Magic Love Ring

Chapter 584

Chapter 584

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"what do you want to do?" Wu Yu retreated several steps again, his eyes full of panic and vigilance.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Song Yan smiled and said to the people, "each of you will slap him, and I will add another one thousand liang of silver."

"I'll come first"

Chen Yan strode forward, raised his hand and slapped it out. Suddenly, a clear slap came out. At the same time, Wu Yu had five bright red finger prints on his face. josei

Just as it is said that everything is difficult at the beginning, you may be afraid of Wu Yu's identity, but with Chen Yan taking the lead and the lure of a thousand liang of silver, after Chen Yan retreats, someone will come forward and fan to Wu Yu's other cheek.

He subconsciously wants to dodge, but the voice of song Yan's Yin test rings: "accept it honestly, otherwise, I will kill you"

hearing song Yan's cruel words, Wu Yu dare not dodge, but his resentment against song Yan has multiplied several times.

The sound of slapping on the face of Wu Yu has been heard continuously. It looks like a pig's head, but for the sake of a small life, he can only stand in the same place and let others slap him in the face. His heart is full of resentment and suffocation. He silently calculates that when he has a chance, he must make Huang Liang pay back ten times and a hundred times.

After everyone slapped Wu Yu, song Yan waved impatiently: "go away, you know what you're doing, don't provoke me later, otherwise, it's not as simple as slapping your ears."

Wu Yu didn't speak hard. After seeing song Yan, he turned around and left.

The next morning.

A loud voice sounded in the test forest, declaring the end of this assessment.

More than 4000 people participated in the third round of assessment, but only 2700 people passed the third round of assessment, more than 1000 people were eliminated.

But relatively speaking, this year's elimination rate is not as high as three years ago.

Those who didn't pass the examination were sent directly to qingweishan. Those who passed the examination, led by the middle-aged Xuanniao robe, came back to the huge Martial Arts Square.

The middle-aged man in the Xuanniao robe stood in front of the martial arts square. Before the change, he had a cold face and a little more smile: "Congratulations, everyone. After that, you are one of my qingweimen."

Smell speech, the color of joy and excitement appeared on most people's faces, and many people pinched their fists secretly.

Poor culture and rich martial arts require a lot of resources to practice martial arts.

If you want to become strong, except for the support of your family, you have to rely on the sects. Otherwise, when you are a loose cultivator, you will never achieve much.

The middle-aged Xuanniao robe continued: "my name is bi Fang, the head of the outer gate. I hope that when you enter the sect, you will abide by the discipline of the sect. If you dare to break the precepts, don't blame me for not showing affection."

For a while, the hearts of the people were awe inspiring.

Just then, several deacons led hundreds of disciples in white robes.

These hundreds of disciples hold a book and a token in their arms.

The voice of Bi Fang, the chief manager of the outer door, continued to ring: "it is recorded in the book that there are 108 rules and regulations of our qingweimen. Within three days, you must memorize them. After three days, there will be a deacon of the outer door who will spot check you. If you can't answer them, you will be punished.

This token is your identity certificate. With this token, you can get three sets of uniforms in the outer laundry hall, three meals a day in the outer dining hall, and read books once a month in the library. If you are far away, you can have this token and freely go to any city in Tianhe, Lingzhou and Yanzhou. "

"Now, line up and come forward once to get the commandment and identity token."

When receiving the martial law and identity token, you have to give your name and place of origin again.

"Now, please come with me, younger martial brothers who have received the commandment and identity token." one of the disciples of the outer gate stood out and shouted loudly.

"Brother Huang, let's go." Chen Yan reminds song Yandao.

"Good" Song Yan nodded and walked quickly to the disciple.

Song Yan this move, there will be 70 or 80 people to follow up, these people are in the third round of assessment of his benefits, know that he is rich and young, willing to make friends.

"What do you call this elder martial brother?" Song Yan chuckled and hugged the disciple.

This disciple is also a man of vision. When song Yan set out, there were 70 or 80 people corresponding to him. He must be of extraordinary origin.

So he smiled and said mildly, "this younger martial brother is very polite. My surname is Zheng. It's a single martial word. You call me elder martial brother Zheng."

"It turned out to be senior brother Zheng, younger brother Huang Liang, and I'd like to ask senior brother to take care of him later." during the conversation, song Yan quietly stuffed a silver note. Anyway, the cheap old lady gave him five million Liang. He didn't know how much he felt when he spent it.

Zheng Wu is also a wonderful person. He is very familiar with collecting the banknotes. However, when he involved the banknotes in the sleeves, he secretly looked at the face value of his eyes and found that it was 10000 Liang. His eyes shrank slightly. Secretly, this younger martial brother is really generous and must not be offended.

"By the way, senior brother Zheng, where shall we go next?" Song Yan asked with a smile."Of course, it's the place where you live"

maybe it's because of the twelve thousand silver tickets. On the way to the accommodation area, Zheng Wu stops from time to time to explain to song Yan what kinds of buildings in the outer door are, and will give appropriate reminders. In short, it's very warm.

Qingweimen is worthy of being the great sect that dominates the three continents. Even the outer gate area is very large.

Stop and go, half an hour, Zheng wucai took song Yan and others to the accommodation area.

According to Zheng Wu, not counting their new disciples, qingweimen also has nearly ten thousand disciples.

In addition, all the disciples of the outer gate live in a single house, so the residential area can't see the end at a glance.

Zheng Wu said with a smile: "brother Huang, this is a new residential area that has been expanded for less than a year. The furniture inside is newly made. Each of you can choose a residence. By the way, after the selection, you need to make a registration here"

"thank you for your care"

thank you again to Zheng Wu. Song Yancai went to choose the courtyard. Where has he experienced three worlds There was no hint in Zheng Wu's words. He deliberately pointed out that it was a newly built courtyard, indicating that there was an old courtyard.

As for whether to lead him to the new courtyard or the old one, it depends on his mood.

The selection Institute is backward. People cooperate with Zheng Wu to register and register. Only after the other party's advice can they leave with satisfaction.

Soon after Song Yan returned to his courtyard, the knock rang, but Chen Yan and others came to visit him, and they all changed their names to call him senior brother Huang.

At this time, the system prompts the sound to remind him that he has completed the first task of joining the qingweimen and rewarded 50 million fame.

Since this group of people are willing to join in, song Yan is not ambiguous. It's good to directly point out and mix with him. After all, his second task is to become the leader of Qingwei sect. If you want to be a leader, you can't do without the support of others, so it's necessary to cultivate the team.

This book is from. HTL

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