Magic Love Ring

Chapter 876

Chapter 876

Palace, study.

Two officials from the military and the official departments gathered here, waiting for the emperor's presence.

Nowadays, the capital of southeast province was attacked by wanyangzong. Although it has not occupied the whole southeast Province, it is a matter of time before the Empire will respond.

Therefore, the two officials came to the emperor in a hurry, hoping that he would send troops to destroy wanyangzong and save the southeast province.

"Gu Xie Ge Lao, why hasn't your majesty come?"

both officials have been here for a long time and haven't seen the emperor. Therefore, Lei Jiuming, as a general, can't help asking Gu Xie you to rob, because his granddaughter is the queen.

Gu Xieyou smiled bitterly and shook his head: "general Lei asked me. I don't know."

Just then, a sound of footsteps came.

Everyone was shocked, but soon found that it was not song Yan who came to the study, but a female official.

After saluting the people, the female official said: "please come back, your majesty is closing, so I can't come to see you"

"closing" hearing that song Yan is closing, Lei Jiuming's heart can't help but get angry, and he has no good way: "when is the time, he still has the heart to think of closing"

"please come back, your majesty, leave"

the female official once again to the people People salute and quit the study.

"You guys, now that your majesty is closed, what can we do?" Lei Jiuming said angrily. Because song Yan, the emperor, is also the commander of the army, Lei Jiuming can't send troops without his order.

"I can only wait for your majesty to pass," Bu Yishen said.

One day

two days

three days

ten days later, Lei Jiuming and yigange old man came to see each other every day, but song Yan was still closed, and Lei Jiuming, who was impatient, almost broke into song Yan's closed place and pulled him out.

because the situation in the Empire has become worse.

The southeast province has been jointly attacked by wanyangzong and several other sects. Now it is preparing to attack the southern province by integrating its troops.

After the establishment of the Empire, the nine regions were changed into the thirty-six provinces. The southern provinces were formed by the division of the southern regions. Now, the qingweimen was also on the territory of the southern provinces. If the southern provinces were broken, it would have a huge impact on the Empire.

At the same time, in the northern provinces, the western provinces and the northwest provinces, there were clans rising up to attack the imperial city.

But because of the emperor's closure, there were no soldiers and horses in the Empire, but they could not send troops to support them, which made the cities of these three provinces taken down in succession.

For a time, other provincial clans were eager to start the army.

Of course, with the rise of these clans, it is the ordinary people who suffer the most, especially the soldiers and horses of wanyang clan. Every time they break a city, they have to carry out some burning, killing and looting, which makes the death toll of ordinary residents keep rising.

At that time, the dead relatives and the residents who have lost their families all regretted it, because they are the ones who support the words of Wushen. As a result, when the clan starts to fight, those who are hurt are not only the imperial officials and soldiers, but also them. If they don't join in the fun, those clan will not start to fight. Now, they won't fall to the point of family destruction.

Go to the study

"no, I'm going to pull him out today anyway. Now the whole world is in such a mess. What can I do to break the pass?" Lei Jiuming angrily drinks and rushes to the place where song Yan is closed. A few times ago, a lot of senior ministers would block him, but today, no one is blocking him.

Because they all realized that if song Yan didn't come out to preside over the overall situation, the Empire might really collapse from the analysis.

However, just after Lei Jiuming rushed out of the study, a clear female voice sounded: "the emperor is here"

Lei Jiuming looked up and saw song Yan in plain clothes coming slowly with the support of two female officials.

"See your majesty"

no matter how angry Lei Jiuming is, he has to behave in a proper manner.

"You don't have to be polite. You are all in peace."

Song Yan passed by the people and took a seat on the Dragon chair.

"Your Majesty, you have to play"

"Your Majesty, you have to play"

Song Yan raised his hand: "I know what you have to play. In fact, these days, I am not closed"

once you say that, six cabinet elders are all ignorant.

Lei Jiuming is furious. We are all worried about the Empire. Your emperor deliberately avoids us. Thinking of this, he turns around and walks out, saying:

"this general is wrong, who likes to be who?"


Song Yan cheers.

"Why, do you want to cure me?" Lei Jiuming stared at Song Yan, his eyes full of anger.

"Lao Lei, you are always so impatient. When I finish speaking, you will not be late to go again." Song Yan said helplessly. <>"Don't be impulsive, general Lei. Listen to your majesty first." Jiang Taifeng persuades.

"That good, I want to listen to you to be able to say a what to come" Lei Jiuming sneers. josei

So, in the following, song Yan will get the country's improper words to the people said many times.

Just now, everyone thought it was absurd, but when we think about it carefully, it is true that there were too few wars before the founding of the people's Republic of China. Therefore, people all over the world lacked the awe of the Empire. Just like this, just one God of arms said that before the God of arms himself, he would make the Empire disappear.

"What is your majesty going to do?" Lei Jiuming's anger also subsided.

"Keep still and let him be disordered," said Song Yan.

"But this is bound to cause many civilian casualties," Lei worried.

Song Yan sneered: "I'm not afraid of the jokes of the Qing family. The purpose of establishing this empire is to defeat or destroy the demons. Imagine if we put down the rebellion now, and then we will attack the demons in the future, and there will be civil strife again under the instigation of the people who are interested in it When they drag us back, it's better for them to make a mess now. All the people who should jump out should jump out. Let's kill them again. We can even solve the problem of the clan at one stroke. Although at that time, it will cause a lot of damage to our ethnic group, but once we recover, our ethnic group will be stronger "

hearing song Yan's plan, everyone feels very incredible, However, Lei Jiuming's ears are full of excitement and inexplicable. Although many people will die if the world is allowed to go on disorderly, some people are worth dying for the future of the human race.

"Your Majesty, I'm willing to die"

looking at Lei Jiuming, who kneels down in front of him and is ashamed, song Yan smiles: "please get up at Lei Qing's house, I don't blame you"

"thank you very much"

just then, a female official came in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, the battle reports of the seven battlefields have been sent to you," said the female official.

With a wave of hand, seven battle reports fell into song Yan's hands. After reading them, his face was a little gloomy, because the demon and demon families chose to attack seven battlefields at the same time.

This is the time for the demons and demons to see the internal chaos of the human race, or to be encouraged by the intentional people. When he thought of this, his eyes were a little distant. In his heart, he said: "three martial gods, I hope you didn't make the demons and Demons attack the human race. Otherwise, song Yan vowed to take your dog's life"

: three watchers, today's four watchers

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