Magic Love Ring

Chapter 847

Chapter 847

In the southern region, it is also against the trend of

How can there be no sign in advance

many people are stunned by this news. At the same time, some ambitious people are secretly happy to see that the Allied forces in the eastern region are defeated by the army. However, when the southern region is against the trend, they will send troops to help the eastern region.

Then, the general situation that the military had not easily created was ripped out in an instant.

When she heard that Nanyu was also rebellious, eight of them were shocked, especially Chu was furious, because she never dreamed that song Yan was the one who took Nanyu rebellious. At that time, she was in a hurry and angry, and said with gnashing teeth: "I knew that kid was a disaster. If I could kill him recklessly, I would not have today's event, but Unfortunately, now it's too late to regret "

then, the meeting of the military aircraft battalion was opened again in.

During this period of time, eight people held meetings in succession, which was unimaginable as usual.

Conference room.

Eight people gathered together. Everyone's faces were not very good-looking. They were about to beat the flames of the eastern region. Unexpectedly, another southern region Martial Arts Alliance emerged.

"Everybody, what's your opinion and suggestion about the revolt in the southern region?" I looked around and began with a gloomy face.

None of the seven dared to speak out.

It is obviously unrealistic to send troops to attack. Although there are tens of millions of soldiers under the military aircraft camp, more than five million troops are stationed in seven border battlefields.

Three hundred elite soldiers have been dispatched to attack the eastern region.

Even if we need to transfer troops, it's good to draw out a million. What's more, the southern region has sent troops to the eastern region. Even if the military barracks want to transfer troops, it's too late.

It is because of this that we dare not speak freely.

"Chu, do you have a good proposal?" year's eyes fell on Chu's face. josei

When she was named, Chu knew that she could not refuse. She was worried about how to reply. Suddenly, she thought, "it's better to use the bloody guard to assassinate Huang Liang."

hearing the word "bloody guard", many people, including Nian, couldn't help turning pale.

"It's not right. It's hard for xueshawei to control, and killing heart is too heavy. Once they are released, it's a disaster." Jiang Taifeng, who doesn't usually speak very much, said in a deep voice. When he spoke, there was a taboo in his eyes.

Chu's voice followed closely, with a kind of allusion and sarcasm: "when a great event is achieved, the bloody guards will be released. Although there will be endless troubles, have you ever thought that once the southern region supports the eastern region successfully, the other seven regions will not have ambitious people to take advantage of the situation, but at that time, our military camp will surely become a real one. Compared with the survival of the military camp, the bloody guards will be built "No matter what, I don't agree to send out the bloody guards," Jiang said firmly.

Chu sneered and said, "Jiang doesn't agree to send out the bloody guards. There must be a better way to deal with the southern region. Let's say that we can let the younger sister gain insight."

in the face of Chu's cynicism, Jiang's face could not help blushing: "I don't have a good way either."

Chu continued: "since there's no way, it's only to use blood to protect people's feelings."

people don't speak, subconsciously look to Nian and wait for him to make a statement.

According to the historical records of the military barracks, five hundred years ago, the military barracks sent three bloody guards to carry out the task. In the end, they all completed the task, but in the process of carrying out the task, they killed more than 300000 innocent people.

Two hundred and seventy-six years ago, the military aircraft battalion also sent the bloody guards to carry out the task. This time, five bloody guards were sent out. As a result, this time, these five bloody guards wiped out a small city of one million people, which turned that small city into a ghost. So far, it has become a remnant. Anyone who steps on it can hear the roar of the enemy.

The most recent use of the bloody guards was more than 80 years ago. As a result, only two bloody guards were sent out this time. As a result, the two bloody guards were locked up for too long. As soon as they came out, they were killed. They almost met the villagers and killed people.

There were more than two million people killed by their sword. Later, seeing that this was not the way to go, the military destroyed them before two bloody guards finished their task.

Today, there are less than 30 remaining bloody guards, most of whom have died in prison.

Nian didn't speak at once. He was thinking. After a while, there was a sinister flash in his eyes: "I agree to send out the bloody guards"

seeing Nian's promise, Chu couldn't help being excited: "I also agree to" when she spoke, she deliberately looked at Zhang.

After thinking about it, Zhang also nodded: "I agree with you"

although the bloody guards will cause a lot of deaths, compared with the dominant position of the military aircraft battalion, the people who have no death point are nothing. After all, he is used to being a tyrant in his position. Once the military aircraft battalion is disbanded, how can he still be a tyrant.

"You guys, the bloody guards will surely kill when they go out. Once they are known by the world, the prestige of our military camp will be greatly reduced." Jiang Taifeng said bitterly."Hum, bloody guards are the highest secret of our military camp. As long as we don't disclose it, who will know?" said Chu Leng.

In the end, five people agreed to send out bloody guards, Huang Pu and Li abstained, and Jiang Taifeng and Jiang opposed it.

"OK, the proposal of sending out the bloody guards was approved. Now, we should consider how many bloody guards we should send out." the year began again.

There was a flash of resentment in Chu's eyes: "we propose to release all the bloody guards into two groups. If one group goes to the eastern region, it's better to kill Lei Jiuming. If the other group goes to the southern region, it's better to kill Huang Liang's little beast."

"are you crazy in Chu? More than 30 bloody guards are all out, which will cause the death of at least ten million ordinary people?" Jiang Taifeng cried out in a low voice.

"Both the eastern and southern regions are anti thieves, and it doesn't matter how many people die," said Chu Yin.

"Although the eastern and southern regions are against each other, ordinary people are not guilty, and we do not agree to send out all the bloody guards," Jiang Taifeng argued.

"Chu's a little bit too much. It's not good to send all the bloody guards out." Huangpu also objected.

"Well, let's start with twenty bloody guards, ten to the eastern region, and ten to the southern region." in, he decided to do it. Then he looked at Chu again and said, "Chu, let's do the thing to release the bloody guards."

"OK, don't worry about the new year"

at the end of the meeting, Chu hurried out of the holy city with two martial Saint guardians and passed his son A secret transmission of the city came to a deep mountain.

The deep mountain is silent, with no sound, gloomy and terrifying.

: second change

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