch up, they also consumed a lot of real gas.

And song Yan here.

Zhao Yun and Zhao Di first distanced themselves from him. Apparently, they were threatened by Li Kuang Ren and planned to get rid of the relationship with song Yan.

"How can you do that?"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ying was very angry. If it wasn't for song Yan, they could not arrive at the end in advance, or even finish the task!

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