Magic Love Ring

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

When the Tongzhong arrived, song Yan was not polite either. He directly input Zhen Yuan to erase the imprint. .


At the moment when the mark of the magic weapon was broken, Ji Liao, a middle-aged man in black robe, opened her mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood, which made her look decadent.

"You How dare you erase the mark from my magic weapon! " Ji Liao points to song Yan with trembling fingers, his eyes full of resentment.

Song Yan still ignored him, but used the real yuan to investigate the attributes of the magic weapon.

Soul fixing clock is a higher level magic weapon, which can fix people's spirits.

Actually, it's just a magic weapon. Song Yan is disappointed.

There are nine kinds of magic weapons, each of which is divided into upper level, middle level and lower level.

He also obtained four magic weapons on the aqua star, one storage ring, one bronze flying sword of the third level, one defensive magic weapon of the third level, the green fish pendant and a special storage magic weapon with three golden Dan sword Qi.

Seeing that song Yan was silent, Ji Liao became more angry and shouted: "thief, return the soul setting clock to me, otherwise, I will not let you go."

"You say it's yours?" Song Yan looks up and stares at him.

"Give it back to me as soon as you know it!"

"Then call it, and if it does, I'll give it back to you!" The song inkstone plays sadism.

"Bastard, you dare to tease me, I will kill you!"

In a flash, Ji Liao rushed to song Yanfei. He was only in the air. Suddenly, his body folded and went straight out of the hall.

"I said, have you left?"

Song Yan doesn't care to smile. A copper coin flies out of his hand. He is in the middle of Ji Liao's vest. He feels his body stiff and plumps to the ground.

Seeing that Jiliao was so useless, Jiang Dan was completely desperate, but his body was shivering on the throne.

Song Yan walked slowly to Jiliao and looked down at him.

"Thief, I advise you to let me go, otherwise, you can't bear the anger of my mountain and sea temple!"

"Is it?"

Song Yan smiled meaningfully, raised his hand and pointed out a finger, which made a puppet magic into Ji Liao's eyebrow.

The color of confusion and struggle flashed in Jiliao's eyes, but it soon returned to Qingming, and the look at Song Yan changed from hatred to awe.

"Tell me about the Shanhai temple." Song Yan asked with a smile.

"Yes, master. Shanhai temple is located on an overseas island called Penglai. There are thirty-six disciples of factotum, twelve inner disciples and five true disciples on the island. There are three elders above the true disciples, and the leader is above the elders. "

Song Yan nodded: "that is to say, the whole Shanhai temple is less than 100 people. By the way, how do you divide your realm and what level of disciples are you in the Shanhai temple?"

Jiliao said: "there are three realms of heaven, earth and man, twenty-seven storeys, thirty-six factotums are all human realms, twelve inner disciples are between the first and the third realms, the true disciples are between the fourth and the sixth realms, two of the three elders are the sixth realms, one is the seventh realms, and the leader is the ninth realms. His subordinates are twelve inner disciples, who are three levels of cultivation. "

Song Yan said to himself, "isn't it the three realms of heaven, earth and man? How can there be no one who is strong in the mountain and sea temple?"

"Back to the master, those who are strong in the heaven are just the realm calculated by the master. In fact, the master has been staying in Jiuchong for decades. So far, no one has broken through the heaven."

According to the boundary division of the world, song Yan can basically affirm that the so-called human environment should be the one who has acquired martial arts, the natural environment is the one who has innate martial arts, and the heaven environment is the one who has built the base environment.

"Where do you get this magic weapon?" Song Yanyang raises the soul setting clock on his hand and asks again.

"Anyone who breaks through the realm of cultivation has the right to go to the treasure house of the palace to choose a magic weapon for refining, and is automatically promoted to an inner disciple." Jiliao replied truthfully.

Song Yan's eyes flashed, and he thought that he had time to see the treasure house of the mountain and sea god palace. He continued to ask, "is there any other school in the world besides the mountain and sea god palace?"

"Yes! There is also a sea temple on Fusang island in the East, and the personnel in the door of the sea temple is less than 100, which is equivalent to the mountain and sea temple. "

"By the way, do you have your practice books?" Suddenly, song Yan asked.

"Master, please see, this is my mountain sea palace's cultivation skill" mountain sea secret code " While talking, I took out a volume of bestial books from my arms.

Song Yan took a look, it was full of small regular script.

After seeing this secret Sutra, song Yan closed his eyes and began to figure it out.

After a while, song Yan returned the mountain and sea secret code to Ji Liao. The so-called mountain and sea secret code is just a shallow cultivation skill that can't be more shallow. No wonder the energy they cultivate is specious. Moreover, they have a high requirement for the physique of practitioners. Only those who are naturally smooth in middle Dantian can practice.

Zhongdantian is different from xiadantian.99.9% of the population is in a closed state, and only 0.01% of the population is naturally smooth.

This alone greatly limits the number of people who practice.

No wonder there are only two cultivation schools in the whole world, and the total number is less than 200.

In fact, all practitioners in this world have entered a fork in the road. If they can create and surpass the skills of cultivating xiadantian, with the world's rich aura of heaven and earth, even if the number is far lower than that of shuilanxing, the number of practitioners can definitely surpass that of shuilanxing.

Sighing, song inkstone thought of a neglected question and asked Ji Liao, "by the way, what is your purpose of coming to Qi this time?"

"I dare not hide my master. In fact, the two kingdoms of Yanzhao and the Three Kingdoms of Qi belong to our sacred palace of mountains and seas. It was only because the former king of Qi wanted to get rid of our control that Yanzhao and his two kingdoms jointly destroyed it. Now, the restoration of Qi is imminent. The palace master sent the two kingdoms of Qi to make Qi become our country again.

However, when I came to the state of Qi, I found that you are the one who really controls the state of Qi. Compared with the young king of Qi, it is obvious that the king of Qi is better to control. Therefore, my subordinates will have the idea of killing you? "

"I see!" Song Yan nodded and said, "what about Chu and Qin? Is it the kingdom of the sea temple? "

"Not bad." Ji Liao nodded: "the present female Xiangji Yuxi of Qin state is the true disciple of the sea temple."

"Interesting!" Song Yan said to himself, "I didn't expect Ji Yuxi, one of the four beauties, to be the true disciple of the sea temple.".


Suddenly, song Yan shouted. josei

"Subordinates are here!"

"In addition to you, are there any people in the Shenzhou mainland who belong to the temple of mountains and seas?"

Jiliao nodded: "yes, Mrs. Lihua and Qinxin, the four beauties, are the real disciples of our Shanhai temple."

"What?" Hearing this news, song Yan was very surprised: "where is Mrs. Lihua now?"

"After the fall of Qi, she went back to Penglai Island!"

"Those four beauties are not from the sea temple, are they?"

"Yes, she is the true disciple of the sea temple!"

"Interesting, it's getting more and more interesting!" Song Yan's mouth was full of a smile. It seems that it's necessary to go to Shanhai temple and Haishen temple.

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