Magic Love Ring

Chapter 687

Chapter 687

Na Yan is the commander of Qianfu. His strength is twice as strong as that of the middle period of the patriarch, even in terms of defense. But he was still beheaded by song Yan with a sword.

He died before he left school.

Nayan is very unwilling, but his head has been cut off. How can he be unwilling? How can he be "Nayan man"

as for other powerful demons, he was killed by a sword.

"Avenge for Lord Nayan and kill this people"

a centurion roared and waved a three meter long knife to song Yan, and his eyes flashed with inexplicable light. As long as he killed this people and avenged for Lord Nayan, he would be qualified to become a new Centurion.

"Go to hell, Terran"

the light of the sword is like electricity. It comes in a flash, and the strong sword Gang seems to split the heaven and the earth in two.


the figure passes by, and the centurion cuts through the sky.

In addition, the light of his sword came on.


there is another head flying into the sky between the blood splashes.

It's the centurion.

After beheading the centurion, song Yan rushed into the powerful bull demons and turned his hands into a sword light. Where he passed, his heads kept flying.

In an instant, dozens of powerful Bull Demon soldiers died under his sword. josei

"Damned people, kill him"

when the other six centurions saw this, they almost went mad and roared to attack song Yan.


in a flash, the six centurion's joint efforts failed, and on the contrary, they mistakenly killed five ox demon soldiers.

The next moment, song inkstone appeared in the ninth pit.

In a cold voice, "let's shoot"

the ninety-nine soldiers who had already put up their bows immediately stood up from the pit.

Ninety nine sharp arrows shot out like black light under the cover of night.

"Puff puff"

these arrows are all idiosyncratic and can easily pass through the defense of the powerful Bull Demon family.

The price of these arrows is also very high. Each arrow costs two liang of silver. Ordinary soldiers can only be equipped with ten, and the team leader can be equipped with twenty.

Ninety nine soldiers have been quietly aiming at the group of powerful bull demons. Therefore, at least 90 powerful bull demons in this round of volleying are fighting and falling down.

"The Terrans are over there, rush up and kill them"

although dozens of people have been shot, six centurions don't want to retreat. Moreover, from the number of arrows, they can judge that there are not many Terrans ambushing them.

Lord Nayan is dead, and a centurion has been killed. In addition, hundreds of soldiers have been killed in battle. If we retreat here, commander Wan knows that he will not let them go.

Their only choice is to kill this group of hateful people.

At that time, they not only have no fault, but also have merit.


more than 500 strong Bull Demon soldiers roared wildly and rushed to this side with weapons.

Because they run too fast, they don't pay attention to their feet at all.

Therefore, the dozens of powerful Bull Demon soldiers who rushed to the front were tragic. They all fell into the pit dug in advance, and fell to seven faint and eight elements.

However, the pit was not dug deep. It was only two meters long, which stuck their lower body. For a while, they couldn't get off at all.

Because dozens of powerful bull demons rushed in the front fell into the pit, and a group of bull demons soldiers behind them jumped over their heads subconsciously. They were not lucky that they did not fall into the pit, but fell into the second pit.


at this time, the soldiers have rebuilt the special arrows.

Ninety nine arrows shot out.

Only a burst of "poop poop" was heard, and nearly a hundred Bull Demon soldiers who fell into two pits were shot dead.

Seeing this, the powerful ox demon soldiers under the body stopped their momentum one after another, and they were still in place.

This is a live target.

"Free launch" Song Yan shouted, and he himself also pulled up a long bow and shot it.

"Ah ah ah"

screams came and went, and dozens of ox demon soldiers fell. But song Yan's arrow pierced a ox demon soldier's head, but it came out from the back of his head, and shot through the heads of two ox demon soldiers in succession to stop the situation.

"Fengshi, what should we do? This group of people looks different from the original"

six centurions of the ox demon stood together and talked gloomily.

"Now we can only get rid of the guilt if we kill all the people. Otherwise, even if we escape back, we will be punished by the commander," said Feng Shi.

"But this group of people seems to be very cunning. Our soldiers have already sacrificed more than 200," said another centurion, worried."Hum, even if we sacrifice all people, we can only kill them, which is also a victory," said Lengleng.

"Well, let them continue to charge. The six of us go around from both sides"


for a discussion. The six centurions of the Bull Demon clan are divided into two and come from both sides at full speed.

"Liang Yunkun, Luo Han and Han long, three of you, go to block the three centurions coming from the left side, and the others immediately back up 200 meters to form the Beidou battle formation"

perspective of the whole battlefield, so when six centurions of niumo act, song Yan will know their intention.

As soon as he was in a flash, he stopped the way of the three centurions on the right.

"Kill him"

there is no extra language. Three centurions of Bull Demon attack at the same time.


they all know that this young people is very powerful. So, the first move is full force, and there is no reservation at all. Therefore, the three attacks are like three torrents, attacking song inkstone with tragic breath.


Song Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the murderous opportunity soared. He had no good feelings for these demons, and he would never be merciful if he could kill them.

In a blink of an eye, song Yan and this world are integrated, which increases his power several times.

The sword light of hum

flies through the void.

Then three heads flew up into the sky.

After killing three centurions, song Yan suddenly appeared on the left.

Liang Yunkun and his three men have formed a triple blade array to resist the attack of three centurions.


the sword flashed again and three heads flew up.

Kill three people again, and song Yan rushes into the army of Bull Demon again.

The release of the five phantom bodies, together with the Buddha, is a frenzied rush, which makes more than 100 powerful bull demons lie permanently in this land.

After his brief obstruction, the rear, the Beidou battle formation has been formed.

So song Yan retreated and let the remaining three hundred strong demons rush at them.


the three hundred powerful bull demons rushed like torrents, and the heavy weapons in their hands fell heavily.

In the face of the siege of the three hundred bull demons, 81 soldiers in the battle formation of Beidou were a little nervous.

But soon, they were stable, because they found that although the powerful Bull Demon clan was many times their number, they easily caught their attack.

: second change

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