Magic Love Ring

Chapter 848

Chapter 848

Eastern battlefield.

There is only a hundred miles between the military forces and the camps of the Allied forces in the eastern region, and there is only a small river between them. josei

The news that the southern region was also rebellious came to the ears of the eastern region coalition. The morale of the eastern region coalition, which had suffered four defeats in a row, was very low. The morale of the eastern region coalition was immediately refreshed and cried out with excitement. Because the southern region was not only rebellious, but also sent three million troops to support the eastern region coalition.

On the other hand, the situation of the army is just the opposite. Seeing the victory is in sight, the southern region will send three million troops. The number of the Allied forces in the eastern region is larger than that in the military. After the fourth World War, the gap is not big. Now there are three million new troops. How can we fight this war? So the morale of the military is high, and the mood of many soldiers is low Become a little confused, scared.

For the change of morale, Yan Wudi is in the eyes, anxious in the heart, but there is no way to resolve it.

However, he can only summon a cadre of generals to lead the meeting.

In Shuai's account, Yan Wudi was in the first place. He glanced over the generals and found that their faces were more or less worried.

Even the general behaved like this, not to mention the soldier

for a while, Yan Wudi's heart sank again and said: "look at you, what are you doing? Have we lost the battle?"

when this words came out, all the generals were ashamed.

"Commander in chief, it's not his subordinates who say the words of desperation. Seeing the victory in sight, it's just that the southern region participated in it. That's three million people," sighed a general in his fifties.

Yan Wudi sneered: "how about three million people? As long as we kill the eastern alliance before the arrival of the southern army, this victory is not necessarily ours."

another leader said: "commander in chief, although the eastern alliance has lost four times in a row, they still have three million troops. Now, their morale is rising. The morale of our soldiers is low. We should be in the southern region How easy is it for the army to defeat them before they come? Unless they have a decisive battle with us "

hearing the last sentence of the general, Yan Wudi's eyes suddenly brightened and slapped the table:" yes, as long as they are forced to fight against us, who wins or who loses? "A general asked questions.

"Not necessarily" Yan Wudi showed a confident smile.

Hearing that Yan Wudi had a way, all the generals were shocked by his spirit. Before that, the old general asked eagerly, "I don't know what the commander-in-chief has to do"

Yan Wudi sorted out his thoughts and said, "have you found that the four battles, although the second was the defeat of the eastern alliance, were more and more strict in their military discipline and array"


Yan Wudi continued: "the alliance of eastern regions is just a mob. If they can be trained to this extent in a short period of time, then the other side must have a commander who is very good at arranging troops and arrays. However, the commander is quite mysterious and hasn't appeared. Even so, he shows us some clues."

"Oh, do you know the commander of the other side?" The veteran asked again.

"If this commander-in-chief guessed correctly, the leader of the other side should be very leijiuming," said Yan Wudi firmly.

"No, he was promoted to the director of the inspector general." the veteran asked, and the general nodded.

Yan Wudi said with a smile: "you only know one unknown and the other is that Lei Jiuming has indeed been promoted to the post of chief inspector of the army. However, the bu he trusted in has withdrawn from the military camp, so his post of chief inspector has been removed."

"no, he has made so much contribution to the promotion of chief inspector of the army in the blood River battlefield. How can I say that a general can be removed if he is removed?" There is a faint meaning in the tone to fight for Lei Jiuming.

Hearing this, Yan Wudi was shocked to know that the topic could not continue. He quickly turned the conversation: "we just need to send someone to the holy city to check whether there is anyone in Lei's mansion. Once it is determined that the commander of the other side is Lei Jiuming, our commander will have a way to force him to fight."

one day later, Yan Wudi received the news from the holy city that Lei's mansion has been sent to the building Empty.

Knowing the news, Yan Wudi's mood was a little complicated. He murmured: "Lei Jiuming, Lei Jiuming. I can't imagine that there is still a moment when we two fight in the battlefield"

sighed. Then he ordered people to prepare ink, paper and ink, and wrote a letter with the pen on the head, which was sent to the camp of the Allied forces in the eastern region.

Soon, Lei Jiuming received a letter from Yan Wudi. Looking at the four vigorous big words "brother Lei opens himself" on the envelope, Lei Jiuming's eyes narrowed slightly and said in secret. Unexpectedly, that guy guessed it was me so quickly. However, I'd like to see what he wrote in his letter.

After opening the letter, Lei Jiuming finished reading it quickly, and then a sneer appeared on his face: "Yan Wudi, Yan Wudi, you want to force me to fight with you, but you really think I can't see your mind"

the figure of song Yan suddenly appeared in the handsome account.

"Xiao Huang, you come at the right time. Look at this letter"

Lei Jiuming throws that letter to song Yan. After Song Yan finishes reading it, he smiles and says, "Yan Wudi is going to force you to fight.""Not bad." Lei Jiuming nodded: "once your army in the southern region arrives, he will surely lose. If he wants to win, he has to force me to fight"

"then what do you think"

Song Yan asked.

Lei Jiuming was silent for a while: "to be honest, I want to have a fair fight with him, because when we were young, we played under the account of commander Gao, and he always wanted to beat me. So I was very unconvinced and wanted to really defeat him once. Unfortunately, I was transferred to the blood River battlefield, and there was no chance to defeat him again.

However, this time is about the future of the eastern and southern regions. Even if I want to defeat him again, I can't use my energy. So he wrote this letter in vain "

after listening to Lei Jiuming's statement, song Yan can't help smiling. I didn't expect that Lei Jiuming had such a past:" Lao Lei, actually, I think I can fight him "

" why "Lei Jiuming had some accidents However, he knew that song Yanzhi had a good plan. He would not shoot without reason, but had his plan.

"First, fulfill your wish" song Yandao: "second, it's because I've been playing the flag of rebellion, so I don't have to hide anymore"

"you mean, you need to set up a big array to deal with him." Lei Jiuming asked tentatively.

Song Yan nodded.

Lei Jiuming said: "if this is the case, it's not difficult to defeat him, but I feel that I'm cheating"

"bitch is hypocritical"

Song Yan's unpopular way: "this is the battlefield, as long as you can win, you can use it everywhere. Besides, you need to put me in such a formation, you don't need to fight with each other, besides, each other's soldiers Horses are all elite soldiers. You are in charge of a group of people. That's all. The other side has already taken a huge advantage. So, you can use a little other means, which is nothing "

scolded by song Yan. Lei Jiuming suddenly realizes:" yes, I'm good. I'll write back to that guy "

: sanguine

update completed today

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