Magic Love Ring

Chapter 315

Chapter 315

All of a sudden, song Yan's eyes fell on the red fish bones on the beach that had not yet been cleaned. Was it because of the red fish?

"Brother in law, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing. I wonder when we can find a way to leave. "Song inkstone says softly.

"Brother in law, I'm sorry. My heart has concealed something from you. Would you blame me?" Suddenly, Qin Xin looks at Song Yan nervously.

"Of course not. No matter what my heart did wrong, my brother-in-law will forgive you."

What women can't resist most is sweet talk.

Therefore, when hearing song Yan's words, Qin Xin was moved and felt guilty: "in fact, brother-in-law, this invitation to Penglai Island is a conspiracy of the palace master. He and the Lord of the sea temple, the God Fusang, set up a vast net there. As long as you step on Penglai Island, they will kill you."

"If you tell me about it, you will not be afraid to be blamed by Donghuang."

Song Yan had expected this for a long time. He was not surprised to hear Qin Xin tell the truth. At the same time, he indirectly proved that Qin Xin told him all about it. Then, he had succeeded in winning her heart.

"Brother in law, I don't want you to have any accidents." Qin Xin said firmly.

"It's really my brother-in-law's good heart. Let him love you again." Song Yan smiled and kissed Qin Xin's soft thin lips. After eating red fish, he lost his mind. He only knew how to vent, so he had less fun.

As for this time Song Yan's movements are very gentle. When she kisses her heart's lips, a pair of big hands swim on her.

An hour later, the battle was over and both men were dressed. josei

"Brother in law, do you think we will die on this isolated island?" Qin Xin lies in Song Yan's arms. She has some sad ways. She just realized the beauty of men's and women's affairs. She really wants to live with her brother-in-law for a long time, but she knows that if she can't find a new water source, she and her brother-in-law will die.

"There's no way out, there's always a way." Song Yan's hand stroked the hair of Qin's heart and said softly.

Is there really a way?

Song Yanzhen doesn't know that there's no visiting address of this website in Wanli. You can access it if you enter it in any search engine

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