Magic Love Ring

Chapter 341

Chapter 341

An opponent she despised could easily avoid her two moves.

This makes Gong Benli surprised and angry.

If she can't beat the other side without fighting back, it's a shame for her.

So, the third way is to knock down the other side anyway.

Karate is a large school in Fusang. This school is controlled by three families. Miyamoto family is one of the three families.

The three families belong to the same school, but there is no lack of fighting. Gong Benli is the most outstanding warrior of the young generation, and the family places great hopes on her. If she fails this time, I'm afraid that the other two families will take the opportunity to make troubles, so she can't fail anyway.

In karate, there are three unique moves.

They are killing, breaking Qi and vigorous killing.

These three kinds of unique learning are only qualified for cultivation if their accomplishments reach the innate state.

However, she is the best fighter of the young generation, so the Presbyterian regiment made an exception to teach her the killing style.

Kill is a powerful attack method that can gather the spirit and spirit of the warrior into a group and then release them.

However, Gong Benli has not yet entered the nature, and cannot make the energy in her body circulate back and forth. Therefore, once she performs the kill move, she will be evacuated from her body. Therefore, now she is desperate.


Gong Benli's figure seems to turn into a shadow. His sharp hand like a blade breaks the air and stabs song Yan in the chest.

"Is that a bit of a kill?"

Song Yan's feet slipped and retreated. Gong Benli's speed and strength are very close to his nature. It's no wonder that it's called the killing style. It's possible that the killing can be completed after the day.

Unfortunately, she killed him and was destined to

Gong Benli didn't give up when the hand knife stabbed song Yan's chest failed. She followed song Yan's footsteps like a shadow, and the hand knife went up obliquely, but her heart was killing. She planned to cut song Yan's throat.


The figure flashed, and song Yan disappeared suddenly.

When she lost her target, Gong Benli suddenly turned around and found that song Yan was several meters away, smiling at her.

"Miss Miyamoto, three moves have passed. Do you have the power to fight again?"

Gong Benli's face became very ugly when she felt the empty internal strength in her body.

"You Who are you? "

She has seen the martial arts contest video of Longbo. Longbo can't be so strong.

Song Yan blinked at her: "who do you say I am? Well, it's my turn. Be careful! "

As soon as the voice fell, Miyamoto only felt a flower in front of her eyes. Then, there was a hand printed on her shoulder.


In full view of the public, the fake Longbo defeated Gong Benli.

This brings Longbo and Gan Zhipeng to another level of fame in Shuimu University.

In the blink of an eye, it's the day when song Yan crosses again. During this time, he not only guides long Bo, Gan Zhipeng and Wu Jiaqi to practice martial arts, but also reads a lot of novels.

Besides, he went to see Su mei'er on purpose.

Under Zhao Changming's deliberate care, Su mei'er's father's career is booming. The last project was already in the end, and soon there will be a lot of cash income.

However, to song Yan's disappointment, Su mei'er still has some scruples in her heart.

Song Yan didn't ask for it either, because he knew that Su mei'er had a knot in her heart. If she couldn't untie the knot herself, it would be useless even if she was reluctant to be with her.

At the same time, song Yan returned to Xiangcheng and Hansha Windsor for several days.

The operation of Shayan jade ornament shop is in good condition. With the popularity of the store, Shayan jade ornament shop has almost occupied 80% of the high-end jade ornaments in Xiangcheng. Hansha is planning to open a branch in Linshi.

In this regard, song Yan is more supportive. josei

Late at night, rent out the house.

Looking at the bronze gate in the void, song Yan stepped in without hesitation.

As the scene changed, he came to the oval hall again.

Looking at the eight gates around him, he chose to push open one and walk in.


Song Yan wakes up with a light snort. His eyes scan around, but he finds that his place is actually a dormitory, which is different from the dormitory of Shuimu University. There are six people living in the dormitory. Moreover, the sanitation in the dormitory is very bad. There are stinky socks and shoes on the ground, instant noodles and buckets piled beside the door of the dormitory, and several stuffs A garbage can.

Make the whole dormitory exude a pungent smell.

But now, he is the only one in the dormitory.

Suddenly, a group of information exploded in his mind, but it was the memory of a college student with the same name as him.

After fully accepting the memory of song Yan, song Yan knows his world and country.

This world can be said to be very similar to the real world, but the country he is now in is not Yanhuang, but Huaxia.He is now a sophomore at South China University.

But then, song Yan's heart was full of doubts. It seems that the world is not much different from the real world, so what am I crossing over for?


The door of the dormitory was opened. Two boys, one tall and one short, came in. The short one had a box of rice in his hand.

Both of them are his roommates.

The tall one is Liao Yong, and the short one is Zhu Hongzhi.

"Third, how do you feel? Do you have a better cold! " Liao Yong asked casually.

"Much better." Song Yan smiled at him. The one he replaced had a cold two days ago and had been recuperating in the dormitory.

"Three elder brothers, this is my meal for you. Hurry to eat it!" Zhu Hongzhi smiled and handed the boxed rice to song Yan.

"Thank you." Song Yan is grateful.

In fact, the song inkstone he replaced did not have a good relationship with the five people in the dormitory, mainly because he was selfish. However, after he was ill, the five people in the dormitory helped him to buy medicine and make rice for him regardless of the previous suspicion.

Hearing song Yan's thanks, Liao Yong and Zhu Hongzhi are both surprised. It seems that everyone took care of him for two days. It's the first time to hear him say thank you.

Of course, they didn't know that the song inkstone in front of them was not the one before.

The boxed rice Zhu Hongzhi brought back is very rich, with a chicken leg.

After eating a box of rice, song Yan chatted with them, but he was more puzzled about what kind of world it was, and the system didn't give the task.

What's more, he feels strange. Although he has seen many novels, movies and TV, he still hasn't found a similar setting with the world from his memory. Is it another world created by the novels he hasn't seen for the blueprints?

An hour later, the other three of them returned to the dormitory.

They are Zhou Kang, Mao Bai and Wang Rui.

After a brief greeting, Maobai vividly tells song Yan, Liao Yong and Zhu Hongzhi about a strange thing they have just experienced.

It turned out that they had dinner. The three of them went to the Internet bar to play games.

Unexpectedly, after playing for a while, one of the guys in the Internet bar was crazy. He bit them when he saw them. Five people were bitten by him.

Hearing this, song inkstone vaguely guessed something and asked: "where are the crazy people and the five people who were bitten?"

Maobai looked at Song Yan and said, "the crazy guy was taken away by the police. It's estimated that he will be sent to the mental hospital. Two of the five people are serious. Their flesh has been bitten off and sent to the hospital. The other three are not serious. They went to the police station to record their confession with the police!"

Hearing this, song Yan's heart was clear: "this world, should be the last world!"

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