Magic Love Ring

Chapter 402

Chapter 402

Song Yan took off his sword and rubbed his hands on his face for a while. Then he changed his face and became a young man in his thirties. He looked very ordinary. At the same time, his bones snapped and his height was shortened for a moment, only one meter and seven meters. HP: / / 772e6f742e6f% 6

he seldom used the skill of transfiguration since he was selected. This time, he would sneak into tianluozong's base camp. Naturally, he could not go in with his original face. I believe that his photos and materials have long been in tianluozong's hands. If he goes in in a big way, he would be found by tianluozong's people in a few minutes.

After changing his appearance and body shape, song Yan took out a set of old clothes that had been prepared for a long time and put them on.

He is going to play a young warrior of the third level of Huagang. His pseudonym is Shi Jian, which is separated by inkstone.

Forty minutes later, song Yan came to a magnificent city. There are three big characters of dragon, Phoenix and Phoenix dancing on the ten meter high wall, Tianluo city.

Before the end of the day, no walls will be built except for the ancient city.

But after the end of the day, walls will be built in every settlement to stop zombies and deviant beasts.

There are dozens of soldiers guarding the gate. As soon as song Yan gets close to the gate, he feels dozens of sharp eyes fall on him.

"ID card!"

The two guards came forward and asked in a low voice, with a slightly alert look.

Because song Yan didn't deliberately restrain the martial spirit of the third level of gang, this group of guards would show the color of vigilance.

"I am the surviving warrior who came to join Tianluo city." Song Yan said in a deep voice.

In order to search for martial artists in the world, tianluozong specially created a radio frequency to publicize their tianluozong settlement.

"It turned out to be a warrior! Your cultivation is not low! " Huo Shan, the captain of the city guard team, came up and looked at Song Yandao.

"All right!" Song inkstone is light.

Huoshan was originally a disciple of tianluozong. His accomplishments had reached the later stage of DanJin. Although he could not see the specific accomplishments of song Yan, he was sure that the martial artist who came to the settlement was a master above Huagang because song Yan didn't have the breath of convergence.

As long as Huagang stage joins Tianluo sect, it can become a disciple of inner clan. It is a rare top expert in the world before the end of the world. Therefore, after a simple inquiry, Huoshan personally leads song Yan to register.

After entering the city, song Yansi did not hide her eyes, with a new look.

The buildings in Tianluo city are mainly low-rise buildings, and the highest one is only five floors. At the same time, there are markets, shops, etc.

"Where is brother Shi from?" Huo Shan asked casually.

"His ancestral home is Meishan." Song Yan is a prefecture level city in Xichuan province.

"What did brother Shi do before the end of the day?" Huo Shan continued. josei

"One is idle. I like traveling everywhere. When the end comes, I am playing in Huangshan. Half a year after I tossed back to Meishan, my family is empty. I don't know if they have become human corpses or been eaten by human corpses!"

Speaking of this, song Yan's eyes can not help but emerge a little sad and sad.

"I don't know who is in brother Shi's family? As you can join the clan, it's easier to find their whereabouts! " Huoshan's tone was quite sincere.

Song Yan's tone was a little bit: "my family has only one wife and one daughter. My wife's name is Hansha, and my daughter's name is Shi Xiaobei."

"As long as brother Shi's wife and daughter are still in the world, it should not be difficult to find out."


As they spoke, they came to tianluozong to set up a special register for survivors.

"Xiao Zhao, this is Shi Jian, the martial artist who came to join zongmen. Hurry to register!" Huo Shan said to a round faced girl in a black uniform.

"Mr. Shi, please take a seat!"

Xiao Zhao is also a girl with eyes. Huo Shan is a disciple of tianluozong. His identity is far higher than that of ordinary people, and he is also the captain of the city guard. The survivors he brought in by himself are certainly not simple. Therefore, she is very polite.

"Mr. Shi, here is a form. Please fill it in!"

Xiao Zhao took out a form and a pen to song Yan and said with a smile.

The design of the form is simple, mainly including name, age, native place, previous occupation, warrior or not, warrior level, etc.

Song Yan soon filled out the form and gave it to Xiao Zhao. When she saw the words of Huagang third level in the column of warrior level, her eyes were bright. She looked at Song Yan more respectfully and flatteringly.

Huagang Level 3 can be very good in Tianluo city even if you don't join tianluozong. Huoshan, standing beside him, also saw the Huagang Level 3 of song Yancai, but secretly congratulated himself on his foresight, and said, "I don't know if brother Shi is interested in joining tianluozong. It's not difficult to get the identity of inner disciple with your strength!"

"What's the point?" Song Yan pretends to be confused.

Huo Shan hurriedly explained: "there are four disciples in Tianluo sect, namely, the outer gate, the inner gate, the elite and the core. I am a disciple of the outer gate, and I have a subsidy of 2000 yuan every month. The guards arranged by the gate help me also have a salary of 3000 yuan every month. Maybe brother Shi doesn't know. A new currency has been issued in Tianluo City, called Tianluo coin. The purchase of Tianluo coin The purchasing power is still relatively strong. One yuan of Tianluo coin can buy a jin of rice, and three yuan of Tianluo coin can buy a jin of ordinary exotic meat. Therefore, as long as there is 1000 yuan a month, you can live here very well.If you become a disciple of the inner clan, even if you don't do anything, the clan will give you a subsidy of 5000 yuan. If you are willing to accept the post arranged by the clan, you can easily break through ten thousand yuan. I'm afraid brother Shi doesn't know. We tianluozong also created the Wudao Pavilion, as well as the weapons Pavilion and the danyao Pavilion. Only the disciples of the clan are qualified to buy Martial Arts, weapons, danyao, etc. in these three pavilions It's good to join tianluozong. "

Wen Yan, song Yan eyes flash color of the heart, deep voice asked: "in addition to the benefits should also have obligations?"

Huo Shan nodded: "yes, if there are foreign enemies invading, all disciples of the clan must obey the orders of the clan!"

"What if I'm looking for my wife and daughter?" Song Yan asked again.

Huo Shan said: "this is simple. The clan has also set up a task hall. You can release the task of finding people in the task hall. As long as you receive the task, someone will take the initiative to help you find your wife and children!"

"Well, I'll join you!"

See song Yan agree, Huoshan is very happy, because there is a reward for recommending experts to join the clan, so he smiled: "that's really great, but to join the clan, you have to go to the trial hall for a test. With brother Shi's cultivation of the third level of gang, you can easily pass the test!"

Song Yan nodded: "then test it!"

Under the guidance of Huo Shan, song Yan came to an empty hall. There was a table in the hall. Two middle-aged people were sitting there playing chess.

Huo Shan saluted them respectfully: "elder Wang, elder Wu Hello, this stone brother wants to join our Tianluo clan, come to test!"

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