Magic Love Ring

Chapter 814

Chapter 814

It was night, song Yan's figure flashed, and he appeared near the army camp of Dali Bull Demon clan.

clairvoyance is on, searching for the whereabouts of those black robed ox demons.

Soon, he found the black robed bull demons. They lived in a camp together, and now they were sitting on the ground. The blood red skull crystal ball was floating in front of them, and the figures on it were flickering and making silent growls.

The roaring figures include the bull demons and the human beings. Their faces are full of fear, bitterness, resentment and unwillingness.

If song Yan is not wrong, these black devil people are having a skull crystal ball to wipe out their consciousness.

"Is this the purpose of the ox demon family to launch the war"

one by one weird skull crystal ball, song Yan fell into deep thought.

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Finally, after the third hour, the floating crystal balls fell one after another, and the faces of the black robed bull demons were extremely tired. Obviously, it is not a simple thing for them to wear out the will of those souls through the skull crystal ball.

The accomplishments of these black robed ox demons are not too high, only the level of the great master. Moreover, under the black robe, their cheeks are extremely pale.

Heart read a move, song inkstone released Huang inkstone.

In a flash, Huang Yan appeared behind a black robed ox demon in the camp. First, he cut a hand knife into the ox demon's neck, then grabbed the ox demon and disappeared in the camp. Then, he disappeared with a skull crystal ball.

Seeing his companions being taken away, the other black robed ox demons were shocked.


the figure of Huang Yan appears beside song Yan. Then, they perform the technique of moving at the same time and appear in the small courtyard in the blood river city.

The puppet magic

Song Yan put a puppet magic into the body of the black robed ox demon who was dizzy. Originally, his mental power became extremely weak after the soul and will in the crystal ball were destroyed. In addition, it was still fainted. Therefore, once the puppet magic entered other body, he successfully captured it.

After a while, the black robed ox demon family woke up and knelt down on the ground and kowtowed: "I'll see you very much."

"What do you collect souls for?" Song asked.

Duoman said truthfully: "back to the master, this is the order of the great Bull Demon emperor. He ordered us to collect two million souls"

"it's the great Bull Demon emperor"

Song Yan secretly called out: "what is he collecting souls for"

duoman said: "according to the little man's guess, he wants to sacrifice heaven and earth to make his cultivation reach the realm of the God"
the God of evil is the same level as the God of the human race.

At the same time, he also understood the purpose of the great Bull Demon emperor to launch the war. Just for one's own sake, he would let two million people die, including the Bull Demon family. This great Bull Demon emperor is really a ruthless man.

Thinking of this, song Yan asked again, "what are these crystal balls? Why do you want to wipe out the will of those souls?"

duoman said: "back to the master, this crystal ball is a kind of special spiritual device, which has the function of attracting the soul, and at the same time, it can also wipe out the will of the soul that is inhaled into it. The main reason to wipe out the will of those souls is that sacrifice requires the purest soul, You can't have any distractions. "

After learning this information, song Yan decided to prevent the bull demons from becoming demons through sacrifice.

Thinking of this, he took this black robed ox demon man and went straight to tongshuai mansion.

Half a quarter of an hour later, after hearing song Yan's story, Lei Jiuming's expression became more serious.

Originally, the strength of the demon clan was far stronger than that of the human clan. If another demon appeared in the Bull Demon clan, it would be a very bad thing for the human clan.

Therefore, Lei Jiuming decided to kill more than 100 black robed ox demons in any case and not let them continue to collect souls.

Half an hour later.

Song Jiuhe, Han Gu, Tu Shixiong and Xiong Tianba appear in the courtyard of song Yan.

After several days of cultivation with the best crystal, their accomplishments have improved to a certain extent.

"Commander, what's the task this time?" Song Jiuhe asked excitedly.

"Assassinate" Song Yan said in a deep voice, and then told the story to the four people. After hearing it, the four people all showed their boundless duty to kill more than 100 black robed ox demons even if they sacrificed.

Soon, song Yan and four people came to the army camp of Dali Bull Demon clan.

The perspective of God opened, and found that the group of black robed ox demons were still in the camp, but their camp was surrounded by six more ox demons' martial saints.

"It's not easy to start"

Song Yan frowned. The speed of wusheng was extremely fast. Under the guard of six wusheng of niumo, as soon as they showed up, six wusheng of niumo would break into the camp immediately.

Four vs. six martial saints have no chance to win at all. What's more, they are still in the army of others."Commander, when will you leave?" Song Jiuhe asked.

"Don't worry, wait for the chance," Song Yan said in a deep voice.

However, at dawn, song Yan didn't have a chance to do anything, so he had to take four martial saints back to Xuehe city.

Commander's office.

Lei Jiuming looks forward to the inkstone: "is it successful"

Song Yan shakes his head: "no chance to start."

"What should I do?" Lei Jiuming said. josei

Song Yandao: "I have observed that at the end of each war, those people in black robes will go to the battlefield to collect souls. We can choose to start at that time. However, last night, I took one of them away. I think it must have been a surprise. So it's very difficult to act today. Moreover, once we do, we have to hit it, or we'll find it hard to go out for the second time The chance of hand "

Lei Jiuming thought:" OK, I'll transfer all the martial saints of the blood river city to you "

today's siege has started again. However, after a day and a night's drive, there are more than 3000 stone throwers on the wall, and the number of iron pots has increased to 5000.

Therefore, under the two big killers of the stone thrower and even the boiling dung water, as many as 150000 strong bull demons died.

At the end of one day's siege, the group of black robed ox demons appeared on the battlefield again, collecting souls with skull crystal.

Around them, however, there are twenty martial Saint escorts of the Bull Demon family. Even if song Yan wants to kill the black robed Bull Demon people, he has no chance.

After careful calculation, these black robed ox demons have collected more than one million souls. They can collect two million souls in ten days at most.

In a flash, five days is over.

Under the attack of the powerful Bull Demon clan, the blood river city has become crumbling.

Once the city is broken, the soldiers in the blood river city can't stop the ferocious ox demons at all.

And song Yan hasn't found a chance to attack those black robed cattle demons.

For a while, he was a little fidgety, thinking about how to assassinate these black robed ox demons and minimize the loss. Campus Belle,

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