Magic Love Ring

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Zhao Yun said in a cold voice, "this is not me aiming at Song Yan. Who told him to offend Li Frenchman? You didn't see him again. There are five inborn sixfold and four inborn fiffold. What can we do with them?"

"I agree with Zhao Yun this time. I just don't want to be involved with him!" Zhao Di nodded in deep thought.

Hearing Zhao Yun and Zhao Di's words, Zhao yingyue gets angry and looks at Zhao and asks, "Captain, how about you? What do you think? "

Zhao saw the silence for a long time, and looked at Song Yan apologetically. "Zhao Ying, we should focus on the overall situation. We represent the Zhao family. If we are all eliminated this time, we will only make the Zhao family look shameless!"

As soon as the voice fell, he also opened a distance with song Yan.

"The captain is right. Song Yan is wrong!" Zhao Lei apologizes to song Yan and smiles, then goes to the side.

Seeing that all four people have given up song Yan, Zhao Ying can't help but trembling with rage, pointing to the four people and saying: "you You are all ungrateful people. If it wasn't for a Yan... "

"Sister Ying!"

All of a sudden, song Yan interrupted Zhao Ying: "sister Ying, they are doing right. It is really related to the honor of the whole Zhao family to run for the Ares team this time, so go to them too!"

"No! I won't go! " Zhao Ying shook her head stubbornly and said excitedly, "if you didn't save me, I would have been bitten off by that monster! So, in any case, I will stand with you! "

Zhao Ying's attitude is very gratifying for song Yan, especially for the other side's determination to stand on the same front with him. Unlike Zhao Lei, the left one is for the honor of Zhao family and the right one is for the overall situation. In fact, he is afraid of Li Kuan Ren.

He also doesn't think that they are greedy for life and fear of death. They can really support a Zhao family in Nuo University. No wonder Zhao Changsheng would rather train him as a stranger than train them as a sideline, because they have too many distractions and worry about their gains and losses.

"Sister Ying."

Song Yan took Zhao Ying's hand to one side and said in a low voice that only she could hear: "sister Ying, tell you something, in fact, I was the one who beat Li Kuang Ren seriously. At that time, I was born in the second place, and he was born in the fourth place. josei

Now I'm born in quadruple, he's only born in quintuple, so it's not easy for him to kill me! "

Hearing this, Zhao Ying was shocked and unbelievable: "ah Yan, what you said is true?"

"Of course, otherwise why do you think crazy Li met me like a mad dog!" Song Yan joked.

"But there are so many of them!" Zhao Ying is worried again.

Song Yan smiled confidently: "I can't run even though I can't fight?"? So, it's better for me to act alone with you, so now you can go to Zhao to see them! "

"Well then!" Zhao Ying was convinced and nodded.

"By the way, sister Ying, you should be careful about Zhao Jian. This man is a hypocrite." Song Yan reminds me.

Zhao Ying was stunned and nodded: "well, I'll pay attention!" Obviously, she didn't pay attention to song Yan's words. She thought Zhao Jian was dissatisfied with song Yan because he gave up. Of course, she could understand song Yan's emotion, so she also said to song Yan, "you should be careful."

"Don't worry, I will protect myself!" Song Yan assured Zhao Ying.

When Zhao Ying also came to Zhao to see a group of people, Li Kuang, who was not far away, couldn't help smiling smugly and said to himself, "I won't let go of any of those fools of Zhao family!"

In the next more than an hour, there were teams coming back and forth.

When the time came to 12 hours, the cold voice sounded on the plane came from the broadcast on the playground: "the first round of assessment time is over, and all those who didn't arrive will be eliminated!"! Those who have passed the first round of assessment are on standby! "

Song Yan glanced and found that 238 people passed the examination, that is to say, more than half of them were eliminated in the first round.

About five minutes later.

A middle-aged man in camouflage appeared.

As soon as the other party appeared, everyone felt a deep breath like a mountain, and subconsciously stopped talking.

"Hello everyone, my name is Longjian. One of the examiners of this assessment, congratulations. You have passed the first round of assessment. Next, you will have two hours of rest time. At the same time, the canteen has prepared meals for you! Now, let's go to the canteen for dinner. In two hours, we will gather here! "

Finish saying, dragon sword leaves cleanly.

In 12 hours, everyone only ate a bag of biscuits. They were already starving. When they heard that the canteen had prepared food, their eyes lit up.

But Longjian didn't tell them where the canteen was.

Therefore, most people feel at a loss, only a small number of people are running around looking for the canteen.

"Sister Ying, follow me. I'll take you to the canteen!"

After Song Yan told Zhao Ying about it, he flew in the same direction. Zhao Ying was stunned and started to catch up with song Yan.Zhao see and so on see the appearance, the heart move, also followed song Yan to catch up.

The canteen did prepare meals, but only for 120 people.

Because of the perspective, and perspective range reached 6000 meters, all, song inkstone is the first to find the canteen.

After rushing into the canteen, song Yan took a person's meal directly and went to one side to eat it quickly.

Zhao Ying, Zhao sees five people a little behind him.

Looking at Song Yan, they also quickly took a meal to eat.

Soon, more people rushed into the canteen.

And song inkstone also ate one, and then rushed up to take one.

See this, Zhao see to Zhao Lei and so on make a wink, one after another the meal in the lunch box into the mouth, rush up again to take a share.

More and more people are pouring into the canteen.

However, the food was limited. In less than three minutes, all the food was robbed.

At least half of the people didn't get the food.

"What's the matter? Why is there not enough food! " A warrior began to shout discontentedly.

"Yes, I have prepared the meal? How come it's gone so soon! " Another warrior agrees.

Then more and more fighters began to protest, saying they wanted to eat.

At this time, the radio in the canteen sounded, still the cold voice: "shut up for me, didn't get the food, it's you are too stupid, if you dare to shout and scream again, you will be eliminated directly!"

All of a sudden, the shouting fighters dare not speak at random.

Suddenly, a martial artist noticed that song Yan had half of the food in his lunch box, and he was alone again, so he strode up: "boy, give me the rest of your meal."

"Yes, take it!"

Song Yan hands the lunch box directly to the other party.

The other party was stunned, and then took the lunch box, but he could not care if song Yan had eaten it, so he shoved it into his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the others who didn't get the food were all eyes bright, and their eyes locked on the fighters who were eating.

"Boy, I'm from northwest wolf, give me your meal!"

"Get out of here, I'm from Kunshan sword sect!"

"I wipe, you dare to scold me, looking for death!"

"Brother, can you share your meal with me?"

"Go away!"

"Ma Dan, just scolded me, I killed you!"


Soon, the canteen began to scuffle, but song Yan quietly quit the canteen before they started fighting.

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