Magic Love Ring

Chapter 287

Chapter 287

When returning to the palace from the general's mansion, Jiang Dan felt extremely depressed and depressed. Unexpectedly, he had become the king of Qi, and song Yan still dared to scold him. .

"asshole! One day I will make you kneel on the ground and beg me! "

Jiang Dan slams the glass in his hand to the ground with a click. The glass breaks in response.

Since Song Yan ordered people to make glass, he has made many glassware.

"Tut Tut, this is a glass worth ten thousand yuan. It's a pity."

All of a sudden, a joking voice sounded.

Jiang Dan suddenly turned around and found that there were many middle-aged people in black robes in the palace. As for the several guards waiting outside the palace, they all fell to the ground.

"Who are you?" Jiang Dan looks at each other badly.

The middle-aged black robe smiled proudly: "I am Ji Liao, the temple of mountains and seas."

"You bastard, how dare you break into the king's palace without permission? You should be punished!"

As soon as the figure flashed, Jiang Dan launched the nine changes of Tenglong, which turned into a mirage and came out directly. At the same time, the thirty nine moves of whirlwind kicked out.

Jiang Dan's accomplishments have reached the great perfection of the day after tomorrow at a young age. In addition, the nine changes of Tenglong and the thirty ninth form of whirlwind are all innate martial arts. Therefore, his strength is no less than that of ordinary innate martial artists.

So his attack looks like lightning, and he's scared like a dragon. In a moment, the middle-aged black robe is swallowed up by his leg shadow.

"I didn't expect that the king of Qi had such accomplishments when he was young."

To this end, the middle-aged black robe said a sentence, just point out a finger.

This finger seems ordinary, but it points directly at the flaw of the ginger Dan move.

A groan.

Jiang Dan's body back, fell to the ground, staggered back a few steps before he stabilized.

At once, Jiang Dan's face coagulated, knowing that he was not the opponent of this man, but there was a bit of panic in his eyes. However, he was a royal son after all, and soon suppressed the panic and uneasiness in his heart. He stared at the middle-aged man in black robe and said, "what's your purpose here?"

The middle-aged black robe smiled: "I will help the king of Qi."

"How do you want to help Ben Wang?" Jiang Dan continued.

"Shanhai temple can help the king of Qi to kill song inkstone and let him really control the power of Qi." The middle-aged voice of black robe is full of a kind of demagogic taste.

Hearing this, Jiang Dan's eyes flashed and he was very moved, but he was worried that song Yan sent him to test him. So he sneered and said: "joke, the general is our master. How can we kill our master?"

Jiang Dan thought carefully how to hide from the eyes of the middle-aged man in black robe and said in a deep voice: "king Qi doesn't have to worry. The power of our mountain sea temple is beyond your imagination. It's not easy to kill a song inkstone!"

Jiang Danyue launched his heart and continued to test: "the general is a man of perfect cultivation. You may not be his opponent!"

The middle-aged black robe disdained: "the king of Qi is too high on him. He's just a common man. I want to kill him in Shanhai temple, but like killing chickens and dogs." josei

Seeing the confidence of heipao's middle age, Jiang Dan actually believed him by seven or eight points, but he hesitated. If he could kill song Yan, it would be better. If he could not kill him, I'm afraid that his position as king Qi would not be guaranteed.

"What is king Qi still hesitating about? Our Shanhai temple is willing to give a hand to a common person. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you ask us to give you a hand, we will not give you another chance! "

"Good!" Jiang Dan bit his teeth, and his eyes flashed a vicious color: "what are you going to do?"

The middle-aged black robe smiled and said: "simple, you bring song Yan to this palace. I'll trap him with the secret treasure of Shanhai temple. Even if he has great ability, he will die!"

"What's the secret treasure that you can show me?" Jiang Dan stared at the black robe and said.

"Of course!"

The middle-aged black robe waved, a fist sized copper clock flew up into the sky, and then, a bunch of golden light and shadow enveloped Jiang Dan.

Under the shadow of this golden light, Jiang Dan was shocked to find that he could not even move a finger.

"Take it!"

The middle-aged man in the black robe grasped it, and the bronze bell flew back into his hands. Jiang Dan also followed closely and recovered his freedom.

"What a treasure!" Jiang Dan greedily stares at the bronze bell on the middle-aged hand of the black robe.

"The king of Qi is now trustworthy?"

"Well, I'll call that man in!" Jiang Dan's eyes sparkled with splendor.

General's mansion.

Servants came to report that king Qi had an urgent matter to invite song Yan into the palace for deliberation.

Wen Yan, song Yan is a little suspicious. What kind of tricks does this little guy want to play?

Soon, song Yan appeared in Jiang Dan's palace, and found that Jiang Dan was high on the throne, beside him stood a strange middle-aged black robe.

The middle age of heipao gave song Yan a strange feeling. He felt moved. Song Yan shrouded him with perspective. He was surprised to find that there was a specious energy in his opponent's body.This energy is more pure than the genuine Qi of the inborn warrior, but it is not as good as the genuine yuan of the immortal cultivator. What's strange is that the energy stored in the opponent's body is not the Dantian in his belly, but the Tanzhong point in his chest.

According to the description in the book of Peiyuan, there are three big Dantian in human body.

One is the lower Dantian at the lower abdomen, the other is the Tanzhong point of Dantian in the chest, and the third is the understanding of the sea Dantian with the eyebrow and heart.

Before the cultivation of the Yuanying, the people who cultivate immortals are all the xiadantian.

Only when the Danhua baby is broken and the yuan baby flies into the sea of knowledge can the Dantian be rebuilt.

As for zhongdantian, the people who cultivate immortals do not practice.

Now, actually saw a repair in Dantian, song inkstone is that kind of novel.

"General, why don't you kneel when you see this king?"

Jiang Dan, who is sitting on the throne, stares at Song yanleng and drinks. In fact, he is calm on the surface, but he has some drums in his heart. After all, song Yanji has been gaining power in his heart for a long time.

Song Yan looks at Jiang Dan deeply, and looks at him with horror, but ignores him. Instead, he looks at the middle-aged black robe and says, "who are you?"

"I have seen the general. I am Ji Liao, the sacred palace of mountains and seas." The black robe's middle-aged eyes flashed the color of arrogance and slowly said.

"Shanhai temple? What's the matter? Why hasn't general Ben heard of it? " Song yanplay taste.

"Unbridled!" The middle-aged look of black robe suddenly sank, and anger flashed in his eyes: "the mountain and sea temple is an overseas immortal gate. It's normal that you, a common man, haven't heard of it. Today, I'm invited by the king of Qi to get rid of your disorderly subjects and thieves!"

"Overseas Xianmen? It's kind of interesting! " Song yanruo nodded thoughtfully. Judging from the energy in the middle-aged body of the black robe, at best, he was born with three levels. Since he dared to utter wild words, he must have some dependence.

"The thief will die!"

A light drink, black robe middle-aged throw a fist big copper clock.

When the bell flew into the air, it radiated a golden light and shadow, like lightning, straight to song inkstone.

"Magic weapon?"

As soon as song Yan's eyes were bright, he grasped the copper bell in the air. Suddenly, the light of the copper bell disappeared and fell into his hands.

"Here How is this possible? " Seeing this scene, Ji Liao's eyes were full of disbelief, and Jiang Dan could not deal with song Yan when he saw the extremely powerful secret treasure, but his body was soft and his eyes were full of fear and regret.

[author's aside]: change the game conditions:

reward three thousand beans and one more.

Book reviews add two hundred and one more.

The recommended ticket is increased by fifty plus one.

The game starts on the 6th, ends on the 10th and starts on the 11th.

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