Magic Love Ring

Chapter 885

Chapter 885

Song Yan stops in front of a quiet bamboo forest and says to the bodyguard and female official behind him, "you can wait here."

"Yes, your majesty."

The bodyguard and the female official said in unison.

There is a winding gravel path between the bamboo forests. Song Yan walks along this path slowly.

At the end of the path, a simple hut stands on its own. It is a seclusion of the God of martial arts.

"I have seen your majesty."

There are two young girls waiting in front of the hut. This is not the female official in the palace, but the apprentice of the God of martial arts.

"There's no need to be more polite. You all step back." Song Yan nodded.


Two young girls retreated. Song Yan didn't knock at the door, but stood in front of the hut. There was a large palace in the imperial palace that no one lived in. However, Tongtian Wushen met the bamboo forest and built a hut himself.

"Your Majesty, come in."

With the sound of it, the closed cottage opened.

Song Yan stepped in and looked at a woman in blue who was sitting on a bamboo bed. He smiled and said, "the national teacher has been used to living"

the layout in the hut is very simple.

A bamboo bed and a set of wooden chairs.

There is a set of tea set on the wooden table, but there is nothing else.

It's as simple as it can be said.

"Thank you for your concern. It's very good here."

Tongtian Wushen opened his eyes, and there was a close look in his clear eyes.

"That's good. If there is any need, the national teacher can put forward it." Song Yan continued. josei

"I don't know what your Majesty's order is for you to come here"

Tongtian Wushen said, but the intimacy in his eyes had disappeared, and the whole person was cold.

Song inkstone said: "why, can't you come to see the national teacher if you are OK"

hearing this, the cold eyes of Tongtian Wushen once again rose to waves, but immediately his face was heavy: "please respect yourself."

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly: "I promised you a hundred years of life. I have given you the 50 years before, and now I will give you the remaining 50 years."

Tongtian Wushen's eyes brightened.

Then, song Yan recited the skills from the cultivation of Peiyuan to the later stage of foundation building.

As long as she cultivates this skill to the later stage of foundation building, it's not hard to say that her life span is 50 years, even if it's 100 years longer.

Only after hearing this, Tongtian Wushen realized the magic of this skill and cultivated it subconsciously.

At once, the energy of heaven and earth gathered in her body, and in a moment, the real yuan was condensed in Dantian.

At the same time, the realm is also rising.

An hour later.

Her cultivation remained in the innate nine fold, and she felt the nourishment of the body from the real yuan in her body. Tongtian Wushen stood up and bowed to song Yan deeply: "thank you for your Majesty's contribution."

"You're welcome. I'll leave first."

"congratulations to your majesty."

Seeing song Yan's figure disappear, a sweet smile suddenly appeared on Tongtian Wushen's mouth.

The civil strife is over.

The establishment of household registration and the construction of school are in full swing under the chairmanship.

In March at most, the household registration of 36 provinces in the world can be consolidated, while the construction of schools will be slower.

The teachers are all appointed by the Empire, but they need a short-term training before going to teach.

With the implementation of these two things, every day song inkstone can sense the growth of air transport in his body.

At the same time, Tiangong academy has received a lot of human and material support. Although the number of fire mines has been raised to 50000 a day for the time being, it is believed that within a short time, the daily output of 100000 pieces required by song Yan will be reached.

Twenty days passed quickly.

The Empire has gradually stabilized, but on the other side of the seven battlefields, the situation has become increasingly tense.

In the past 20 days, the demons expanded their forces again. The total number of demons stationed in the seven battlefields has reached 15 million.

According to the Tamar report: the demons are still increasing their troops, which is an annoying thing.

In the battle field of Blood River, the whole blood river city is shrouded by a large array. Under the city, there are two million soldiers and horses of the powerful Bull Demon family and one hundred thousand soldiers and horses of the wing demon family.

However, the king of the army in the city of Xuehe was only 1.5 million. Once the array was broken, it was very difficult to keep the city of Xuehe. Therefore, in this period of time, Meng Lidu, as the commander in chief, was very worried about his white hair.

"See your majesty"

in the commander's office, Meng Li suddenly fell to his knees.

"Old Meng doesn't need to be polite. Get up," Song Yan said with a smile.

"Thank you, my Lord."

Meng Li stood up with a smile and said, "why is your majesty here?"

Song Yandao: "naturally, I'm here to help you. In this way, you can summon a thousand horses for me."

"yes"Soon, Meng Li gathered a thousand men, all of them elite soldiers.

The next morning.

The powerful Bull Demon and the winged demon family began to attack the city again. The winged demon family flew in the sky and constantly attacked the array defense shield. The soldiers on the city couldn't help them at all. Under the wall, the powerful Bull Demon family focused on attacking some parts of the array.

In a round of attack, the array defense shield is like a wave of light.

All of a sudden, a thousand soldiers and horses came to the wall and spread out on it.


Meng Li is the commander in person.

Suddenly, a huge fire thunder appeared in the hands of thousands of soldiers. Each of the thousands of soldiers wore a storage ring. There was only one thing in a storage ring, that is fire thunder.



with Meng Li's order, thousands of soldiers took off the trap on the fire and thunder, and then all of them surrendered to the ox demon army.

Yesterday, they have been practicing how to drop bombs for a day, so they are quite skillful.

Thousands of round iron balls fell into the army of ox demons, hitting many people, but the power is limited, even can't hurt people, which makes some ox demons soldiers laugh loudly.

But just then.


thousands of loud sounds form a piece, shaking the heaven and earth, even the soldiers on the city wall feel the tremor brought by the explosion.

And then came the innumerable screams. At least tens of thousands of powerful cattle and demons were killed by the thousands of torpedoes, and even more were injured, no less than 50000.

For a while, the Bull Demon clan was blown up.

"Keep throwing"


another thousand fireflies and thunders came down. After a lot of bombing, nearly ten thousand bull demons were killed and tens of thousands wounded

"back, fast back"

the demons in charge of the siege immediately ordered the army to retreat. After only two rounds of iron pimples, the enemy almost blew up two hundred thousand siege troops, waiting for the whole army to perish

The soldiers on the wall cheered loudly when they saw the strong ox demon family retreating in panic, but Meng Li was a little stunned. I never thought that the fire thunder sent by his majesty had such great power.

At the same time, the other six battlefields also received fire and thunder from Song Yan, and played an unimaginable role in today's battle.

That evening.

Song Yan received the battle reports from the seven battlefields. It is preliminarily estimated that the number of demons killed by fire and thunder has reached 200000, and the number of wounded has reached at least one million.

Fire and thunder initial construction work

: a change

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