Magic Love Ring

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Looking at the peach flying to him, Yang Sanye sneers, grabs the peach with his hands, and says: "boy, you dare to fight your grandfather, you die..."

All of a sudden, Yang Sanye's tone stagnated, because he found that his hand was empty. Please search for the best! Update the fastest novels


The speed of peaches' flight has increased several times. The banging sound hits Yang Sanye's chest. Suddenly, the other side screams and falls back. People open their mouths in the air and spit out blood.

No one here is surprised to see the scene of Yang Sanye being beaten. After all, Xiong Tianwang, who is more powerful than Yang Sanye, has been beaten by a green date. Can he be more powerful than Xiong Tianwang? josei

After a while, Yang Sanye slowly stood up from the ground, his eyes still with some uncertainty.

He understood why Xiong Tianwang gave up his original position and occupied his position. Most of them also suffered losses from that young man. Otherwise, he could not let others occupy his position because of his temper.

He took a deep look at Song Yan and went straight to the tables near the gate.

About half a quarter of an hour later, a small, slightly fat, middle-aged man walked into the hall under the support of a pair of young men and women.

At the sight of this man, all the bandit leaders who were seated got up one after another.

"I've seen a lonely family!"

"It's good to be a lonely family."


In the face of a group of bandit leaders' greetings, the short middle-aged nodded in response, and walked to the LORD with a smile.

Yes, this short and middle-aged man is the big leader of Qinglong stronghold.

However, when passing by song Yan, he felt a little lonely.

The sound of the brush fell on Song Yan.

At the moment, he was gnawing with a roast chicken in his hands. It seemed that he didn't know the arrival of the lonely knife, nor did he get up to see the ceremony.

Suddenly, the voice in the hall was strangely quiet at this moment.

Shen Shaoyan is challenging the dignity of loneliness. Now, everyone feels that something important will happen tonight.

"Why don't you get up to see the propriety when you are presumptuous and the leader comes?"

The young man who came with a lonely knife stared at Song Yan with a poor face and shouted.

The men and women behind lonely Yidao are his adoptive son lonely Yi and his adoptive daughter lonely sunset, both of whom were adopted by him since childhood to teach martial arts. Now they are all second-class top martial artists. That lonely Yi was born with five big and three thick heads, and that lonely sunset is a beauty.

"Are you talking to me?"

Song Yan raises his head and looks at the lonely Yidao.

Lonely Yi said in a cold voice: "nonsense, not talking to you, who else can I talk to? Hurry up and apologize to my adoptive father!"


Song Yan turned his eyes and scolded.

"You want to die!" As soon as lonely Yi was angry, he wanted to rush up and teach song Yan a lesson, but was stopped by lonely Yi: "little Yi should not be rude!" Then, he looked at Song Yan again, and a smile appeared on his face: "this is the young inkstone nephew. He was born with outstanding talent!"

"Don't be so intimate. Do I know you well?" Song Yan disdains to skim his mouth.

As soon as this words came out, the atmosphere of the whole audience was solidified. Shen Shaoyan was in the face of a lonely knife in public. For a while, everyone's eyes fell on the face of a lonely knife to see how he would react.

"You are really interesting, nephew. Actually, your father and I were very familiar with each other. When..."

Song Yan raised his hand and interrupted his lonely words: "don't climb the friendship, how can I rob you with such a climb?"

Hearing song Yan's words, he felt lonely and stagnant, and the faces of other bandits were full of wrong colors.

"Bastard, you don't see where it is. You dare to be unbridled here. I'll take you first and then leave it to my adoptive father!" Seeing that song Yan is rude to loneliness one after another, loneyi can't help it any longer. His body suddenly rises up from the sky and pours at Song Yan with the force of tiger going down the mountain.


Song Yan does not take it for granted and smiles, cursing.

Qi is as strong as lightning. In a moment, he doesn't enter the lonely yidantian. Suddenly, the other party snorts and falls to the ground abruptly. After struggling for several times, he can't get up.

Seeing this scene, other bandit leaders are stupid. Shen Shaoyan is so bold that he dare to fight his son in the lonely territory. Even if he is a first-class expert, he can hardly survive under the siege of a master in Qinglong stronghold.

Sure enough.

At the sight of loneliness being knocked to the ground, the smile on lonely face disappeared.

However, he had time to open his mouth. Song Yan came to the center of the hall as soon as he swept his body shape. His body method was so fast that he could not see the other person's body shape even if he was alone. Suddenly, he felt a sense of awe in his heart, and Sheng Sheng swallowed back what he said.

Song Yan touched his stomach and said with a smile, "I have enough food and drink to do business. Everyone has heard. Now it's time to rob. Give me all your valuable things!""Robbery?"

Hearing song Yan 's words, the bandit leaders sitting there all have a kind of absurd feeling.

They are all bandit leaders. They usually rob others. Now someone wants to rob them. It's ridiculous.

The face of a lonely knife is completely gloomy. In a cold voice, he said, "you've made a joke!"

Song Yan did not look at him angrily: "who said that you are kidding me? Do you have any ear problems? In that case, I'll say it again. It's time for looting. One of the people on the scene counts. Give all the valuable things to him! "


Lonely sunset finally couldn't help laughing.

Song Yan can't help but stare at her and say, "smile. Be serious. It's robbing now!"


Lonely sunset was amused again.

Seeing this, song Yan can't help but threaten to say to her: "wipe, that girl you smile again try, believe it or not, I will rob you back to be the servant girl of the fire!"

"You are so interesting and bold," said the lonely sunset cloud with disapproval. "Go back quickly. This is not where you are fooling around."

"Who said that I was fooling around? I was really robbing!"

Song Yan has some speechless ways. The system has given him two hundred pattern robberies in three years. For the task, he intentionally robbed Zhu Laosan and others on the hillside. For the task, he robbed a group of bandit leaders in the Juyi hall. Otherwise, a foundation building expert would rob a group of outlaws?

"I'll give you another chance, young inkstone nephew, and return immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" The sound of a lonely knife rises again.

"Hey, who let you give me a chance! Come and beat me if you don't believe it! " Song Yan points to loneliness.

"You want to die!"

In the eyes of a lonely knife, the killing machine soared, suddenly turned into a shadow and came straight to song inkstone.


But in the next moment, a lonely knife flies back at a faster speed and falls on the table, which is suddenly crushed by the heavy force

Although song Yan has not shocked us for the first time today, he is still shocked when he sees that he has been attacked by song Yan with a single stroke.

Seeing the stupefied people, song Yan could not help swearing again: "Ma Dan, you bastards, don't you hand over your valuable things? Don't you want me to break your dog's legs to obey you? "

[author's aside]: Thank you [mu Xiaoxue], [Tingting], [ye Yunfeng], [93502957] and [professional] for your great reward

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