Magic Love Ring

Chapter 342

Chapter 342

"Ding. %"D7% CF% D3% C4% B8% F3" system prompt sound in Song Yan's ear: "task 1, protect five roommates for 24 hours, reward point: 10 million fame value, 20 million fame value deducted for task failure."

After a task is released, the system will not work. It seems that the system task has made some adjustments compared with the previous world.

I just don't know the strength of the so-called zombies in the world?

Thinking, song Yan took out his mobile phone.

It's 7:40 p.m. now. I don't know when the zombies will break out completely?

Thinking of this, he looked at five roommates and said, "you guys think that biting guy is just crazy?"

"Must be crazy!"

"You didn't see that brother's ruthlessness, song Yan," recalled Mao Bai. "He swallowed all the meat he bit. At that time, I almost looked at it and vomited!"

"Do you think this scene is familiar?" Song Yan continued to guide.

They were stunned, and subconsciously thought of the pictures described in the doomsday movies or novels they had seen.

"Isn't it that guy who got the zombie virus and became a zombie?" Wang Rui is a little surprised and uncertain.

"Cut!" Liao Yong disdained: "how can there be a zombie in the world? Wang Rui, you don't watch many doomsday movies. Are you crazy?"

"Everything is possible! In a word, it's better to be careful! "

Zhou Kang said thoughtfully. He also saw the biting scene of the man. The man looked thin, but his strength was amazing. Four policemen joined hands to press him on the ground.

"It makes sense. I don't think we should go out and walk much in the evening." Maobai nodded in deep thought and agreed with Zhou Kang very much.

"The more you talk, the more mysterious you are!" Liao Yong showed his speechless color: "brothers, I will not talk to you. I have an appointment with my sister to see a movie, and I will go first!"


Song Yan stopped him.

"What's the matter?" Liao Yong looks back at Song Yan, a little impatient.

"For your safety, it's better not to go out." Song Yan said sincerely.

But Liao Yong did not accept his kindness and sneered, "Song Yan, I think you have a fever and burned your head!"

Song Yan frowned. If he didn't issue the task systematically, he didn't care about the other party's life and death. Seeing Liao Yong going out of the dormitory door, he suddenly felt a stir in his heart. According to the memory of song Yan, Liao Yong, though he was careless, was fond of small things.

So song Yan shouted, "Liao Yong, dare to gamble with me!"

Before he replied, song Yan continued, "let's bet that if there is no zombie in the world before dawn tomorrow, I will give you 500 yuan! But only if you stay in the dorm! "

"Are you serious?" Liao Yong looks back again, looking at Song Yan, with a very moving look.

"Of course it is!" While talking, song Yan took out his wallet and took out 500 yuan and gave it to Zhu Hongzhi: "I'll give the 500 yuan to the youngest first. If there is no zombie before dawn, the money is yours."

"Song Yan, don't you really play?" Maobai has some unexpected ways. Although they are all worried that there will be zombies in the world, they still don't believe that there will be zombies in the world.

"Of course, a man spits and a nail!" Song Yan said seriously.

"Well, I'll call that girl and tell him I won't go!" Liao Yong is afraid of song Yan's repentance. He takes out his cell phone and makes a phone call. In his opinion, isn't it bullshit that there is a zombie in the world?

Pennsylvania city police station.

A middle-aged police officer is recording a confession to three people who were bitten in Xingxing Internet bar tonight.

According to the rules, Confessions can't be recorded by many people at the same time. However, these three people are not criminals, but victims. Moreover, it's time to get off work. In order to finish the task earlier, the middle-aged policeman chose to record confessions for them at the same time.

It's not complicated, so, before long, the statements of the three have been recorded.

"Well, the three of you will see if there is any problem with this confession. If there is no problem, you can sign it, and then you can leave!" The middle-aged police handed the newly printed confession forms to the three people respectively to sign.

"Thank you, officer."

Sitting in the Youth Road on the left, but hearing his voice, he was frightened by himself, because his voice became particularly hoarse. josei

The middle-aged policeman looked at him accidentally: "are you ok?"

"I'm fine." As soon as he spoke, his voice was more hoarse. Suddenly, he felt something inside him burst. Then his vision suddenly became blurred.

The next moment.

"Ho! Huo! "

A low, ambiguous voice came out of his throat.

Without any sign, the young man sprang out, took the middle-aged policeman's head in his arms, opened his mouth and bit him hard in the face."What are you doing?"

The middle-aged policeman was flustered and tried to push away the other side. However, he found that the strength of the other side was so great that he could not push away at all.


A scream came out of his mouth, but the young man bit off a piece of flesh from his face.


At this time, the other two people also flew out, holding the middle-aged policeman and biting.

"Help! Help

The middle-aged police shrieked.

Soon, two policemen on duty broke in. They were shocked when they saw the scene of three people holding middle-aged and biting at the same time.


"Stop it, all of you!"

Two policemen on duty pulled out their guns and shouted at the three.

But the three are still crazily biting the middle-aged police.

"Come on, pull them away!"

In the end, neither of the two policemen on duty had the courage to shoot. They went forward to pull the three.

But just as they were approaching, two people abandoned the middle-aged police, rushed to them and threw them to the ground and bit them on the neck.

South China University, male dormitory building.

Song Yan seems to be reading a novel with great interest. In fact, he thinks in his heart, when will the zombie erupt?

Although he could not guess the exact time, he was sure that it would not exceed 24 hours.

Because the task assigned to him by the system is to protect five people in the dormitory for 24 hours. If the task doesn't break out in 24 hours, it will be meaningless. He doesn't believe that the system will give him 10 million fame in vain.

"Song Yan, did you guess anything?"

Zhou Kang came over and sat down on his bed.

"I doubt the end will come!" Song Yan's face is determined.

"Why do you think so?" Zhou Kang continued to ask.

"Feel it!"

Song Yan smiled. Suddenly, his face suddenly changed. He turned over and sat up. He said coldly, "no, there's something wrong with the bedroom next door!"

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