Magic Love Ring

Chapter 686

Chapter 686

After the victory of the first battle, song Yan continued to patrol with his soldiers along the way. During the patrol, he met many patrols. Unfortunately, he did not run into the Dali niumo clan who had sneaked over.

However, song Yan is quite satisfied. On the first day of the battle, he gained 900 points. Xuanyuan Lingtian won more than 1000 points on the 10th day of the battle.

Song Yan's view of the capital, which was cast on the Bank of the blood River, attracted many people's attention. Many patrols went around specially to watch it, but after watching it, their hearts were cold.

The night was black.

In addition to the roar of blood flow, the whole world fell into silence.

Suddenly, a cow head appeared in the middle of the blood River, but soon sank into the water. After a few breaths, the cow head reappeared. So on and on, the powerful Bull Demon was close to the shore.

This powerful Bull Demon called him Gu. He was a scout.

Today, in the daytime, the three centurions under master Nayan's account took their subordinates to hunt here. As a result, they didn't come back late at night. So, master Nayan sent him to inquire about the news.

He was very alert. He had been lurking in the river for a quarter of an hour. He raised his ears and listened attentively. After he did not hear the ambush, he climbed up the bank quietly.

"What is that?"

as soon as he got ashore, he saw something like a hill.

He looked around warily again, and then approached the hill carefully.

Only when he saw what the hill was, he fell to the ground in fear.

It was a hill of heads, all of which belonged to the same family.

He forced himself to suppress his inner fear, turned over and climbed up, bravely looking at the "hill", which was made up of 330 heads.

He recognized the heads of three centurions and thirty centurions.

The remaining 300 are ordinary soldiers.

That is to say, the 333 families who came to work in the daytime are all here.

For a while, he took a breath of cold air. If master Nayan knew the news, he would be furious.

He carefully returned to the river of blood, then swam to the other side at full speed.

The blood river is the natural barrier of the Bull Demon clan. With this blood River, the army of the human race can't fight.

Therefore, on the other side of the blood River, only a few patrols were arranged symbolically.

Half an hour.

He went back to the other side of the blood River in ancient times, and came to the Barracks at full speed to ask for Qianfu changnayan.

Nayan is about four meters tall, and his whole body exudes a strong breath. At the moment, he is drinking wine with a bone cup made of a human head, but there are pieces of bloody meat on the table.

Every time he took a sip of wine, he would stretch out his hand and take a piece of meat and put it into his mouth to chew. His mouth was full of blood, but he was intoxicated.

"He Gu, did you find out about them?"

when you saw him enter the account, you asked him with a voice in a rock jar.

"Master Nayan, master Heidao, they are all dead." He fought in ancient times.


take a rock and clap it up: "how could it be? There are more than 300 of them who can withdraw smoothly even if they meet a large-scale patrol of the human race"

a trace of fear flashed in his ancient eyes: "it's true that the people of Nayan are not only cruel to kill the people of Heidao, but also to cut their heads and pile them up into a small mountain and let them go At the Bank of the river, he demonstrated to us "

and shouted at Yanbang:" the damned people dare to do this. I want to avenge them. You, go and give me the order of Lao Tzu and gather all the people. Let's kill them in the night and show them a fierce look "

the simple camp is quiet. After a day's patrol, all the soldiers have fallen asleep.

In the biggest camp, song Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

He strode out of the barracks and said to the three soldiers on the watch: "call everyone up"

"it's the captain"

because it's not in the city. Even if they sleep, the soldiers are sleeping with weapons and armor, just to deal with the demons who come to attack.

"Captain, is there a demon family coming?"

a team leader came up and asked.

"I haven't come yet, but I should come soon to organize the team and follow me," said Song Yanshen.

During the day's war, song Yan established his authority in the team, and all of us would not hesitate to implement his orders.

The tent was placed in a place less than five li away from Jingguan. Because there was no torch, he didn't find the tent in ancient times, but he had been observing song Yan near Jingguan with perspective divinity and found him.

In the past ten days, while training the soldiers, song Yan also asked Li Feng to collect a lot of information about the Bull Demon clan.

The characteristics of the powerful Bull Demon are great strength, thick skin and thick meat, and high defense.But the character is bloodthirsty, irritable and impulsive.

In fact, he built Jingguan to enrage other powerful bull demons on the other side of the river bank. Therefore, when he came to investigate in ancient times, he didn't catch him, but deliberately let him go.

With the character of Dali Bull Demon clan, if you know that someone has cast the head of their clan into Jingguan, you will definitely kill them without hesitation.

Soon, song Yan took 99 soldiers to Beijing temple.

Under his command, the people quickly dug holes in the ground.

Night is the biggest cover. As long as you hide in the pit, it's hard for the Bull Demon clan to find them.

Soon, half an hour passed. josei

Under the command of song Yan, nine pits were dug in the rear of Jingguan.

The eight pits in front are about two meters deep and not very wide. Once the Bull Demon family is trapped in the pit, it is very difficult to climb up. On the pit, song Yan also makes people make a simple cover up. If in the daytime, this cover up should be seen through at a glance, but at night, the light is insufficient, it is difficult to see through.

Digging nine pits in half an hour, even if these soldiers are all the nine heavy practitioners of Qi refining, they are also very tired.

"Seize the time to rest, the great bull demon will come soon"

Song Yan reminds me.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour later, through the perspective of Shentong's song inkstone, it was finally detected that the figure of the powerful cow demon clan appeared on the river.

The song inkstone drinks lightly and conveys the order to all people's ears.

This night's attack of the powerful Bull Demon clan is more than twice that of the day. Besides seven centurions, there are also centurions.

Once all of them are eaten, the points earned will surpass Xuanyuan Lingtian in an instant.

Soon, a strong Bull Demon soldiers began to go ashore. They looked around casually. They didn't find any Terran soldiers, so they asked the rest of their families to go ashore.

Finally, more than 600 strong bull demons all climbed the river bank and looked at the tall figures hundreds of meters away. The soldiers were not afraid but excited. The reason was that they had confidence in their team leader.

"He Gu, where is Jingguan"

asks angrily with Yan.

"Right ahead" he pointed to a small mountain road more than 100 meters away.

With a wave of his big hand, he marched forward with his men. When he approached Jingguan and looked at his heads, his eyes were red and full of murders.

"Renzu, I swear by Yan, you must repay ten times"

"you don't have that chance"

a cold voice suddenly sounded in his ear, then, flashed by, took the rock and felt that he flew into the sky, but immediately he realized that it wasn't him that flew into the sky, but his head flew into the sky.

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