Magic Love Ring

Chapter 583

Chapter 583

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at the moment, Wu Yu's mood is very grumpy. He has searched song Yan for more than one hour with others, but he has got nothing. 77772e766f647477e636f6

"you are sure that the person you see is Huang Liang's boy"

Wu Yu looks at Yuan Sheng and asks with doubts in his voice.

"Wu Shao, I'm sure that's Huang Liang. He admitted it himself." Yuan Sheng explained nervously.

"Hum, you'd better not lie to me, otherwise, I'll make you die ugly." Wu Yu said coldly, "search for me, and catch that kid for me."

"Wu Yu, are you looking for me?"

suddenly, a cruel voice came from a small mountain tens of meters away.

"Wu Shao, look, Huang Liang is there." Yuan Sheng points to song Yan and shouts happily.

Wu Yu said with a smile: "ha ha, Huang Liang, you have a way to go in heaven, and there is no way to enter hell. You dare to show up on your own initiative, which is stupid to the extreme"

Song Yan said with a smile: "is that right? Wu Shao, it's just the so-called enemy should not be solved, let's talk about it"

seeing song Yan's "recognition and advice", Wu Yu was very proud of it, and said proudly: "now I just want to talk with you later. "Br >
" is there really no room for redemption? I can compensate you for your money. " Song Yan continued.

"Silver is a fart. There are many ways for me," Wu Yu despised, then waved: "come on, catch this bastard for me"


Song Yan shouted again.

"Hey hey, what else do you want to say, I will give you ten more breathing time," Wu Yu said, posing as the winner.

"I want to say that you really don't think about it"

Wu Yu points to song Yan and scolds: "considering your sister, my son is now occupying all the time and space, and it's easy to kill you. What can I think about"

"ah" Song Yan sighs: "since you want to fight with you, since you don't agree, let's go, everyone, come out"

Song Yan's words Fall, shadow flash, song Yan side more than ten people.

Seeing this, Wu Yu was shocked and scolded: "Cao, you still have ambush. However, there are 26 people on my side and only 11 on your side. My son can still beat you"

"is that right?" Song Yan smiled strangely: "who told you that I have only 10 people"

the figure flashed again, and there are 10 more people around Song Yan.

"It's impossible"

to see another ten people around Song Yan, Wu Yu exclaimed incredibly. josei

Song Yan looks at him cruelly: "it seems that your endurance is very poor. Come on, let's all come out"

now, song Yan's voice is falling, and the surrounding figures are flashing. In the breathing, Wu Yu and his 25 people are surrounded.

For a moment, Wu Yu's face became extremely ugly.

Song Yan flew down from the hill and walked to Wu Yu. The 20 people followed him closely, like his bodyguard.

Subconsciously, Wu Yu took a step back: "that Mr. Huang, let's have a word to say, or let's talk"

Song Yan curled his lips: "I said Mr. Wu, you really have a way to go in heaven, and I don't know if you are stupid or bold, or stupid."

hearing that, Wu Yu's face flashed the color of humiliation, which he just said Used to taunt song inkstone, now, unexpectedly returned him intact.

"Mr. Huang, it's better for us to settle our enemies, or we'll talk about it again"

just as soon as the words are said, Wu Yu will react. This sentence seems to have been said by song Yan.

"Ha ha" Song Yan laughed: "I'm good at the place and time. Why can I talk to you?"

"I can compensate you for your silver"

"I have silver, not rare" Song Yan's taste of playing.

Wu Yu, the "you", is very angry.

After a while, he took a deep breath and slowly glanced at the people around him: "you guys, I'm the son of Wu family in Xueyang City, and my cousin is the inner disciple of qingweimen. Who dares to move me"

once this is said, there are some taboo colors on the faces around.

Seeing this, Wu Yu is even more proud: "you should be hired by Huang Lianghua. As long as you turn to me, I will give you five thousand Liang each."

Song Yan's disdainful lips, pointing to a man: "who, you tell me, how much money I hired you?"

the man said truthfully.

Wu Yu was stunned. Then he shouted, "no way, you can have so much money."

, Song Ying, looked at him disdainfully. "The father of woodlouse is the city owner of Kaiyuan city, Mount Huangshan. My old woman is the only daughter of Liu family, and I am their only son. How rare is my silver? And you, though you are the son of Wu, you have three or four brothers, and your cousins are more. More than ten, so, even if you are favored again, it's good to take out a million liang of silver, which is a scum in my son's eyes.”

at this point, song Yan's eyes fell on the group of people who followed Wu Yu: "are you interested in fighting back? As long as you come to my son's side, you will be given 10000 liang of silver"

this group of people followed Wu Yu only 3000 Liang, while song Yan followed 10000 Liang.

Therefore, in an instant, more than ten people turned against each other, took out 3000 Liang silver tickets in their arms and threw them at Wu Yu's feet, and came to song Yan's side.

More than people, song inkstone.

Compared with silver, song inkstone still gives more.

Compared with backstage, song inkstone is not bad.

So, as long as you are not stupid, you know how to choose.

The remaining ten people hesitated and made the same move, throwing the silver note at Wu Yu's feet and walking to song Yan's side.

Song Yan is not ambiguous either, and issues silver tickets on the spot.

"Wait for you, I won't accept you." Song Yan suddenly points to Yuan Sheng who comes to him.

Yuan Sheng's face became very ugly after a meal.

"Brother Chen" Song inkstone.


Chen Yan walked out from behind song inkstone with a long knife and stared at Yuan Sheng with a bad face.

Song Yan said coldly, "don't say I don't give you a chance. As long as you win brother Chen, I will let you go. Otherwise, you can only leave at some cost."


Yuan Sheng promised to come down at once, because he attacked Chen Yan secretly more than one hour ago, causing him serious injury. Although song Yan beat him to fly, the injury was not serious, so he grasped it Quite big.

"Suffer death"

when the long knife comes out of its sheath and the light flashes, it will turn into a golden light to attack Yuansheng directly.

Yuan Sheng draws his sword and greets each other. Suddenly, they fight together.

In a flash, more than 50 moves passed. Hearing the bang, Yuan Sheng fell out of his body and fell heavily on the ground. He just wanted to struggle to get up, but he kept spitting blood.

Seeing this, song Yan can't help sneering. He didn't seem to have a strong hand before, but in fact, he secretly hid a stream of Jianyuan in his body. As long as he consumed half of his real Qi, Jianyuan would attack and make waves in his body.

"Break one arm, get out of the way," Song inkstone said.


Yuan Sheng nods his head, cuts off one arm with a sword, picks up the broken arm and staggers away.

Then, song Yan's eyes fell on Wu Yu, feeling his eyes, the other side of the body subconsciously shuddered.

This book is from. HTL

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