Magic Love Ring

Chapter 813

Chapter 813

In the past, it is a very proud thing that the human race and the powerful Bull Demon race are fighting each other and can achieve one-to-one casualties.

Now, with the death of 320000 people, the great Bull Demon family has paid the price of 500000 people, but it is very proud of its failure.

But this is just the beginning.

After killing the 400000 troops of Li Feng and others, the Bull Demon clan pushed all the way to the blood river city.

Knowing the news, Lei Jiuming's face was gloomy.

When the war began, 320000 people were lost. How long can the remaining 1.2 million people last.

Thinking of this, his heart was particularly upset: "come, to invite Nangong immeasurably."

Soon, Nangong will come.

"I've seen the commander in chief." Nangong hugged her fists.

"Nangong, when can military reinforcements arrive?" Lei asked directly.

Nangong thought for a moment: "in two days, there will be 100000 people, in three days, there will be 50000 people, in five days, there will be 200000 people, and the last 150000 people should be able to arrive in ten days"

hearing that, Lei Jiuming's face is not less worried: "Nangong, the situation of Xuehe city must be understood by you. I'm afraid that when the 500000 people arrive, I'm afraid that the situation of Xuehe city will be understood by you The river city is broken, so I hope you can convey the hope of the military barracks. It's better to mobilize a million more troops to come here in three days, so as to keep the blood river city. "

Nangong nodded immeasurably: "OK, I will convey your request to the military barracks. As for whether the military barracks send troops, I don't know."

"Please," Ray said gratefully.

It's immeasurable to send Nangong away. Lei Jiuming rubs his head painfully. At most, there will be another time when the army of niumo clan will come to the city. Although the city of Xuehe is high and thick, it may not be blocked under the attack of niumo clan.

An hour later.

Nearly two million soldiers of the powerful cow demon family have arrived at the foot of the blood river city. They are so dense that the soldiers on the wall of the city are numb.

In a flash, song inkstone appeared on the wall.


the flag of the ox demon clan surged, and then nearly two million ox demon clan roared to the blood river city.

There are not many rules in the battle of the powerful Bull Demon clan, almost all of them are brute attacks.

However, the Bull Demon family is strong in physical strength and physique. Even if it has been fighting for three days and three nights, it is a war machine. Moreover, the Bull Demon family is ferocious in nature and hardly afraid of death.

In contrast, the physical strength and physique of the human race are not as good as that of the powerful Bull Demon race. Even the city guarding side looks at the bull demon race running towards the bottom of the city, and the face of the human race soldiers on the wall is white.

"Let go"

"let go"

"let go"

the dense arrows fall from the sky, shooting the bull demon race in front to the ground, but immediately more powerful bull demons rush in.

In addition, on the land, the speed of the Bull Demon clan is very fast, less than ten breaths, it rushed under the wall.

Once under the city wall, those Bull Demon clans will use their huge weapons to smash the city wall, but they intend to smash the city wall.

Seeing this scene, song Yan can't help shaking his head secretly. This Bull Demon family is nothing but reckless.

Of course, the human race is no better. There is no other way except to defend with arrows.

The siege lasted for more than four hours. The great Bull Demon family left tens of thousands of corpses and retreated. Seeing the retreating great Bull Demon family, the human soldiers on the wall couldn't help cheering.

Just as song Yan was about to leave, he found that a group of cattle demons in black robes suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

There are about a hundred of them. They all hold a blood red crystal similar to the size of their skulls, and their mouths are full of words.

"Who are they?" Song Yan asked, catching a soldier.

"I don't know."

The other party shook his head in a daze.

When his mind moved, song Yan turned on the clairvoyance. Looking again, he found that the ox demons in the black robes were absorbing the soul of the battlefield with the skull crystal of their hands.

For a while, song Yan's eyebrows were wrinkled, and he felt something was wrong.

In a flash, song Yan went back to his yard and began to write.

Half an hour later, he came to the commander-in-chief's office with his written things.

When he saw Lei Jiuming, song Yan was shocked. The other side had martial arts cultivation, but now he looked haggard.

"What's the matter with you boy?" Lei Jiuming asked politely. josei

"This is some of the ways I think of to guard the city. If you think it's suitable, try it." Song Yan gives Lei Jiuming what he wrote in half an hour.

Lei Jiuming opened the paper, looked at it carefully, and then made a good decision.

In the early morning of the next day, there were thousands of simple stone throwers on the wall of Xuehe city. At the same time, there was an iron pot beside the stone thrower. The liquid in the pot was already boiling and smelling. The wood under the pot was burning.In a quarter of an hour.

The army of the ox demon clan attacked again.

It's so dense that you can't see the end.

Two thousand meters, one thousand meters, eight hundred meters.

"Preparation of the stone thrower"

at one command, two soldiers put a piece of boulder weighing up to one kilogram on the stone thrower.



a thousand big stones fly out at the same time and smash into the army of the ox demon clan.

Immediately, more than a thousand cow demons were killed.

Seeing the achievements of the stone thrower, the Terran soldiers were greatly inspired and continued to install stones for the stone thrower.



another round of flying stones flew out and killed more than a thousand powerful demons.

However, after two rounds, the forward of the ox demon clan has attacked the wall and smashed it with weapons.


nearly a thousand large iron pots that collide with the boiling foul liquid are put on the wall by two soldiers, and then pour the boiling liquid inside down.



the boiling and stinking liquid from the sky splashed on the body of the powerful Bull Demon clan, making them scream and scream, even many of them were directly burned to death.

In an instant, nearly ten thousand bull demons were injured.

At the same time, the stone thrower didn't stop working. Each round can take the lives of thousands of cattle, which is much better than the effect of bows and arrows.

A group of people with buckets appeared on the wall and poured the dung into the iron pot.

Yes, the stinky boiling liquid just now is the boiled fecal water.

Feces are human excrement. Once it is boiled, it will cause large scald area and easy to be infected. Most importantly, feces contain various toxins. Once it is poured into the nose, it will be poisoned.

After half an hour, some stone throwers began to strike. After all, these stone throwers were all driven out. Their quality was poor. It was very good to use them for half an hour.

Half an hour later, most of the pitching machines were almost dead.

So, another city guarding weapon began to appear on the stage, and in the twinkling of an eye, it was the evening, because three kinds of city guarding weapons were added, which caused more casualties to the Bull Demon clan, at least twice as much as yesterday.

Knowing the news, Lei Jiuming couldn't help laughing.

Song Yan once again came to the city wall and looked at the group of black robed ox demons who collected souls on the battlefield below. He could not help wondering: "is the purpose of the ox demons to promote this war to collect souls"

: second watch

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