Magic Love Ring

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Forbidden area in the small world.

"Master, I have finished the three movements of chop, pick and stab. What's your instruction?" Put away the wooden sword, and song Yan asked the Oriental Tianya for instructions.

Oriental Tianya waved to him with a smile: "come and have a drink of tea first."


Song Yan went to the stone table and sat down. Dongfang Tianya himself picked up the tea cup and filled it with: "drink"

"thank you very much, master"

the tea was green and fragrant. Just hearing the taste made people feel refreshed.

After drinking the tea in the cup, song Yan suddenly felt a cool breath spread from his stomach, and instantly reached all over his body, which made him feel refreshed, even the fatigue on his body disappeared.

"Master, this tea"

Oriental Tianya smiled and nodded: "this tea is made from a leaf of the enlightenment tree. After drinking it, it can enhance the fit between the human body and the heaven and the earth, strengthen the physique and dispel fatigue. Come on, have another drink "

and then Oriental Tianya will serve song yanman again.

After Song Yan thanked him again, he took up the teacup and drank it up again. That feeling came again. He had an illusion that the heaven and earth seemed to be closer to him. For a while, he couldn't help but feel grateful for Oriental Tianya.

"Well, that's all for today. Let's go to the room to have a rest."

"yes, master"

go back to the room, and song Yan sits cross legged and enters the cultivation state.

Just at the beginning of cultivation, he was shocked to find that his body turned into a huge vortex, pulling the spirit of the world around him to rush into his body, and instantly filled his internal meridians.

The Oriental Tianya in the courtyard seemed to have a feeling. Suddenly he turned to the room where song Yan was, and then he was surprised: "this boy, when he was cultivating, his aura throughput was so large, which was really amazing"

in the room.

Song Yan quickly closed his pores and began to refine his aura.

One Sunday, not only his Dantian is full of Qi, but also nearly a hundred acupoints and orifices are full of Qi. However, there are still a lot of Qi in the meridians, which is hard to contain.

That is to say, he has reached the peak of six aspects of gas refining.

"It's time to break through"

Song Yanxin's spirit, one Lin, and manipulate the real Qi to impact Qi refining seven times. josei


there is a series of explosions in the body, several points and orifices are opened in several breaths, and the genuine Qi in the meridians rush into them quickly, filling them up.

At the same time, it also means that the cultivation of song inkstone has entered the seven aspects of Qi refining.

After breaking through the seven aspects of Qi refining, song Yan found that he had a lot of spare power, so he just worked together and continued to manipulate the real Qi to the eighth level.

An hour later.

All the orifices of the eighth heavy were opened, forming a new cycle in the body of song inkstone, and his cultivation was promoted to the eighth heavy.

Song Yan is sure that even if he continues to hit the ninth place, there should be no big problem.

But he chose to give up.

Immerse the mind and spirit into the body, and manipulate the Qi refining, meridians, bones, muscles and even the five viscera.

Maybe he drank Wudao tea. Song Yan felt that his real Qi had great spirituality. He didn't have the feeling that he couldn't control it completely.

Two hours later, song Yan walked out of the room with a fresh air.

Oriental Tianya is still sitting in front of the stone table in the yard drinking tea.

When he saw song Yan, his eyes were bright, but then his face was heavy. He didn't expect that song Yan broke through two realms in these short hours.

But immediately, there was a trace of surprise on his face. Although he broke through two realms in a row, his breath was not stable, but it was just that his breath was very calm. So he beckoned song Yan to come to him.

After a lot of investigation, he found that his apprentice's cultivation was extremely stable, which made him both gratified and shocked.

It can be seen that the foundation of his apprentice is very thick, which is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Well, your task today is to split the sword 300 thousand times, pick the sword 300 thousand times, stab the sword 300 thousand times. Similarly, you can't stop in the middle. The completion time is 12 hours."

originally, Oriental Tianya only wanted song Yan to split, pick and stab 200 thousand times, but thought that this apprentice was too evil to be regarded as an ordinary person.


Song Yan picked up the wooden sword and chopped it against the air again. His accomplishments have been improved by two levels, and his strength has increased correspondingly. Therefore, his speed of chopping has been doubled at least. However, he has to finish three actions 300 thousand times in 12 hours, which is not enough according to the old time.

So song Yan began to think about how to improve the speed of the action.

Frequency or rhythm

thinking and trying at the same time, song Yan found that even if he played the rhythm of sword swing perfectly, it could not be completed within the specified time.This made him realize that if he wanted to improve his speed, it would not work to find a breakthrough physically.

Since we can't find a breakthrough physically, we can find it from the outside.

Seeing through the magic

the heart read a move, song Yan opened the seeing through magic, his eyes tightly fixed on the wooden sword in his hand.

The sword fell.

Through the perspective of Shentong, song Yan can see that the wood sword will break the blocking air. In addition, the wind in the air will also be broken. The wood sword will split the air and the wind. On the contrary, these two elements will also affect the impact on the wood sword.

All of a sudden, his heart suddenly opened, knowing that the impact of their own speed is the wind and air.

If there is no air resistance and wind resistance, then my sword swing will definitely increase greatly.

How to make air resistance and wind resistance disappear? It is obviously not feasible to create a vacuum space.

For a while, the fire of song inkstone's wisdom was burning.

Why does the wind hold me back? Why does the air hold me back? Because they are everywhere.

Thinking of this, song Yan's eyes burst out two magic lights. For a while, the void in front of him was magnified infinitely.

The air and the wind that could not be recognized by the naked eye appeared before his eyes.

Through his observation, no matter the air or the movement of the wind, there are traces and rules to find.

Follow the wind and cut into the vacuum between the air gaps, then the resistance will be infinitely reduced.

Therefore, the sword potential of the wooden sword in Song Yan's hand slightly changed.

And then out with a swing.

It's easy. There's almost no anti shock force.

Song Yan's heart suddenly burst out with a strong joy. He continuously split dozens of swords and found that his action of splitting swords had been increased at least five times.

That is to say, he can not only finish the task assigned by his master within the prescribed time, but also finish it ahead of time.

Not far away, the Oriental Tianya saw this scene, and his eyes were suddenly full, and he said to himself that the boy's comprehension was not like that possessed by human beings, and he could understand this level so quickly.

You know, it took him three years to realize this, and he was praised by his master as having excellent talent.

and his eldest apprentice spent more than two years to understand this level, and his second apprentice spent more than three years.

Compared with the three apprentices, they are one in the sky and one underground.

Two changes.

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