Magic Love Ring

Chapter 344

Chapter 344

South China University is a provincial key university with nearly 20000 students and faculty.

According to song Yan's observation, after a large-scale necropsy, the rate of necropsy should be only one tenth, that is to say, in this time, there are two thousand students and teaching staff who have necropsy and become zombies.

In the face of zombies, most people choose to escape, rather than resist or kill, so in a short time, the whole South China University is boiling, full of a lot of screams and cries for help.

Listening to the voices from all around, Zhou Kang, Liao Yong and other people's faces became extremely ugly.

"Song Yan, do you have any expectations about this matter?" Zhou Kang suddenly asked. He studied psychology and was good at psychoanalysis. He guessed that song Yan had expected this.

"Does it make sense to say that now?"

Song Yan glanced at Zhou Kang lightly and continued: "what we need to do now is to save our lives and not be eaten by zombies."

"Otherwise, let's run!" Liao Yong's voice trembled.

"Where can I escape? If I'm right, it's not just south China University, but the whole world! " Song Yan said in a deep voice.

"Here How can it be! "

Liao Yong's face was full of despair. Of course, others were no better.

"Song Yan, can you confirm that this is a worldwide corpse?" Zhou Kang took a deep breath and asked.

Song Yan said in silence: "I'm not sure! But it's safe not to be in the bedroom when you rush out recklessly! "

"Then What shall we do now? " Asked Maobai.

"Block the bedroom door first!"

Song Yan glanced over the dormitory and said that although South China University is a provincial key university, the dormitory conditions are not so good, but this simple dormitory provides convenience for defending the attack of zombies. Only by keeping the door of the dormitory, zombies can not enter.

Because there is only one window in the whole dormitory, and it is open to the outside of the building. Besides, this is the fourth floor, so there is no need to worry about the zombies climbing in through the window.

Zhou Kang five people work together to move several desks all behind the door to block the bedroom door.

Song Yan took down two beds and got six steel pipes.

Then I tore several clothes into cloth strips and tied them with ropes at one end of the steel pipe, so as to prevent slipping.

"One for each!"

Song Yan points to the made steel pipe.

After everyone got the steel pipe, song Yan looked at five people and said: "although I can protect you for a while, I will protect you for a lifetime, so you must learn to fight. If you kill the zombie, you can live in this world!"

Hearing that he was going to kill the zombie, except for Zhou Kang, the other five showed their fear.

"Does it happen that the state does not care?" Liao Yong is still lucky.

Song Yan sneers: "can you manage it? There are 1.6 billion people in China, and the rate of necropsy is one tenth. That is to say, 160 million people will become zombies. How many troops are there in China? Can we kill it? What's more, corpses should be infected. In the next few days, there will only be more and more zombies, so if you want to live, you can only rely on yourself and hope for the country, then you can only wait for death! "

Zhou Kang nodded: "Song Yan is right. If you want to live, you can only rely on yourself!"

Song Yanda had a profound look at Yan Zhoukang, and thought that he was a talent worthy of training.

Then, song Yan continued: "zombies, regardless of speed and strength, are better than ordinary people, but they can only rush across, their body shape is slightly rigid, and they can't use weapons, but we are human beings, we can think, we can change, we can use weapons, which is our advantage.

Combined with the weakness of zombies, I have sorted out a set of methods to kill zombies. Now, I will teach you this set of methods! "

Speaking of this, song Yan raised the steel tube on his hand and pointed to Liao Yong and said, "now, you play the zombie and rush at me as fast as you can!"


Liao Yong put the steel tube on his hand to one side, and then he roared at Song Yan, and grabbed him directly on the cheek.

Facing Liao Yong, song Yan turns 60 degrees to the left with his left foot as the axis. At the same time, the steel tube in his hand swings out and stops at the back of Liao Yong's head with a sound of wind.

"The best way to kill a zombie is to break his neck or his head!"

Put away the steel pipe, song Yan began to explain to the five people how to rotate, how to master the center of gravity, and how to exert.

Exertion is a skill.

Ordinary people who have not practiced martial arts can give full play to 70% of their strength at most, and learn the skill of power generation, but can better exert the strength of the body.

Zhou Kang's five people are ordinary people. It's too late to teach them something too profound.

Therefore, song inkstone can only teach them a set of simple methods.

Next, five people began to practice, while song Yan pointed out. At the same time, the campus became more chaotic, the roar of zombies and the screams of living people mixed together.In this case, five people dare not be lazy, and they are fully engaged in practicing this skill.

I practiced for an hour.

All five of them are already sweating, especially Zhu Hongzhi, who is fat, and the hair white, who is poor in physique, can't hold on.

The moves that song Yan taught to the five were not complicated. After an hour, all the five practiced the same moves.

However, he knew that even if they practiced well, they would still have little use when they met with zombies.

Therefore, song Yan decided to give them a practical drill.

After half an hour's rest, the five recovered a certain amount of physical strength.

Song Yan moved the desk behind the bedroom door, then opened the door and went out.

"What is he going to do?"

Everyone was puzzled.

But soon, song Yan went back to the bedroom. What made five people pale was that song Yan was carrying a zombie. josei

However, the zombie had been knocked out of its joints.

Throw it on the dormitory floor, song Yan looks at five people coldly: "I've broken its limbs and joints, who will kill it?"


The vitality of the zombie is very tenacious, even if it is knocked off the joints of the limbs, it still slowly climbs towards the direction of the five people, scaring the five people back.

"Grass! Your guts are eaten by dogs! "

Seeing this, song Yan could not help swearing: "Ma Dan, a corpse without threat dare not kill. What should you do in the face of a living corpse in the future! Waiting to be eaten? "

"I will!"

Zhou Kang's eyes flashed a trace of anger, grabbed the steel pipe and walked to the zombie, then swung the steel pipe and smashed it down.


It's a pity that it was thrown askew, not on the head of the zombie, but on the shoulder.

"Yours! The exercises just now are all about dogs! It won't work! " Song Yan did not scold.

"Song Yan, do you have too much?" Wang Rui can't look down, he said.

Song Yan sneers at Wang Rui and says, "I'm too busy. If I don't care about you because you're all dormitories, I don't care about you. You should be eaten by zombies!"

"Don't say it!"

Zhou Kang shouted angrily, and the steel pipe in his hand was swung up again, hitting the head of the zombie heavily.

[author's aside]: in the new world, there will be many long stories. If you want to travel, you can leave your big name in the Book Review

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