Magic Love Ring

Chapter 886

Chapter 886

For the next few days.

Instead of being scared away by the fire and thunder, the demons allied forces attacked the array more and more crazily.

The harder the attack, the greater the damage.

Therefore, in a few days, the number of demon soldiers killed by fire and thunder has reached two million, and the number of wounded has reached six million.

Even though the demons have increased their troops to 20 million, the 8 million casualties are still unbearable to them.

Therefore, the demons attacked for another three days, adding millions of casualties, and had to withdraw.


The news of the withdrawal of the demons from the seven battlefields spread all over the world.

In order to calm the civil strife and defeat the demons, both the prestige of the great military Empire and the prestige of song Yan, the great military emperor, reached their peak at this moment.

In the palace.

Song Yan is sitting in the secret room.

Song Yan could not help sighing and sighing at the power of surging Qi. His strength had been raised too fast. He was sure that if there was a war with sit and forget Wushen again, he could completely suppress it by himself.

It's a pity that the power of fortune is only given to him by the world. Once he leaves the world, he will not take it with him.

Knowing this, song Yancai is not lost in the growth of Qi Yun's power, but pays more and more attention to his cultivation.

This time, the two clans of demons can't steal chicken and eat rice. They're afraid that they won't engage in fighting in the next ten years. Song Yan plans to take advantage of this ten years to strengthen national strength.

Two months later.

After the establishment of the national household registration files, song Yan gained a lot of fortune.

A year later, schools built by the Empire appeared in every city in the country, and his fortune grew again.

In more than a year, the damage caused by civil strife has completely recovered.

Therefore, song Yan opened his second step plan and compiled a large volume of martial arts.

The compilator is the national master Tongtian Wushen, and the deputy compilator is the Oriental Wushen and Duanmu Wushen.

Half a year ago, the Oriental Tianya and Duanmu Chong refined the divinity one after another and became the martial god.

Dongfang Tianye was granted the title of Dongfang Wushen by song Yanfeng and Duanmu Chong was granted the title of Duanmu Wushen. However, Duanmu Chong is no longer suitable to be an elder. After all, his strength is there, and the blood of strength is still flowing in the bones of people in the world.

If duanmuchong continues to serve as a garret elder, it is likely to create a unique family.

Of course, it was Duanmu Chong who offered to resign as an old man.

At the beginning of the civil war, song Yan and Da Longwei killed many martial saints and great masters, as well as their clan's advanced skills and martial arts.

Even so, song Yan still issued an imperial edict, ordering the world to give a Book of the first three skills and martial arts in his clan.

After learning song Yan, the Iron-blooded and ruthless means of the emperor, and the national strength of the Empire, no sect dared to violate his will. Within ten days, no less than 100000 skills and martial arts were sent from all over the country.

There are two purposes to compile song inkstone: one is to create a relatively easy to get started with, which is suitable for the cultivation of the people in the world, and has good power; the other is to let all the people in the world come out of the Empire.

This can increase the centripetal force and cohesion of the people of the Empire.

In addition to the compilation of the martial arts volume, song Yan also expanded the Tiangong academy ten times, and almost all the world's skilled craftsmen were admitted to the Tiangong Academy.

Because of the expansion of Tiangong academy, more and more scientific and technological weapons have been developed.

First of all, the guns and guns were fired one after another.

Firearm is the combination of talisman and array. Its power has exceeded the largest gun in the real world.

Even if the nine heavy Alchemist is shot, he will surely die.

As for the artillery, it is an expanded version of the firearm. Even if the grand master is bombarded by the artillery, he will die or die.

The last is the improvement of fire and thunder. After the research of a craftsman of Tiangong academy, on the basis of the original, the original power of fire and thunder has been doubled, and toxic gas fire and thunder, smoke fire and thunder have been developed.

Then, song Yan threw a steam engine drawing to Tiangong Institute.

Unexpectedly, only half a year later, the people of Tiangong academy made the steam engine.

Since the steam engine appeared, is the train still far away? The empire is too large. Although there is a transport array, it costs too much to transport soldiers. Therefore, the soldiers usually don't choose to use the transport array, but in this way, the speed of sending troops is slow.

If there were a train, the soldiers would not have to run on their legs at all, nor have to rest to go to the battlefield.

Therefore, the emergence of the train can definitely greatly enhance the ruling power of the Empire.

In the study, song Yan is discussing the national policy with a cadre of ministers. Suddenly, the female official leader of Guxie Huayu hurries to report that Guxie Huayu is pregnant.

Hearing this news, song Yan was stunned, and then he was overjoyed. He directly threw down a cadre of ministers to drive to Guxie Huayu's palace

in September, Guxie Huayu gave birth to a son, and song Yan himself named Huang Wu.On the third day that Gu Xie Huayu gave birth to lin'er for song Yan, a message came from the Tiangong institute that the first locomotive on which he was riding had been made.

At the same time, no snow and Ning Ling have been pregnant.

After August, no snow gave birth to a daughter named Huang Xue for song Yan. josei

After no snow gave birth to her daughter for half a month, Ning Ling gave birth to a pair of dragon and Phoenix foetuses for song Yan. Huang Mo was given the name of the emperor's son and Huang Ling was given the name of the emperor's daughter.

As for why Ningling's son was named Huang Mo, it was song Yan's compensation for her. After all, ningmo died in his hands, which was also a kind of sacrifice to ningmo.

After three years, Dawu volume was finally compiled successfully.

There are 18 volumes in the big martial arts volume. The first nine volumes record nine kinds of skills. According to these nine kinds of Xuangong's step-by-step cultivation, all of them can be cultivated to the martial saint. The last nine volumes are full of body method, footwork, sword technique, Sabre technique, etc.

After the compilation of Dawu volume was successful, song Yan rewarded three compilers. Then, he ordered people to take hundreds of thousands of copies of Dawu volume to all schools in the world. As for the original manuscript, it was stored in Huangjia treasure Pavilion.

It is worth mentioning that, because the emperor of Dawu can win every battle, it depends on the array.

Therefore, the array, which was once very popular, has become very popular in recent years. Countless people have begun to study and study the array. At that time, the array has become popular, and Tiangong Institute has combined the array with science and technology, which has more than tripled the speed of the train.

However, the construction of the railway cost a lot of material, manpower and time. Therefore, over the past few years, the railway has only been spread to Shengjing and the surrounding provinces. Next, song Yan decided to build a railway leading to the seven battlefields.

Today, the song Yan banquet is to celebrate the success of the compilation of the martial arts volume. The emperor and empress, as well as Lingfei and Xuefei, all attended with their children. Naturally, there are three martial gods who are meritorious officials.

The banquet lasted for two hours and did not end. However, the prince was still young, and after half of the banquet, the queen and the two concubines left with their children.

Later, the three martial gods left one after another.

After a round of drinking with the minister, song Yan also left. With him, these ministers couldn't let go.

Thinking about the past few years, song Yan is quite emotional. At present, he has completed three systematic tasks. As long as he defeats the demons, he can return to the real world.

"Why did I come here"

looking at the bamboo forest in front of him, song Yan was surprised. He thought about things and didn't pay attention to the direction. Unexpectedly, he came to the small bamboo forest where Tongtian Wushen lived in seclusion.

However, it's already late at night, and song Yan still hasn't stepped into the bamboo forest.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a voice came from the bamboo forest: "since your majesty is on his way, why don't you come in and take a seat"

to invite song Yan, who was stunned, and then walked to the hut along the winding gravel path.

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