Magic Love Ring

Chapter 314

Chapter 314

In an instant, song Yan and Qin Xin have been staying on the island for five days. Every day, song Yan will search for other islands with his sword. Because the island is short of fresh water, he can only collect some dew from leaves every day, which is not enough for two people to take.


Song Yan pressed down the sword light and landed on the beach. Qin Xin hurriedly ran out of the newly built simple wooden house: "brother in law, is there any harvest?"

When the bronze sword was put into his body, song Yan shook his head: "I haven't found it yet."

In recent days, song Yan has checked the surrounding tens of thousands of miles, and still hasn't found an island, which makes him feel very strange.

"It's OK. Let's find it slowly." Qin said reassuringly.

Now, it has already passed the one month period given to her by the imperial master Donghuang, so Qin's heart's tangled and painful mood has gradually recovered.

"That's the only way."

Song Yan nodded, "I'll catch a fish in the sea first."

While talking, song Yan took off his clothes and walked to the sea in a pair of underpants. The sun was still very poisonous on the sea. So, in a few days, song Yan's white skin has changed into bronze.

But in Qin's heart and eyes, the older brother-in-law with bronze skin is more masculine.

"Poo Tong!"

The water splashed and song Yan plunged into the sea. Qin Xin's eyes were a little crazy again: "if you can't leave here, it's not a bad thing to be alone with your brother-in-law on this island."

Soon, song Yan returned to the beach with a head of red oval scales and a sea fish weighing five or six Jin. josei

"Brother in law, this fish is very beautiful." Qin Xin comes up and looks at the red fish with interest.

"Yes, I just don't know how the meat is?" Song Yanxiao takes out the bronze flying sword and begins to open the red fish. There are tens of millions of fish in the sea. These days, there is almost no same fish that song Yanxia catches in the sea.

Soon, song Yan put the red fish on the branch.

And Qin Xin has set off a bonfire when he is finishing the redfish.

After about ten minutes, the meat of the red fish has been cooked in seven or eight minutes, and an unspeakable fragrance begins to emanate from the fish.

Qin Xin couldn't help saying: "brother in law, this red fish is so delicious. It must be delicious."

In fact, I have eaten fish for five days in a row. Even if the fish baked by song Yan is delicious, the heart of Qin has been so fed up.

But when she smelled the smell of the red fish, she could not wait to taste it.

About three minutes later, the redfish was completely roasted. Song Yan spread the seasoning evenly on the fish and baked it in the fire for more than ten seconds. All the seasoning was almost delicious.

The smell of fish is more and more strong.

This time, not only Qin Xin, but also song Yan couldn't help but also wanted to taste the taste of the red fish.


Song Yan cuts a piece of red fish and hands it to Qin Xin.

"Thank you brother-in-law."

After thanking, Qin Xin quickly sent the red fish meat to her mouth. She only took a small bite, and her eyes narrowed into crescent shape. Then she took two more bites and vaguely said to song Yan, "brother in law, this red fish is so delicious. You can taste it soon."

"Is it?"

Song Yan also cut off a piece of fish and sent it to the entrance.

Suddenly a strange fragrance exploded in his mouth, and the wonderful taste could not be described.

After removing the internal organs, the red fish had at least four Jin of meat, but in less than half an hour, they had eaten it completely.

Qin Xin licked his lips and said, "brother-in-law, next time you catch fish, how about catching this kind of fish?"

"Of course. Come and have some water. " Song Yan takes a new bottle of mineral water from the storage ring and hands it to Qin Xin.

There are only about 30 bottles of mineral water in the ring. Although they have been saving money these days, they also use six bottles.

Qin Xin takes over the water bottle, turns it open naturally, drinks it twice, and hands it to song Yan: "brother in law."

Song Yan is not polite either. He took a bottle of water and took a big sip. These days, they are used to drinking a bottle of wine and water together, and will not feel embarrassed any more.

When they are full, they naturally want to find some entertainment to pass the time.

Therefore, song Yan took out a pair of playing cards from the ring and played a duel between them.

Just playing, song inkstone found that he was a little restless, a pair of eyes from time to time to Qin heart.

And Qin Xin also felt that he could not control his eyes. He peeped at Song Yan from time to time.


Their eyes collided in the mid air. The air around them suddenly became hot at this moment.

Fifty centimeters.

Thirty centimeters.

Twenty centimeters.

Ten centimeters.

The two seemed to be drawn by a mysterious force, with each other's cheeks approaching each other.Finally, it fits together.

"Heart." Song Yan cried softly, he felt that there was an irrepressible * * in his body, which was constantly devouring his reason.

"Brother in law." Qin heart also whispered, but the tone was full of affection.


Song Yan can't bear it any longer. With one ring of his hands, he embraces Qin Xin's body completely and kisses her two lips fiercely.

This kiss, then becomes uncontrollable.

Both of them had a flame that could not be extinguished, which burned all their sense and scruples, leaving only the most primitive human beings.

Kiss kiss, two people begin to tear each other's clothes crazily.

Soon, they were completely honest.


A slightly painful and joyful voice sounded, and the two bodies were completely integrated.

**After that, their bodies are still inseparable.

Song Yan is very depressed. During this period, he has been very restrained except for a little flirting with Qin Xin, because he is worried that after seizing Qin Xin's heart, he will complete the task and leave the world.

But to his surprise, up to now, he has not been prompted by the system to complete the task.

"Is Qin Xin acting for me?"

Song Yan has doubts in his heart, but when he comes into contact with the shy but affectionate eyes in his arms, he believes that Qin Xin is not faking his feelings.

"Is it because of yu'er?"

Yu'er and he were enemies of life and death before. Only because she was backfired by the magic of confusion, she became his man.

Thinking of this, song Yan thinks it's very possible.

That is to say, he needs to get a heart of four beauties to finish the task.

"Brother in law, do you regret it?"

Seeing that song Yan has not made a sound, Qin Xin asks with some worry.

"What a fool to say!" Song Yan kissed Qin Xin gently on the forehead and said gently: "brother in law can get you. It's a blessing I've cultivated in my eight lives. How can I regret it!"

However, song Yan still thinks that he and Qin Xin are somewhat abnormal today. By reason, both of them are relatively restrained people. How could they suddenly be unable to restrain and have a relationship?

[author's extras]: Thank you for the reward from the queen of treasure. The third one is more important. There will be a change in the website's access address: http: / / any search engine input: you can access!

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