Magic Love Ring

Chapter 345

Chapter 345


Although Zhou Kang hit the head of the zombie this time, he didn't explode it. Instead, because of the rebound force, he was numb.

"the head of a zombie is harder than that of an ordinary person! Use the driving skills I've taught you! " Song yanleng said.


Zhou Kang nodded, drank coldly, and then swung the steel pipe to the head of the zombie.


The head of the zombie broke in response. Looking at the red and white brain, Zhou Kang almost vomited, but he managed to hold back.

"You two, drop this zombie from the window!" Song Yan points to Zhu Hongzhi and Mao Baidao.

The two nodded and resisted nausea, throwing the corpse out of the window.

Soon, song Yan went out again. This time, he took back two zombies. Similarly, he broke his limbs and joints.

"Who will come?"

Song Yan glanced at Liao Yong, Wang Rui, Zhu Hongzhi and Mao Bai.

"I will!"

"I will!"

Liao Yong and Zhu Hongzhi stood up and, under the guidance of song Yan, exploded the heads of two zombies.

He throws two corpses out of the window, and song Yan catches two more to let Maobai and Wang Rui come back.

There are the first three people to demonstrate that they have overcome some of their fears and successfully completed the task.

"Next, I will catch a intact zombie and let you fight together! I hope you don't let me down! "

As soon as the voice fell, song Yan walked out of the bedroom, and soon came in with the back neck of a zombie.

Seeing the corpse struggling and roaring on Song Yan's hands, the faces of the five people all turned white.

One night, fleeting.

Under the special training of song Yan, all five people were able to kill a living zombie independently.

At the same time, when he went out to catch the zombie, song Yan also collected some food and water.

After a night of special training, Zhou Kang and others were very tired. After eating food, they fell asleep in bed.

Half of the 24-hour protection time has passed. In just over 11 hours, he can finish the task smoothly.

And with the arrival of dawn, the rampant zombies in the campus are also quiet down.

Through perspective eye exploration, song Yan found that these zombies did not disappear, but hid in a dark place, but still some zombies roam around the campus.

Song Yan's clairvoyance eyes are not enough to cover the whole campus. There are not many survivors in his clairvoyance eyes, only a few hundred, and tens of thousands of zombies within six kilometers.

While Zhou Kang and others slept, song Yan walked out of the bedroom, and then cleaned the whole floor of the zombie.

"Eh, what is that?"

Song Yan found a red crystal the size of a thumb after blasting the head of a zombie.

Picking up the red crystal, song inkstone opened the eyes of gods.

Zhu tianshenmu is a seven level magical power, which can detect all unknown objects. It was drawn in the second lottery last time.

However, there are also restrictions on the use of gods and eyes, three times a day.

In a flash of brilliance, song Yan had some more information in his mind: evolution crystal, which can be taken directly, after taking it, it can enhance physical and mental strength.

"Good stuff!"

Knowing the function of the crystal, song inkstone washed away the blood on the surface of the evolutionary crystal with clear water, and then threw it into his mouth.

The entrance of the evolutionary crystal is changed, and when it falls into the stomach, it quickly changes into heat flow and spreads to the whole body.

Soon, the heat flow disappeared.

Song Yan's investigation system interface has been checked and found that the physical strength has increased a little, but the mental strength has not changed.

It seems that the level of this evolutionary crystal is too low, and it has no great effect on me. However, it is a good way to evolve for ordinary people.

Now that he knew the evolutionary crystallography, song Yan began to collect the corpses he killed on this floor.

There were about 100 zombies killed by him in this building, but even the one he ate, only eight evolutionary crystals were collected.

In other words, not every zombie can grow evolutionary crystals.

Back to the dormitory, song Yan wakes up Zhou Kang's five people.

"Eat this!"

Song Yan threw each of them an evolutionary crystal.

"What is this?" Asked Maobai curiously.

"Something that can make you stronger!"

Five people are all eyes a bright, will evolution crystal into the mouth.

"By the way, song Yan, where did you find this thing!" Zhou Kang asked after swallowing the evolutionary crystal.

"From the head of the zombie!"

"Oh! Oh! "

Hearing that this thing was actually dug out of the head of the zombie, five people were all retching. Unfortunately, the entrance of the evolutionary crystal was instant, and they could not spit even if they wanted to.However, soon, the effect of evolutionary crystals appeared, and the five people's bodies trembled violently, and a large amount of sweat flowed out of them

It took an hour.

Five people will fully absorb the evolutionary crystal.


Zhou Kang is very weak and reaches out to song Yan.

Song Yan took out five bottles of water and stuffed them to five people.

"Is there anything to eat?" Zhou Kang continued.

Song Yan took out some food and handed it to them.

After eating and drinking, the five people were all in high spirits.

"How do you feel?"

Song Yan looks at the five.

"I feel full of strength!" Liao Yong waves his fist excitedly.

Song Yan beckoned to him: "come on, give me all you can!"


Liao Yong's self-confidence burst into song Yan's chest with a fist. He didn't avoid it and let his opponent's fist hit him in the chest. josei

"You Are you all right! "

Seeing that song Yan didn't dodge, Liao Yong was surprised.

"Don't worry, you can't hurt me!"

Song Yan said lightly, which made Liao Yong, who had just gained strength, not be greatly hit.

"All four of you give me a try!"

After receiving the full power of five people, song Yan found that Liao Yong and Zhou Kang had increased their strength by about 50 Jin.

The power of an ordinary adult's fist is about 50 kg.

In other words, the strength of Liao Yong and Zhou Kang has increased by 50%, which is quite good.

As for Mao Bai, Wang Rui and Zhu Hongzhi, their strength has only increased by 30%.

And the strength of the corpse after the transformation has also increased by about one third. That is to say, the strength of Zhu Hongzhi and the corpse can compete. Liao Yong and Zhou Kang are even more powerful than the corpse.

"I have two evolutionary crystals here, Zhou Kang and Liao Yong. Take them!"

"Thank you!"

"Thank you song Yan!"

The two took the evolutionary crystal and threw it into their mouths. They didn't feel sick at all, but the three were envious.

An hour later, the two absorbed another evolutionary crystal.

After adding water and food, song Yan tested them again.

Song Yan was surprised by the test results. This time, Liao Yong increased his strength by 30 kg, while Zhou Kang only increased it by 20 kg.

However, after a little thinking, he understood the reason, which might be related to the physical strength of the two men.

Liao Yong usually likes sports. Although Zhou Kang exercises, his body is not as strong as Liao Yong.

[author's aside]: Thank you for the big reward.

Longcambridge will be a dragon suit soon.

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