Magic Love Ring

Chapter 340

Chapter 340

"What's the matter, sister Xinyu!" Asked Gan Zhipeng.

"Now a group of people are coming out of the campus network to win and kill you, and even elevate this contest to the level of national honor. If you fail this time, I'm afraid you won't be able to rise to the top of your head in Shuimu University in the future.

"Let me see!"

Song Yan took his mobile phone, and after reading this post and most of the people who followed it, his face became a little gloomy.

Those posts all seem to be chasing Longbo and Gan Zhipeng, but they are really killing them, and more and more replies are popping up, all clamoring to let Longbo and Gan Zhipeng defeat Gong Benli and win honor for the country.

Returning the mobile phone to Ba Xinyu, song Yan began to think about the countermeasures. If it was just a simple contest, Longbo and Gan Zhipeng lost. But now, with the help of the people who are interested in it, he has raised the contest to the level of the country, but he can't ignore it.

All of a sudden, song Yan's heart moved, and a plan helped Sang's heart.

Time passed slowly, and finally came to 4:30 p.m.

No. 3 gymnasium became so busy that at least 500 students came here to watch the competition.

With the help of those who are interested in it, the contest has reached a very high level.

Therefore, most students have high expectations for GaN Zhipeng and long Bo.

At 4:40, with the support of overseas students from Fusang, such as Gong Benhao, Gong came to the No. 3 gymnasium.

"Sister, this is a great opportunity to carry forward our karate in Fusang. Shuimu University, one of Yanhuang's key universities, as long as you defeat Gan Zhipeng and Longbo, you will defeat the whole Shuimu University. So, this time, you must show yourself well and let these Yanhuang people see how powerful our Fusang people are!" Gong explained to Gong in a low voice in Fusang. His face was full of excitement and fanaticism.

"Don't worry, brother," Gong said with disdain. "I've seen the martial arts video of the two of them. At best, the two of them will fall behind me in the middle of the day after tomorrow. Even if they go together, I can easily defeat them!"

Miyamoto nodded and said solemnly, "the glory of Fusang, the glory of Miyamoto, please!"

It's almost five o'clock, but Longbo and Gan Zhipeng still haven't appeared.

So there was a discord in the audience.

"Why don't Cao, Gan Zhipeng and long Bo come, are they counsellors?"

"It's possible. I heard that Gong Benli is the first expert of Gong's family, much better than Gong Benhao!"

"Fuck, if these two guys don't come, they will lose all our faces in Shuimu University!"


The students in the audience, driven by interested people, are getting more and more excited, and many people are swearing.

Hearing the swearing of these students, Miyamoto's face could not help but emerge a smug smile.

The other side.

Gan Zhipeng and long Bo are going to No. 3 gymnasium.

Just passing a remote road, two masked people suddenly jumped out of the flowers. Without saying anything, they attacked them.

Gan Zhipeng was frightened, but Longbo seemed particularly calm.

"Bang! Bang! "

All of a sudden, Longbo moved and kicked his feet.

Then, the masked man who had just been close to them flew backward and fell into the flowers, fainting. josei

"A Yan, what's the matter? Why are these two masked people attacking us?" Gan Zhipeng said to Longbo.

"There must be someone who doesn't want us in the gym, so we'll lose a reputation for not fighting!" Long Bo said lightly, but his voice was song Yan's, not bad, song Yan thought of the way is to steal beams and change posts, disguised as Cheng Longbo with makeup.

"It's his! It's really insidious! " Gan Zhipeng could not help swearing.

"OK, let's go to the gym!"

At 4:57, Longbo and Gan Zhipeng walked into the No. 3 gymnasium together.

Seeing the two people who came to the gymnasium smoothly, Miyamoto's face is a little gloomy. What's the matter? The two people he sent to intercept are all experts of Miyamoto's family. They have reached the great success the day after tomorrow. How did the two boys get to the gymnasium 3 smoothly.

The students who were swearing at the time saw Longbo and Gan Zhipeng coming, and they all closed their mouths.

In the audience.

Wu Jiaqi's four daughters didn't come. After taking the marrow washing pill that song Yan gave them, they almost collapsed. Now they are lying in the dormitory to recover their vitality.

"Gansang and longsang, I thought you wouldn't come." Miyamoto smiled and said, obviously with a feeler.

"Yes, there was a bit of trouble on the way, two mad dogs." Song Yan laughed, but his voice has become the voice of Longbo.

"Oh, what does longsang mean?" Miyamoto was worried.

"Nothing, just talk about it!" Song inkstone is light.When Miyamoto looked cold, he stopped worrying about it and asked, "long sang, Gan sang, who will come first?"

"Long sang, Gan sang, I suggest you go together!" Miyamoto stared at the two men, and a trace of coldness and disdain flashed in her eyes.

Gan Zhipeng boasted: "Wow, Miss Miyamoto, you are so open that you want me to go with Lao long. Although you are beautiful, we all have people we like, so we can only refuse!"

"Baga, you want to die!" Gong Benli stares at Gan Zhipeng coldly, with anger in her voice.

At this time, song Yan stepped forward and looked at Miyamoto and said, "Miss Miyamoto, I'll come first, but since you are a lady, I'm going to let you do three moves!"

Gong Benli was stunned, and then a sneer appeared on her face: "long sang, you will pay for your arrogance!"

"Ho Ho, no matter what, we are all in the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven should have the bearing of the people of the kingdom of heaven. Miss Miyamoto, please do it first!" Song yanlang said, his voice is not big, but strangely, it has spread to all the people on the scene, and immediately welcomed the cheers.

"Since long sang is so confident, I will not be polite!"

As soon as the voice falls, Gong Benli steps on a flexible and changeable pace and comes at a gallop. In a blink of an eye, she appears on the right side of song Yan. A hand knife cuts to his neck as fast as lightning.

However, as soon as song Yan's figure retreated slightly, he avoided the hand knife, which surprised Gong Benli. Although he didn't use all his strength in this move, he was not able to evade by a warrior in the middle of the day after tomorrow.

"Miss Miyamoto has one move. There are two more moves you can take advantage of." Song Yan's voice sounded in time.


A cold hum, Gong Benli launched an attack again, this move is more fierce and quick, a finger pokes at his eyes, a fist hits his abdomen.

But to Gong Benli's annoyance, he was still shunned by song Yan.

"Miss Miyamoto, there is only one move left. Remember to cherish the opportunity." Song Yan's abuse of Tao made Miyamoto extremely angry.

All of a sudden, she took a deep breath, looked at Song Yan coldly, and then gently spit out a few words in her mouth - Karate killer.

[author's extraneous remarks]: Thank you for the great reward [td92575487], and I'd like to send you

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