Magic Love Ring

Chapter 473

Chapter 473

Looking at Song Yan standing in the center of the hall, a group of bandit leaders have an urge to scold their mother. Is such arrogant robbery really good?

But this guy's strength is just too strong. After seeing his one move to fight loneliness, no one has the courage to resist his robbery or even dare not to criticize him. (see the latest chapter at literature building www.wenxue 6. Com) please search (product & Book ¥ net) to see the most complete! All of a sudden, song Yan swore boldly at Niu: "if you are bold, you can't be smart. Hurry to collect money from the people in charge!"

"Yes, to be in charge!"

This time, Niu boldly didn't stutter. That scene almost scared him to be silly. But now, he just feels the blood boiling all over his body. It's too exciting. The big boss robbed all the big masters in Heifeng mountain.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Niu boldly stared at the gold and silver pile in the center of the hall. He was so big that he had never seen so much silver and gold before. He asked song Yan incredulously, "the big boss, these silver are really ours?"

"Nothing!" Song Yan disdains to scold: "but I allow you to take these silver to sleep one night!"

"Really?" The cow boldly said excitedly.

Song Yan is too lazy to pay any more attention to the goods. His eyes fall on the lonely sunset glow, and he says with bad intention: "beauty, it seems that you haven't paid the silver yet."

"I have no silver on me." At first, she felt that the boy was a bit silly. Now, it seems that the guy is a devil of the world.

"No money. Come back to Qingfeng stronghold with me. I'm short of a fire servant girl." Song Yan said with a smile.

"You can't think of it," said the lonely sunset

"Come here!"

When song Yan got hold of it, lonely sunset came to him involuntarily. Seeing this scene, a lot of bandits showed their astonishment and took things from the air. They were also a big living man.

It is said that only those who are born with martial arts can get things through the air. Is Shen Shaoyan a born with martial arts?

"The ox is bold. Take the silver and let's go!" As soon as song Yanyi points out to faint lonely sunset, she picks her up and walks out of the hall. Isn't that what he wants to do with lonely sunset? But he thinks that robbing women is also a way of robbing.

But just out of the Juyi hall, song Yan suddenly turned to a group of bandit leaders and said, "you guys, remember to bring more silver with you next time you meet!"

Hearing this, everyone has the impulse to spit blood.


With a burst of arrogant laughter, song Yan disappeared with the lonely sunset.

An hour later.

Song Yan returns to Qingfeng Village.

Lao Bangzi and Wu Sandao all came to ask about the situation after hearing the news?

However, when they see the lonely sunset, they all change color.

"Isn't this the adoptive daughter of a lonely knife? How can you bring her back! "

"Audacity, explain to them what's going on tonight."

Song Yanke has no interest in explanation. After giving the lonely sunset glow to Qi linger, he directly soars to Ningwu city.

It's better to bump into the day than choose the day. Anyway, it's already started today. It's better to rob his mother several times.

During the day, he went to Ningwu city to investigate. There was no powerful role in the city, but he was not afraid of being found. He went directly to an alley around the mansion.

Ningwu county's Treasury is built next to the county government, which mainly stores grain, silver, weapons and armor.

The system gives him the task of robbery, not theft. If he wants to complete the task, he can only break in and rob openly.

Otherwise, with his cultivation, you can steal all the things in the storehouse unconsciously.

There are officers inside and outside the mansion. After taking out a piece of black cloth to block his face, song Yan walked to the mansion.

In the long night, two officers standing guard outside the gate of the mansion were talking about which daughter-in-law was big or small. Suddenly, they saw a masked guest coming to them.

They were stunned at first, and then they shouted to the masked man, "what are you doing?"

"I'll rob." Song inkstone's way is not urgent but not slow.

"What? Robbery! "

Hearing this, the two officers were shocked. Are the thieves bold to this extent? How dare you go to the Treasury and rob by yourself?

Song Yan is too lazy to talk nonsense with the two officers, and two streams of Qi force pop up to knock them out.

Suddenly, song Yan found a gong at the foot of an official who fainted. He picked up the gong and flew into the Treasury.

"Do it!"

"Do it!"

"A thief has come to rob the Treasury!" Song Yan is beating the gongs and shouting, but in his heart he says, "is it a different way to rob like me?

There are 15 official guards in the storehouse. They are all surprised to hear the sound of gongs. They take up their waist knives and go to the place where the gongs sound.Soon, except for the three officers guarding the granary, the silver storehouse and the weapons storehouse, the other twelve arrived.

But when they saw the Gong was actually a masked man, they were all confused.

"Who are you? How to get into the storehouse! "

Song Yan stopped striking the gong and threw it aside. In a long voice, he said, "listen, I am the lonely meaning of Qinglong village in Heifeng mountain. I came here to rob the Treasury tonight!"

"Be bold, take this man for me!"

"Bang! Bang! "

The sound of pulling out the knife became one, and twelve officers and men waved at Song Yan one after another.

Seeing this, song Yan is not nervous at all. He quickly brings out twelve Qi energy and directly knocks them out.

After the twelve men were eliminated, song Yan flashed and came to the outside of the granary. Before the official guarding the granary could speak, he was stunned by song Yan with his knife.

Kicked off the granary, suddenly full of food.

"Take it!"

With a wave of his hand, the hundreds of thousands of Jin of grain were all collected by song inkstone into the storage ring.

Then he used the same method. He stunned the officers guarding the silver and weapons depots respectively. He broke through the door violently and searched all the silver and weapons inside.

"Hey, it's time to leave!"

Song Yan can sense that a large number of soldiers and horses are coming to the Treasury.

All of a sudden, he took out a dagger and went back to the three empty warehouses, leaving a few words in them - Lonely meaning to visit here.

After all this, he left the storehouse directly.

Within a minute of his departure, a large number of soldiers and horses came to the Treasury. Coincidentally, the leader was Du Heng.

In the daytime, he was beaten by song yanpang, and only one * was robbed, which made him angry. So, knowing that there was a thief who wanted to attack the Treasury, he hurriedly led his soldiers to come here.

Just looking at the three empty warehouses, he almost turned green.

"Duwei, there are words on the wall in the warehouse!" A soldier reports.

Du Heng went over and saw seven big words of "lonely righteousness comes here for a tour".

"Too arrogant!"

At the sight of these seven words, Du Heng almost walked away. He even dared to leave his name after robbing the Treasury. However, he felt that the name of loneliness was familiar to him. josei

When song Yan left the mansion, he was ready to leave with the imperial sword. Suddenly, he felt that there were several inborn warriors after him.

All of a sudden, there was a suspicion in his eyes. When he came to investigate in the daytime, he didn't find any inborn experts at all. How could several inborn experts come out suddenly?

Five voices broke through the air.

Then, song Yan saw a woman in white running towards him, followed by four men in black.

Judging from the breath, the woman in white should be born with six heavy weapons. However, her breath is weak now and she should be injured. The four men in black behind him are born with five heavy weapons.

Five people flied by him, and disappeared in a few flashes.

Song Yan, who wanted to leave the imperial sword, thought about it but started to catch up with her body method.

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