Magic Love Ring

Chapter 614

Chapter 614

In the main hall of the leader, Chen Yuanshan's voice rang out: "Shengwu college aims to cultivate a martial saint for the human race. The dean is the leader of Haotian alliance. There are five vice presidents: the leader of Tianlong gate, Tianhu gate and Tianxiang gate, and the leader of Dalong jianzun and HuangYin fairy. Ziyou Pavilion

the leader of Haotian alliance has reached the peak of wusheng. He is the second expert of the human race. The leader of Tianlong, Tianhu and Tianxiang has the strength of the later stage of wusheng. As for the dragon sword, it is also the later stage of wusheng. HuangYin fairy is slightly weak, which is the middle stage of wusheng. " josei

Hearing Chen Yuanshan's explanation, song Yan's heart couldn't help but be awestruck. A college unexpectedly gathered six martial saints, which shows how powerful the college is.

Only listen to Chen Yuanshan continue: "the holy martial arts college is located on the Holy Spirit Island. Although the Holy Spirit Island is only an island, its area is extremely vast. It is several times larger than the land of the three states under the command of our qingweimen. Moreover, the island is surrounded by the sea. The college has set up a large-scale spiritual array to absorb the spirit in the sea continuously for the college students to practice.

Therefore, the college quota of Shengwu college is extremely precious, and I have only 15 enrollment quota in the micro gate of Qing Dynasty. "

Song Yan's heart moved: "this time, Chen Yuan Shan nodded his head in order to choose the number of college places."

Chen Yuan Shan said: "you are quick to respond. The outside gate, the inside gate and the elite each get three places, and the core disciples get six places. However, if you get the places, you can become the students of Shengwu college."

Wen Yan, song Yan could not help but look at Chen Yuan in doubt Mountain.

The other side continued: "there is a transmission array leading directly to Holy Spirit Island on the mainland. However, students can't go through the transmission array when they enter school. At that time, all prospective students will gather in Haizhou and go to sea together by boat.

The sea is not the same as the land, full of unknown changes. Besides, there are a lot of large monsters in the sea. Half of your students can reach them smoothly, which is not bad. "

" OK, that's all. This is a gift for you to go down. "

once the voice falls, only Chen Yuanshan flicks his hand, there is a thin one His armor flew in front of him.

Song Yan holds the armour with his hands, only to find it extremely soft and cool.

"It's made of the silk from the ice Jade King silkworm. With this armour, you can offset at least 90% of the power of the grand master level," Chen explained

"Thank you leader"

Song Yan slowly quit the hall after thanking him.

In the morning of the next day, song Yan came to the small world in the forbidden area.

"See you, master."

Song Yan bent over to salute the Oriental Tianya, with an extremely respectful look.

Oriental Tianya nodded and threw a wooden sword to song Yan: "today, your task is to split 100000 times into the air, pick 100000 times, stab 100000 times. Remember, you can't use the real Qi, and there can't be any pause in the middle."


Song Yan picked up the wooden sword and went to the open space to split the air seriously.



Three times.

Ten times.

Looking at Song Yan's meticulous execution of his orders, Oriental Tianya is very happy.

The first five hundred times, song Yan did not feel anything, after all, after nine times of physical training, the body has been extremely strong.

But from five hundred times on, he felt that the wooden sword in his hand seemed heavier.

Six hundred times. Seven hundred times.

A thousand times.

With more and more sword movements, song Yan found that the wooden sword in his hand was more and more heavy. At the same time, his arm muscles were a little more soft and sour.

After three thousand waves, he felt that the weight of the wooden sword had increased at least several times.

The more sore the arm muscles become.

All of a sudden, there was a movement in his heart. Master asked me to chop so pointlessly. It must have his intention.

After half an hour, song Yan has waved six thousand times, almost 100 times a second, but it will take 30 hours to complete 100000 sword splits, 100000 sword picks and 100000 sword stabs.

And master gave him orders for one day.

Twenty four hours a day, if according to the current frequency, it is not more than six hours to complete the task.

So song Yan accelerated the speed of chopping sword.

Ten thousand times, song Yan felt that the wooden sword in his hand was several times heavier, and his right arm was even more weak.


Song Yan suddenly has a little doubt in his mind. In this case, it's difficult to complete the first action, not to mention three actions.

Think of here, song inkstone can not help but if some understanding, began to adjust their breathing.

As he tried, he found it easier to keep breathing at the same frequency as a sword.

As a result, song Yan's sword swing has more than doubled. However, after another 30000 times, he found that even if the frequency of breathing and sword waving was the same, his arm could not bear the constant sword waving.So he thought again.

Every time you swing a sword, you will have strength.

The forces act on each other.

That is to say, every time he wields a sword, the muscles on his arm will be impacted by the reaction force.

If you can use real Qi, you can use real Qi to dissolve the reaction force.

Now, he can't use real Qi, so how can we solve this problem? It didn't bother song Yan for a long time. Soon, he came up with a solution.

Can be through muscle concussion, the reaction force of the sword to dissolve.

After several attempts, song Yan has been able to resolve the reaction force caused by his sword.

As a result, his sword swing became more and more relaxed.

Fifty thousand times.

60000 times.

70000 times.

100000 times.

Finally, song Yan finished the action of chopping sword.

And it took just over seven hours.

As long as the other two movements keep this rhythm, it is not difficult to complete the task.

On the other hand, Oriental Tianya has become colorful. His new apprentice is too evil to understand his intention so quickly.

Song Yanjian's potential changed from splitting to picking.

Split, rely on the strength of the arm, then pick, you need the strength of the waist to help.

Breathing, frequency, muscle vibration.

But thousands of times, song Yan once again found out the perfect rhythm of this movement.

It took song Yan more than six hours to pick a sword 100000 times.

The next step is the stab, which requires not only the strength of the arms and waist, but also the strength of the legs.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to adjust the strength of three points to a single rhythm, but song Yan has a very high level of sword cultivation, so he has mastered the perfect rhythm of stabbing sword thousands of times.

It took him only five hours to finish the stabbing.

To this end, Oriental Tianya can only describe it as a monster. It took him a whole month to find out the perfect rhythm.

But song Yan only used one day, so talented, no wonder he can understand the meaning of sword at this age.

At that time, the more the Oriental Tianya looked at the song inkstone, the more he felt like it.

: one change

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