Magic Love Ring

Chapter 875

Chapter 875

After all, what happened at the meeting was passed on. Purple

especially through the mouth of the six disciples of the martial god, the martial god's words spread to every corner of the world in a very short time under the spread of the people who are interested.

All of a sudden, there was a big earthquake and the tide surged.

Wushen, the sea god needle of the human race, the patron saint of the human race, ordinary people have a kind of inexplicable worship and trust for them.

Now, the three martial gods have all come forward to ask for the dissolution of the great military Empire, which shows that the establishment of the Empire will indeed bring disasters to the human race. In this case, is there any need for the existence of the Empire

therefore, people all over the world are talking about whether the Empire will be dissolved and when.

Because of the influence of this speech, it was very difficult to carry out the smooth establishment of household registration. The people who had been extremely cooperative no longer cooperated. Even under the instigation of some sects, some people began to attack the newly established government.

As for the construction of schools, there have also been changes.

Parents who have already sent their children to school have taken their second daughter back. Those who intend to send their children also put out the idea of sending their children to school.

At the same time, there are also places where the school built was smashed by some people.

Today, all six cabinet elders are here, with more or less worried faces.

Song inkstone, on the other hand, is looking at the latest memorials.

After a while, he put down the memorial in his hand and said to the six cabinet elders, "what's the matter with the six love Qing"

seeing song Yan so calm, the six cabinet elders were also quite relieved.

"Your Majesty. "Duanmu Chong walked out:" I have something to play. "

Song Yan nodded.

Duanmu Chong is not only a cabinet elder, but also a minister of the Ministry of the household. He is the top official of the Ministry. He also promotes the establishment of household registration files.

Nowadays, the household registration files of Shengjing and the provinces around Shengjing have been established. Nowadays, a large number of household department officials have gone to the other two provinces, but at this time, rumors broke out, which had a great impact on the household department officials who went to establish the household registration files. Many residents under the government no longer cooperate with each other. They were planning to put the household registration files of the two provinces in half a month After that, it seems that we can't finish it even if we double the time. josei

Therefore, this is exactly what Duanmu Chong wants to report.

"Your Majesty, if the rumor is not stopped, it is likely to shake the foundation of the country." finally, Duanmu Chong said with a worried face.

"I see." Song Yan nodded: "do you have anything else"

"Your Majesty, I have something to play." Gu Xie Youjie walked out and began to report.

The Ministry of work is responsible for the construction of the school, but after it is completed, it is handed over to the Ministry of rites, and the Ministry of rites minister is held concurrently by Gu Xieyou.

Because of the influence of Wushen's speech, the Ministry of works has stopped building schools. As for the auditorium, officials are also mobilized to persuade those parents who have dropped out of school to send their children back to the school. Unfortunately, the effect is not good.

Later, several other senior ministers reported some things one after another. For example, the expansion of Wushen's speech and the private activities of the whole clan were not good.

"What do you think of these things? Is there a way to solve them?" Song Yan asked.

None of the six cabinet elders spoke.


Song Yan sighed softly: "all problems are caused by Wushen's speech. As long as Wushen changes his speech, all problems will be solved"

"it's very difficult.". "

" yes. " Song Yan nodded and sneered: "the purpose of the three old guys is to let me disband the Empire, so they won't take back these remarks anyway"

"what should I do?" the six old men were worried.

"You have been working hard. Let's go down first. I want to be quiet"

six old men have been retired after drinking, but there is a sharp killing chance in Song Yan's eyes. Just now, he didn't say a word. The reason why the words of Wu Shen will have such a great impact on the people in the world is that he won the country badly.

In the real world, he studied the history of Yanhuang, and in the last world, he also knew the history of China.

The empires that can last for a long time are all built up after huge wars and countless people die, but those built by opportunism can't last forever.

For example, in the Sui Dynasty in the history of China, the life span is only a few decades due to the improper acquisition of the country.

In Tang Dynasty, Li's father and son fought for many years, so they lived for hundreds of years.

Another example is the Ming Dynasty, which also experienced many wars and killed countless people. It was founded by Zhu Hongwu. Therefore, it has a life span of several hundred years.

And song Yan's own empire.

Except for several wars between the Wudao alliance and the military barracks, there were almost no wars. What he used was coercion and inducement for the benefit. Compared with the dead mountains and blood sea of other countries at the beginning, the great military empire was too moderate.Because there is no experience of blood and death, people all over the world lack of fear of the great military empire.

Therefore, as soon as the Wushen's words came out, people all over the world would dare to oppose the Empire, and those clans would dare to engage in wind and rain in secret. This makes song Yan realize that it's really not easy to take the road of opportunism.

Because he realized this, he did not rush to deal with the current rumors, but let them ferment. He would like to see how many people want to see the dissolution of the Empire and how many sects are engaging in wind and rain.

Once they jump to the surface, his army and experts will come out to let the world know that the empire is not gentle, but Iron-blooded.

Half a month passed in a flash.

The influence of Wushen's speech is more and more great. People all over the world don't take the newly established Empire seriously. It can be said that the whole world has become a mess and various crimes are happening everywhere.

As for some clans, they sent their own disciples to assassinate officials and soldiers in secret. Therefore, in this period of time, officials and soldiers were killed and injured countless times.

But the Empire didn't respond much.

Five days later, wanyangzong in the southeast province finally couldn't bear to fight. He put on the banner of saving the human race, rebelled against the Empire, and raised 100000 troops to attack the provincial capital.

At that time, wanyangzong became the focus of the people in the world. If wanyangzong won the provincial capital and was not eliminated by the Empire in a short period of time, then the world sects will follow suit.

Three days later, the army of wanyangzong laid down three cities, killing and looting, resulting in the death of millions of people, the burning of countless houses, and the looting of countless ordinary people's property.

On the fourth day, the army of wanyangzong had come to the capital city of the southeast Province, and the army of wanyangzong had been expanded to 180000

but the Empire did not send reinforcements for this. The 50000 troops in the provincial capital were allowed to fight against wanyangzong alone.

In the end, after half a month's hard work, the provincial capital was defeated, and more than half of the 50000 garrison troops were killed and wounded, leaving all the rest captured.

In the Imperial Palace, song Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, because he felt that the power of qi movement in his body had dissipated. When the memorial of the attack on the southeast provincial capital came, he immediately understood the reason for the collapse of qi movement

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