Magic Love Ring

Chapter 401

Chapter 401

Half a year passed in a flash.

In No. 1 villa, a big one and a small two figures are fighting fiercely on the lawn of the villa.

The small figure is bao'er, who has broken through the congenital double in half a year; the big figure is Guo Zihan, who has also broken through the congenital double in recent days.

As for bao'er, song Yan has no secret. Except for the green lotus sword code, it is not suitable for her cultivation for the time being. He even passed it on to her in the stormy waves.

"No more! No more

All of a sudden, Guo Zihan retreated, looking depressed. In the fight just now, she was completely beaten by bao'er.

"Master brother, how am I doing?"

Baoer jumps up to song Yan and looks at Song Yan and asks. Her face is full of the cute expression that you praise me and me.

Song Yan smiled and rubbed Baoer's small head and said: "generally speaking, your performance is better. However, you are still a little astringent in your moves. It is completely to press people. When you meet a general opponent, you can ignore the shortcomings. But when you meet an experienced opponent with fierce eyes, your shortcomings will be magnified infinitely, and then you will be caught by others Defeat. "

At first, bao'er was very happy, but when he heard the analysis behind song Yan, he felt a little lost. He said with a small mouth: "Oh, bao'er will practice martial arts frequently later."

Guo Zihan turns her eyes sharply. Bao'er's moves are not proficient enough, but they are powerful. After taking a lot of variant crystals, although she was born with two weights, the four levels of Hua Gang are not her rivals, but she was beaten by bao'er. It can be seen how abnormal bao'er's strength is.

Thinking of this, Guo Zihan could not help but hum in his heart: "hum, master is abnormal, and teaching a disciple is abnormal!"

Just then, Zhou Kang came in a hurry.

"President, the people of beast clan have sent people here."

"Well, I see." Song Yan nodded, then told bao'er a few words, and went with Zhou Kang.

"I have seen the master."

Feng Tianfeng in Song Yan into the reception room immediately bow to salute, attitude is very respectful.


Song Yan nodded and sat down on the throne.

Half an hour later, song Yan's face showed hesitation after listening to fengtianfeng's report.

In the past half a year, all the major gates have made efforts to eliminate 90% of the zombies on the land of China, and the ten thousand beast sect has completely eliminated the zombies of Huaxin and Qingyang, and has used the secret method of ten thousand beast sect to control tens of thousands of mutated animals. josei

At present, the number of survivors in Huaxin and Qingyang has reached nearly 600000, while in Yanhuang settlement, many active survivors have been admitted in the past half year, with a total population of 84000. In addition, the population of other two cities has reached nearly 700000. Only one clan can complete the third task of the system.

The nearest Yin and Yang clan to the beast clan.

Before the end of the day, the power of the Yin and Yang clan was no less than that of the beast clan, but after the end of the day, the beast clan controlled a large number of variation beasts, and its comprehensive strength was far beyond that of the Yin and Yang clan.

There are also three city sites under the Yin and Yang clan, collecting about 500000 survivors and reorganizing 100000 troops.

The role of evolutionary crystals has been understood by the major gates. Therefore, the warrior regiments formed by the major gates are all new warriors taking evolutionary crystals.

However, Yanhuang settlement and even beast clan are ahead of them. Therefore, the strength of 30000 soldiers in Yanhuang settlement and 200000 soldiers under beast clan are much stronger than other clans.

In particular, the 30000 soldiers in Yanhuang settlement have all achieved the success of the day after tomorrow in this half year, and there are hundreds of congenital experts. Among them, Liu Yingying, who is a mutant, has reached the peak of eight powers.

There are two ways to deal with the Yin and Yang school. It is not difficult to defeat the Yin and Yang School in an open way or to control their senior level by using the puppet magic power in secret. Therefore, song Yan is not thinking about how to defeat the Yin and Yang school.

But he worries that once he completes the task of a million settlements, he will return directly to the real world.

As soon as he left, even if the settlement and the beast clan joined hands, they would not be the opponents of Tianluo clan. After all, Tianluo clan has a deep foundation.

Thinking of this, he flashed a fierce light in his eyes. It seems that he has to go to tianluozong before finishing the task.

In the past half a year, he has not been idle. He has studied the first two styles in the green lotus sword classic. His understanding and control of these two styles are more than half a year ago.

With this decision, song Yan issued an order to the ten thousand beast clan to move all the six hundred thousand people to Huahai city.

The high level and even the patriarch of the beast clan are his puppets. They will not violate his orders at all. After receiving his orders, they immediately organize their disciples to move the survivors of the two settlements to Huahai city.

And the Yanhuang settlement has also been expanded in the past half year, not to mention hundreds of thousands of people, even millions of people are not difficult to accommodate.

Ten days later, the six hundred thousand people of the ten thousand beast clan moved to the hot yellow settlement.With a population of 600000, the high-level of the settlement was busy.

At the same time, the news of the integration of Wanshou clan and Yanhuang settlement also spread rapidly to the surrounding clan forces like wings.

However, is it Yanhuang settlement that engulfs wanshizong or wanshizong that engulfs Yanhuang settlement? All forces are still investigating, not fully understanding.

After half a month's running in, both the survivors and the army have been integrated, and can attack the Yin and Yang sect at any time.

After the order of preparing for the war was issued, song Yan drove the flying sword straight to tianluozong.

Tianluozong occupies the territory of the three provinces. Although the zombies in the territory have not been completely eliminated in this half year, ninety-nine percent of the zombies in the territory have been eliminated. Only some of the zombies in some remote cities have not been eliminated.

There are also many survivors in tianluozong who occupy the territory of the three provinces. There are altogether 780 settlements, large and small, with a population of more than six million and a military force of up to one million.

It can be said that it is the most powerful strength in China.

Through the four Luowei, song Yan was also familiar with the composition of tianluozong. In tianluozong, there was a strong sense of class. They divided the disciples into four levels: the outer gate, the inner gate, the elite and the core.

At the same time, on top of the four disciples are the son of God and the virgin.

Both the son of God and the daughter of God are qualified to inherit the position of the patriarch in the future. There are two sons of God and one daughter in Tianluo sect.

In addition, there is a powerful Presbyterian group in tianluozong. The specific number is unknown.

The patriarch of Tianluo clan is wan Tianqiu. Twenty years ago, he succeeded to the throne of the patriarch. His accomplishments are unpredictable.

Before the end of the day, the gate of tianluozong was set up in the mountains and forests.

But now, zongmen has moved to Chengdu, the capital of Xichuan province.

The speed of Royal sword flight is extremely fast. Within half an hour, song Yan landed in a corner of Chengdu. Before the end of the day, Chengdu had a population of more than 16 million. Today, the population of this city is only over a million, and that million people are concentrated in a certain area, so the whole city is extremely desolate.

Thank you for your great reward


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